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[Hexenstadt] Student Handbook

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All students & professors have rules to abide by, that if consistently ignored, may result in contract termination, fines, expulsion, et Cetera.


General Rules

1. - No Dark or Deific Magick is to be cast within school grounds, UNLESS it can save a life. The Citadel shall remain free of ties to any patron but Eshtael.


2. - Keep your (this is not an exhaustive list): hands, feet, projectiles, objects, magick, to yourself.


3. - Student confidentiality is prized, and no Professor may share information regarding private proceedings of the Citadel.


4. -  No student or member of staff may be taken from in-class time/work unless by an official guard’s/army Warrant. However, if they’re not in class or actively teaching, they may be taken without Warrant or a Parent/Guardian’s signed note.

4.1 - A Warrant may be defined as a paper signed by the Head of State or the Lead of the Guardforce/Army stating that the person is to be arrested for a specific reason.


5. - Individuals (including constructs & artificial beings) who continually interrupt the ongoings of the school may be banished from entering the Citadel (including outside classrooms such as the Trebuchet Range, while in-session).

5.1 - Includes those allowed access solely for the Citadel’s Mana Obelisk(s). 

5.2 - The following are exempt from this rule (due to position in the State or School): Headmaster V. DeNurem, Mika Anarion

6. - All students & staff must follow the laws of Lurin.




The Citadel believes in leniency with rules and regulations, and prefers a relaxed approach to them. As such, there may be more warnings before suspension, though the student can also be immediately suspended depending on the severity of their action; however, it is rare. Each student and teacher deserves a safe learning environment, and the Citadel will ensure they have such. Punishments include, but are not limited to:


1st Offence - Verbal Warning

2nd Offence - 2nd Verbal Warning

3rd Offence - In School Suspension [I.S.S.], Removal from Clubs/Coven

4th Offence - Headmaster Intervention, Guardforce Intervention

5th Offence - Expulsion






Professor Mika Anarion


The study which all Lurin soldiers partake in in order to graduate, including, but not limited to, operating cannons, trebuchets, using siege ladders to scale walls, and combative maneuvers. At the end of the program, students will graduate with a certificate and be promoted to (rank).


- Weapon Training

- Siege Machine Training

- Formations Training

- Combat



Professor Roui Tawarenion


The study of wound-mending, first aid, surgical practices, and salve making. Students in this course will learn how to save lives on the battlefield, as well as treating infection and removing objects (such as arrowheads) from wounds.


- First Aid

- Surgical Practices

- Salve Making

- Herb Identification

- Medical Licensing in Lurin (& affiliated territories)



Professor Jon Snowell


The study of Arcane arts, the void, and mana. During the course, the student will learn about the void, the properties of mana, auras, the history of large voidal events [such as Ando Alur], and how Voidal magick is connected to the Material plane - alongside many debates on whether or not such practice is ethical. This course does not teach magick, but may be rewarded to well performing or promising students who are genuinely interested in the voidal theory.


- Void Theory

- Study of Voidal Tears

- Study of Mana

- Defense Against Magick



[Lacks Professor]


 The study of survival for any and all adventures. Within this course, students will learn the proper abilities needed to survive in unique situations, the utilities that one shall need during it, and will be granted opportunities to go on field trips to truly experience situations they will learn about such as being stranded, fighting with wildlife, et Cetera.

- Study of Survival Abilities
- Study of Unique Adventure Situations
- Utility Training
- Experience Out on the Field



Professor Edvard Kervallen


The study of refining and smithing metal. During the course, students will learn how to create jewelry, weaponry, and armor, alongside how to do all of the above safely and in a controlled environment. Alongside this, students of the Metallurgy course will learn of the rare and exotic metals Almaris contains and the effects they have.


- Extracting & smelting ore

- Refining into different items (rings, swords, et Cetera)

- Proper smithing technique

- Rare/Exotic Ores Study



Chancellor Dame Viktoriya


For the overachieving students of the Citadel who wish to learn a magick or pick up alchemy, the Starfell Coven exists. Participation in this elective will not affect the student’s grades, and rather, provides them a way to learn the actual practice of, rather than theories of, magick and the material arts. Alongside this, students who participate in the Coven will be considered the ‘student government’ of the Citadel.


- Student Government

- Magick & Alchemical Tutoring




Art by Artofmaquenda!


Inspired by mythos from many different cultures, the Circles of the Citadel of Hexenstadt are groupings of students based on personality and classes which compete for points and in school competitions (like sports). They are divided into three main categories: The Monoceros Circle, The Qilin Circle, & The Strix Circle, and a fourth smaller circle named The Starfell Circle which acts as the school’s government; one which can only be joined through hard work and dedication. Each also has a Head of the Circle, a student who acts as their leader, and a Head Teacher, a professor who acts as their … Chaperone, of sorts. 




With the colours of Silver & Red, the Monoceros Circle - based upon the myth of the Monoceros creature (otherwise known as the Unicorn) which boasts a magickal affinity and a curved horn - are a house of students who commonly take the Military or Survivalist studies, or typically act frugal and wise. 




With the colours of Bronze & Green, the Qilin Circle - based upon the myth of a scaled stag with dragonlike features, whose rare appearance coincides with the birth or death of a ruler  - is a house of students who commonly take the Medical or Military studies, or typically act clever and attentive.  




With the colours of Gold & Black, the Strix Circle - based upon the myth of a human-bird hybrid whose presence was thought to be ill-omen - is a house of students who commonly take the Metallurgy or Arcane studies, or typically act more benign and playful.




Read more about the Starfell Circle here!


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