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The Essence Trinity

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[OOC: This information is not publically known]

Dy Breid Trinaid

The Essence Trinity


The Trinity

The Trinity represents the interconnected and infinite connection between all things. It is a holy symbol for the Mossborn clan and by proxy anything that comes in three, or is itself a trinity is also important to them. Their trials reflect this, having to smelt 3 ores, smith 3 objects and slay 3 enemies.


The Mossborn clan follow the Trinity of Essence, or in their language, Dy Breid Trinaid. It is similar to the Tribunal of Life, worshipped by the Hefrummo, whoever the Brathmordakin that compose the Trinity are Yemekar, Anbella and Ogradhad, which preside over Essence.

The Breid

All the Brathmordakin represents a part of a dwarf’s Breid. Breid translates to Essence in Common and Dwedohim in Old Dwarven. This essence is composed of many parts, each governs the identity and the self of the dwarf. Such parts are not static, however, and change alongside the dwarf depending on how their self changes, willingly or unwillingly. The Trinity of Essence refers to the Brathmordakin that are believed by the clan to have the most powerful influence over a dwarf’s Breid.


The Brathmordakin of the Trinity govern the following:


Yemekar - The Craft Soul - Claigh

Yemekar forged the physical form of the dwarf as well as their dwedohim. The Craft Soul is a dwarf’s creativity, talent, ingenuity and passion for craftsmanship. Those who are great craftsmen are said to have strong Claigh, and they may even imbue their crafts with a fragment of their Claigh.


Anbella - The Green Soul - Ayagh

The Green Soul is the part that connects the dwarf to other living beings and grants them a connection to it. It is naturally stronger in forest dwarves, having been blessed by Anbella. The Ayagh is one’s compassion, their connection to the natural world. People with powerful Ayagh are said to be able to fight like a beast in battle.


Ogradhad - The Mind Soul - Smagth

Ogradhad governs over the Mind Soul, or the Smagth. The part of one’s essence is responsible for Consciousness, Dreams, Personality and so on. A person with a powerful Smagth is capable of manifesting themselves in their dreams, and maybe even influence the dreams of others. It is a very intimate and important part of the Breid


The Brathmordakin Souls

The three souls parts mentioned are the ones which the Mossborn consider to influential to a dwarf’s Essence, and which most correspond to the clan's ideals. Though all the Brathmordakin influence the Essence of a dwarf and are of equal significance. 


Dungrimm - The Honour Soul - Arymagh

The Arymagh is a dwarf’s courage and righteousness. It normally lays dormant amongst the rest of the Souls, only manifesting in times when honour and bravery are meant to be displayed. If the Arymagh is weak, the dwarf will crumble under pressure.


Belka - The Red Soul - Ruagh

Belka, being the Brathmordakin of Passion, naturally has domain over the Ruagh, or a dwarf’s emotion. A strong Ruagh does not mean necessarily strong emotions, but it means emotional intelligence and stability.


Armakak - The Luck Soul - Aiught

The Luck Soul, or Aiught, is very different in its properties when compared to the others. It can act almost as its own entity, being able to split off and enter the Breid of others. Thus through action and veneration of Armakak, one can grow their own fortunes by cultivating their Aiught.


Grimdugan - The Quiet Soul - Donaght

The Quiet Soul,  as governed by Grimdugan, is the most mysterious out of all the soul parts. It is said that those who possess strong Donagth are able to see more clearly in the darkness, as they can send out their Donagth to help them see the realm of Grimdugan.

History and Tradition

While the Trinity of Essence is the most prevalent triad worshipped within the clan. Historically, some figures within the Mossborn worshipped a different Brathmordakin than the Trinity of Essence, whoever they still worshipped them in a triad. E.g Donachan The Cloudy who for his patrons had Belka Anbella and Ogradhad.


This tradition continues, members of the clan may choose a trinity of Brathmordakin as their patrons, but one must always be from the Trinity of Essence.


In Relation to other Clan Beliefs

The presence of the many souls, as represented by the Dy Breid Trinaid, connects with the idea that each Brathmordakin had a role in the forging of the Dwedohim. The clan believes that Yemekar was the First Brathmordakin, and thusly it would imply that in order for the other Brathmordakin to have helped forge the soul they would have had to exist prior, or have been made before the Breid.


The Mossborn believe that the Brathmordakin were forged from Yemekar and are aspects of him, in the same way, that the soul parts are fragments of the Breid. This still means each Brathmordakin is an entity deserving of veneration.

Throughout history, chief’s of the Mossborn clan adopt a new name after prayer to their preferred Brathmordakin, names such as Barlow The Dirty, Donochan The Cloudy and most famously Garedyn The Green. Leaders of the clan are uniquely tasked with seeking a name to represent their Breid as a matter of showing honesty and duty to Brathmordakin. In general, names hold powerful meaning and symbolism as a manifestation of one’s Breid, thus they take great care in naming children and artefacts.


Edited by VerminHunter
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Thelgrud Mossborn reads the article and raises his hammer for another strike on his anvil in Lurin “Aye! A gud written tex’ on ou’ cultu’e, Oi rareleh sey tho’ stuff” he then chuckles, seeing Garedyn’s name at most famously

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