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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [VoidandNull] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):








Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Inappropriate Chat


What circumstances led to this ban?


Through RP, my character has been shown to be a crude speaker, and to not respect others. While I keep OOC friendly, the ban was because of me saying "Your mother sucked me good and hard through my jorts", "I'll teach you regent the meaning of shitting bricks", and "Your mother gave me a different kind of head last night". This was in response to IRP racism that was happening to said character's friend. I only figured this out after a no warning, 2-month ban back in October. After speaking to the mod who banned me, only then was I told of why I was banned.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


This ban should have not been for 2 months. I have no priors except a warning in petty theft, I was given 0 information into why I was banned, and I've seen people get 2-weeks for more. Had it been a meme-rp ban, I would have understood, but this felt like it was ridiculous without having any kind of priors, only being told "It should be known things like this can't be said on this server."


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I have friends there, I had ongoing storylines I was taking part in. I was learning alchemy so I could make my way to smoggers to promote role-play and good villainy. I wanted to be parts of communities, almost like a looming threat of sorts to make sure people have driving forces IRP.


Attach other relevant information.




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Stop asking for head you disgusting freak.


hope you get unbanned lad 

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His mother gave him an azdrazi head, not an elfski one!

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For Christmas I hope this gets looked at 

Edit: It did not get looked at for a Christmas miracle. :(

Edited by VoidandNull
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Claimed. Ill be reviewing this shortly.

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Appeal Denied.

After speaking to moderation the appeal doesn't meet the criteria were looking for, we would like to know that you wont say things like this again given the chance, and at this point in time we don't see that. While its understandable that you disagree with the length it doesn't excuse the circumstances that led up to it.

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