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The Strange Boy, Vol 1


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The Strange Boy, Vol 1
Scribed by,
Jonathan O’Kieran


Chapter 1. The Nobles


In a dark, and gloomy forest, there was a caravan. The occupants were all dressed in bright, and colorful regalia. They were paying little attention to their surroundings, and in one of the wagons, there was a family of nobles who, recently birthed a child they named Erik.

Erik was a small baby and had wonderful blue eyes and black hair. He wore fairly fancy baby clothes and had a simple gold necklace that said his name, and family name, Erik Argo. The caravan was continuing through the forest, but then they came to a clearing.


The caravan decided to take a break, and so the nobles dismounted and started to gossip between themselves. The forest was silent, but then the wind broke. Arrows rained down striking the nobles and killing many of them. The horses were slew first, followed by the guards.


When the majority of the fighting force was killed, the forest erupted with screams of men and women who were wearing crude fur clothing. They all wielded different types of blades and axes. They charged forth toward the nobles, hacking, and slashing. Showing no mercy to them.


The savages were nearly done ravaging the caravan, but Erik’s cart remained. His mother was holding him in her arms. The door broke open, and a large beastly man grabbed the woman by her neck. He proceeded to stab her, and Erik fell to the ground. The boy began to cry. The savage paused.


The man then bent down and picked the child up. Erik’s cries still were present, but the rest of the group of savages proceeded to surround the man, as he then lifted the boy and cheered. The savages finished the decimation of the caravan and returned to their village with Erik.


Chapter 2. The Savage Upbringing


Erik grew up with the savages, having no knowledge of his prior life. One thing he did know was that he was different. He was smaller, skinnier, and paler than the other children. He was also a quick learner, and his knowledge grew greatly.


The boy was a poor fighter and was often beaten by the other children. He did not fight back or tell his parents. Instead, he would hide, and steal torn-apart books from raids his family partook in. He loved to read and took every chance he could. He was most fascinated by magic and wished he could use it.


Chapter 3. The Cave

Many years have passed since Erik was taken from his true family. He is now 18 years of age and loves to leave his village to explore. One day he came across a cave deep in the forest, and he decided to explore it.


The boy had a torch in hand, and he made his way into the cave. He was walking for a good amount of time before it came to a large opening. He entered and found himself face to face with a beast, that resemble a bear but it had a scorpion tail.


The boy began to run, but as he turned he felt a sharp, stinging pain pierce his abdomen as he was lifted into the air. He was pulled backward, and now was facing the beast which stared him down with deep red glowing eyes. The beast stuck its tongue out and licked its lips.

Its mouth then opened, and with it a ghastly voice “Why are you in my cave, Human?” The beast would continue its hard stare at Erik, who spurted out “I was exploring, I love to learn new things and I hoped to find something new in this cave, I am sorry” The boy’s entire body was shaking


The beast stared at the boy for a long second, and then he dropped him to the ground. It disappeared into the shadows. The boy tried to move, but his muscles would not allow him. Then he saw a figure, who was wearing purple robes. The figure reached out to the boy and lifted him up. 


The boy’s eyes shuttered open, as he found himself laying in the cave still. He had no remembrance of what happened after he was dropped to the ground. When he looked at where the wound was, all he saw was a faint blue glow. He went to touch it, and he felt nothing in his hand but saw it change form.


The boy decided to ignore this detail, and he stood up. He looked around for the beast. After confirming he was alone, he broke into a run as fast as he could. He made his long journey all the way back to his home. When he arrived, he saw flames cascading between every building.


Chapter 4. The Powers Unleashed


The boy ran towards his village, in the direction of where his family resided, He quickly came to a halt when he saw men dressed in thick plate mail armor, slashing down everyone they saw. Suddenly one looked at Erik and began to charge at him. 


In a matter of seconds, Erik rose his hands up and from them blasted red-hot flames, in the area the man stood was nothing but molten metal, and flesh. The boy’s eyes widened at this sight, as he saw more men coming towards him. He did the same motion as before, and the fire continued to spurt out.


Chapter 5. The End?

The boy suddenly felt tired. His body collapsed in on itself and his eyes shuttered close. When he awoke, he smelled wonderful aromas of fresh bread, and cooked meat. His eyes started to open, and in his blurry vision, he could see his hands chained up.


The boy looked around the room when his eyes landed on a man in extremely fancy regalia. He also saw a strange crest that for some reason looked familiar to him. Then the man turned and saw the boy awake. “Well hello Erik, it has been a long time.” the man said in a gentle, warming voice.


The boy was frozen for a moment before asking “Who are you? How do you know my name?” The man responded in the same warming voice “Well Erik, I am your brother, you were taken from me at a very young age. I found out about you from scouts, and rescued you.”


The two looked at each other, and just remained silent as if both were processing what this means.


Now for Sale for 15 mina! if you would like a copy, send a bird to Jonathan O'Kieran!

Edited by SirB0ng0
Fixing Font Color, adding sale note
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Good stuff! Make into Mineman book, sell Mineman book, profit off of Mineman book!


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