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A Saint’s Year of Service


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A Saint’s Year of Service





Issued on the 30th of Horen’s Calling, 52 B.A.RSH9_DKNyUSf_3a4jX0yY1L7uV8FA05w2c2kYQk2tQ4CmPJW7qEFkNQJLFiRcwjBDA5DPt6U6Azgqrj0TCCn0Hajbw5-WtTscrrHr2lgDBWScCX6pAKyy5KH1wThIOtbucHE-STK262gGkXzD4b01uo


My esteemed fellow Balianese, 

Today is a momentous day in the history of our great kingdom. It was exactly one Saint's Year ago that Prince John Casimir Novellen, then of the Fallen Empire of Oren, arrived on a mountain and saw his sign. With a group of people who had fought for his nephew, Peter IV, he put his sword in the stone and declared the land The Grand Duchy of Balian. 

Our early years were fraught with struggle, as we faced diplomatic battles with other nations, saw many of our people leave for other ventures in the northern continent, and suffered raids from the False Kingdom of Oren. Nevertheless, Balian withstood these challenges, and through time and hard work, King John, his court, and the people of Balian continued to push forward. Whether we were waging war with the Nashifah or simply dealing with the trials and tribulations of the arid southern land, the Balianese overcame it all. 

After the founding of EATO and the subsequent war, as well as the Acrean Rebellion that ended the fourteen-year existence of the Kingdom of Oren, we were able to explore the lands around Atrus and cultivate them for settling the noble lands. Soon after, the Pontiff crowned John Casimir as King John I of Balian. This was a truly monumental moment, as several naysayers had believed it was impossible.


Now, as a fully functioning kingdom, Balian has prospered. We have watched as belligerent Goblins failed to defeat our spirit, fading into obscurity. Even the fearsome Dragon Cloudbreaker could not defeat us, thanks to the allies and goodwill of all nations and settlements of Almaris. Our current king, Alexander I, and his Duana have shown their strength and leadership through these difficult times. And so began a period of exploration, discovering more and more of the ancient Balthalite Empire's culture and history. 

As I depart from my role as Magister after twenty-seven years, followed by a further twenty-five as Amiratus, I must say that it has been an honour to serve this great kingdom. I would like my tenure as Seneschal and First Amiratus to be remembered for our wide-ranging diplomacy and cultural expansion. Around the world, we together have built a better reputation for Balian as a place of culture, goodwill, and intellect that was not there before, and I am proud to have been able to been part of that process. Assembling the Atrus Covenant with the aid of our foreign ministers and attaches and defeating Cloudbreaker remain achievements that I forever cherish as the peak of my career as a statesman, along with uncovering the journey to reveal the legend of St. Lothar's past. 

However, I must now pass the torch to someone else. A Saint's Year of work is no small feat, especially when it involves all facets of high government, including running an army that I had little understanding of. Nonetheless, I will always be available to serve upon request by the Duana. As I bid you farewell, I wish Balian many more Saint Years of prosperity and success. May our kingdom continue to thrive and overcome any obstacle that may come our way. I also extend my best wishes to my successor, and to all future leaders of Balian, hoping they will continue to build upon the strong diplomatic reputation, education, and literacy that we have fostered over the years.


Thank you, my dear Balianese! Avanza, and In Hoc Signo Vinces!



HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Ledicort Vuiller, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana.

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Baron Gaius var Ruthern will miss his mentor and father-figure dearly. Oh how he had always encouraged him and pushed him to hone and sharpen his mind whilst striving for what is best for his beloved nation! The Baron made note to bake some pastries for his dear friend and take them to his home. Perhaps they could spend the rest of the day reminiscing about their time working alongside each other in the Duana? 

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From the seven skies, a particular Sir Rev Vuiller would look down towards the Kingdom of Balian. A warm smile silently resting upon his visage, since his passing twenty five years ago, the Kingdom he held close to his heart had continued to grow and expand. He'd dip his head towards his sons direction even though it would go unoticed. Pride filling his chest of his youngest child, as he might not have been his sucessor in matters of familiar tiltes he had carried on the legacy of their forefathers as a statesman. 

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