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Ve Conditions - For she who is... wierd


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To ANA ( @PerfectlyPeachy ): 
IF YOU WANT HOONSE, FINE. It was passed down to ME from cousin celine, but since your fancy family and your fancy drawings were here first, you can have it. The other kids will SUFFER under your tyranny, but at least they will be yelled at by someone who is everyones auntie and sister and cousin at the same time! 


In return for my suuuper duoper nice letting you take the kingdom, I only have THRIE kontishons:


1) All of the councillors on the previous hoonse oolic council shall be allowed to retain their positions on the new hoonse, if they want to.
2) I myself and beatrice s
hall be given the the title ‘ark-dooch and ark-doochss of oostria’, and also a position on the new hoonse so we can still help.

3) You dont ever ever ever declare war on the bee club! Theyre cool! And they have cool parties!




Aurik, Former King of Hoonse, and hater of nobles (but not all nobles, jus the dumb ones. Some of them are cool and my friends!)



I also have a condition that you give me a quill. Since you didnt give me one at the etiquette lesson and you really should have, because my quill is almost BROKEN right now and if i dont get a neu one i will not be able to fi




Oh what an interesting ride its been.

Hoonse is just a magnet for civil wars and uprisings innit?

Sadly with this one, I am not able to muster the manpower and energy to fight it, since house amador is in need of focus, which means most of my time will be spent on my main character Filip.
However this uprising turns out, I wish all of the children good, consistent rp that will let them develop their characters and make plenty of friends, since after all thats what hoonse is about.

Much love to all of you, @PerfectlyPeachy @petaltothemetal @Madyyy
Ill still be around to advise and stuff oocly and maybe attend some of the events, but as a leader, ill have to take a backseat.


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