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elSillumiran Identity Order


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elSillumiran Identity Order



Kaelan Maeyr’onn, former Okarir’tir 



The Sillumiran since the days of Larihei have made the daunting decision to burden their lives with the blood they spill in battle. They began to conceal their identity in order to prevent their family and fellow Sillumir discovering their real identity. This was done to protect their purity, for an individual that serves within the Sillumiran serves as one of Larihei’s weeping blades, one that tarnishes their own purity to protect others. To avoid judgment and ill-will brought upon them, a ‘number’ system was brought into place in order to distinguish one another, they were given numbers for the mali’thill and their fellow comrades to identify them by. 


On Anonymity

The Identity Order itself is a practice and a discipline every Sillumir shall follow. Where the duty comes to the point of neutralization, anonymity is what protects the faceless soldiers from external dangers. One can not put out the fire of rebellion and not expect revenge from the pesky troublemakers.

The very personal Identity Number is chosen by random, drafted from a bowl that contains the tickets with every number from #002 to #099, except for taken or forbidden ones. For some this number serves as a lucky number, for some that could be their whole new personality. 

While on duty, every Sillumir is ought to wear an own set of armor, given by the state, that carries a personal Identity Number. Every guard is supposed to respond by their number, as the usage of their names are forbidden during duty. Violation of this law, if one reveals their own personality, or the name of another, that will result in a court. 



All the Information regarding one’s rank and number is written down in the secret documents buried down within endless Sillumiran archives. Though, in case of Safety of our own citizenry and the government, these documents are available for Okarir’tir, Sohaer, and Maheral.

If Sillumir’s number is publicly revealed, that Sillumir will be dismissed from the duty, until further investigation. If their honor will be regained, they will be given a new number, to keep their identity anonymous still.


On Personality

With time, when Halerir becomes a proper Sillumir rank, with all their knowledge and experience, they might customize their armor. As every sillumir uniform has their own identity number, it is unique itself. To accent this personality, one could customize their own uniform with paint, stripes and symbols, yet the red cape shall stay as a banner of Silver State and elSillumiran.
As for customizing, the Motherland shall recognize their hero, even if their face is but a mask.
Example of customization: 




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The old elf, now Maheral but former Sillumir nodded in great approvel, memories of epic battles he did for his kin returning, The Night of Four Drakes, The Iron Lich and that Kraken which blocked a trade route he did not recall the name of, if it had any. Certainly it had one..

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