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Hearsay of Hanseti-Ruska - XVI

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In Otistadt, Emma Ludovar, sat in front of the fireplace in her room. Her eyes were swollen from the amount of crying she had done for the past few weeks. As a servent brought the newest edition of Hearsay to her room, the girl opened her room for the first time in a week. For the first few hours, the Hearsay lay unopened on her desk, meanwhile Emma sat on her bed in tears. Now, the entirety of Haense would know of what happened. The girl was mortified, just wanting to curl up in a ball and pass that way.

Eventually, the anxiety and curiousity overcame her. With shaking hands, she opened the issue and started reading. Soon, she began to cry once more. Emma had never been so relieved to not have been mentioned in Hearsay. She truely thought she was going to get mentioned, but luckily her secret was safe for now. However, when the Ludovar woman reached the final part of Hearsay, her eyes grew angry. How dared people speak of her family like this. She instantly threw the paper in the fire, put on her clothes and veil, stormed out the door and rode towards Karosgrad. She needed to speak with some people

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AHA! A bitter, spiteful man splutters as he reads through the latest edition. WELL, if they won't publish what I have to say, I'll publish it MYSELF! After cackling for several minutes, the man promptly dashes off to find a quill an ink to buy; only to realise that he was, in fact, bankrupt.

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