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The Ducal Court of 97 SA.


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Issued on the 18th of First Seed, Year 97 of the Second Age




Dear Citizens of Helious, due to recent events and developments Ducial Court shall be held within Helious in one elven day. During this court, we all address the lords of Helious due to many recent developments with them, the current plans for the reconstruction of Helious, taking positions, and more. You shall notice below a list of people that are to receive special invitations for the occasion


Lord of Luminos, Malus 


Lord of Sudwin, Cassio Bishop


Lady of Hudgeo Grove, Laurelai Komenos, and their sibling Timothy Komnenos and Cousin Fallon Komnenos


Lady of Durata, Agatha Hope 


Lady Hera Munnel


Lord Caleb Belmont Munnel


Lady Elise Munnel


Aurik Bishop


Lorec Bani Stormheart




It is also highly advised that all the citizens from Helious make an attempt to attend as it will be a very important court.




OOC: Sunday October 9th @ 3pm EST






His Grace, Jarad Munnel, Taur and Duke of Helious, Patriarch of Munnel


Her Grace, Sorise Munnel, Tauria and Duchess of Helious, Matriarch of Munnel


The Most Honorable, Ember Munnel, Countess of Helious, Heir to the Munnel Family and the Duchy of Helious

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Aurik Bishop rubs his thumb across the edge of the paper as he read, smiling as he came across his name on the paper. "ahh." -+- "Ich vill definately be attending." he went to go prepare a small wagon and some gift wrapping to take with him... for no particular reason.

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Lorec Bani Stormheart read the paper with a puff of his cigar before blinking and re-reading it once more as he read his name then promptly setting it down and taking another puff from his cigar. "Why the hell do people want me around for once?"

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