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The Expedition of the Honorbounds


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(OOC) Thank you werewolf and North for giving us an epic event


Report of the first successful expedition in the Mori caves.




"Izû gund sha, ra-ûkil."

(We stand united, as always.)



Last cactus day, the urûkim of the Iron Horde ventured down into the depths of Elverness, as we promise during the last Atrus Covenant. We swiftly dealt with spiders and traps, only to stumble upon a great beast.

Red scales and a golden eye starred at sons and daughters of Krug. It spoke of food, of feeding upon all of Almaris.


He wished to taste the flesh of Krug kin, see if our meat was tasty. After threats of eating us all, we threw an annoying orc at the beast.

The other adventurers who ventured into the cave were not strong enough to coax the beast into flight, leaving the lands of the wood elves. 

The beast told us of his name, Vlos. He told us that soon he would attack from under, feed upon all of the elven race.


We urûkim managed to send the beast away with the help of our shamans. We drove it towards the north, away from the realm Vlos wished to destroy. The beast flew away towards the north. 


This victory of orkish kind will leave us time to prepare the defenses and will assure us that we will not receive an offensive from below.


To the realm of Elverness : 


The honorbounds took an oath and offered their weapons, their warmachines and their armies to destroy the Moris and the Dragaar. We will answer to the call. 

We will rally for the defense of Elverness.


To those who wish to divide the descendants : 


We urûkim have stood against the dark since Krug defeated the deceiver. We will continue to do so regardless of hearsay. 










Destroyer of Elysium.

Champion of Ogrol, Chosen of the Ilzgûlz,

the Brown, the Burned, the Mad.




Waghgoth of klan Lur, Keeper of Knowledge.

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A warlock casts praise to Leyd, oiling the blade arm usually attached to his body. 

"Through flesh and blood, we will prevail.. If only we maintain focus, give your champion strength, so that I may bring you glory over the vile and dark."  

Sage is lit, and hymns are hummed as he prepares his mind for the battles ahead.

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The Dominus of the Iron Horde would read the report for himself, before placing it into a pile of other papers that had piled up throughout the years. "Da descendant kind would radur believe da liez, inztead of uniting agh killing Vlos. But it appearz only da petty zquabblez agh waghz iz whub intereztz them." The Dominus chuckles to himself "And den dey wonder why Alamariz ahm falling apart agh da Mori ahm running rampant."

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"Vlos huh. . . Hmmmm"


Ember began to hum to this as she moved up the stairs to her room, reading this delivered missive.

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Kor'garr the Clanless remembers being in that heated cavern, needing loops of frost vine to simply stay coherent as he recorded the "conversation" with the three headed Dragon... or at that point the massive orc-devouring eyeball and noxious plumes of smoke choking subterranean air.

"Anuddah thret tu owur koind, agh ironikully et'z nub dah Dragun etzelv buht dah zlander et bryngz."



TRANSLATION: "Another Threat to our kind, and ironically it isn't the Dragon itself but the slander it brings..."

This will be mentioned in the Kaktuz Weekli!


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