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House Lentheos of Aeltarys

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House Lentheos

A Brief Overview

Affiliation: Purist

House Lentheos is an ancient house of Aeltarosi origin, having been around since the founding of the original Aeltarys, though from that first day, they have not lived in the capital of the region. They have long resided on the nearby island of Saltfyre, a giant volcano surrounded by rocky terrain. House Lentheos carved out an existence and a city within the mountain known as the Heart Forge. It was here in the Heart Forge that members of the Lentheosi Order of the Hammer first discovered Aeltarosi Steel- a metal exquisitely beautiful, incredibly strong, deadly against darkspawn, and with a dark reputation among other Aeltarosi metallurgists surrounding its making. They had spent thousands of years making the steel and governing the island, leaving a long rich history of legendary weapons and artifacts forged by their hands, all lost in the cataclysm, though the knowledge of their creation surviving on in Daemon and Aenyx Lentheos.
[Disclaimer]: Aeltarosi steel is not an ST metal, it is a mix of two existing metals that do not require ST signage, and just mixes the effects


The Cataclysm:

During the Cataclysm, Saltfyre erupted at full force, engulfing the Heart Forge in fire and ash, destroying millennia of history and masterfully made Aeltarosi Steel, the only surviving members of the family happened to be on a ship at the time of the eruption, on their way back from a trading voyage as they watched their home burn. After this, the family named Daemon its new head, as he was the most senior living member of the Order of the Hammer, before going to merge with Prince Maegor and his ships to make their way away from the now burning Aeltarys. 


The Lentheosi Salamanders:

The House Animal of Lentheos is the Volcanic Salamander, a reptile unique to the lands around the Heart Forge and has a long history with the family. Originally the founder of the house, Corlys Lentheos, was originally led to the Heart forge by following one of these lizards, leading to him adopting it as the family mascot. 

The Lentheosi Order of the Scales

One of the Three orders a Lentheos may join when they come of age, the Order of the Scales acts as the Order of Merchants for House Lentheos. Members of this order dedicate their life to becoming a master of a clerical art such as clerkship, scribing, arithmetic, or take up the trade of a merchant. The head of this order is known as the Master of Scales, and sits on the Lentheos family council, regardless of their other duties.

The Lentheosi Order of the Sword

The second of the three orders a Lentheos may join when they come of age, the Order of the Sword acts as the Order of Warriors for House Lentheos. Members of this order have two primary duties, defending their family, and defending the Prince of Aeltarys. Along with carrying out the Prince’s Orders. Members of this order dedicate their life to mastering the blade or their weapon of choice along with the arts of strategy and tactics. The head of this order is known as the Master of the sword, and sits on the Lentheos family council, regardless of their other duties.

The Lentheosi Order of the Hammer

The third and final of the three orders a Lentheos may join when they come of age, but by far the hardest to join. The Order of the Hammer acts as the order of smiths, metallurgists, and, allegedly, mages of House Lentheos. This order has a dark reputation with rumors surrounding blood sacrifices, dark magic, and possibly even worse deeds, but the quality of the steel they produce is legendary. Their work is among the best in the entire world, but the secret to their success is such a closely guarded secret, they would kill to protect it. The master of this order is known as The Master of the Hammer, and sits as the leader of the Lentheos family council.


The Current Family:
Daemon Lentheos-Master of the Hammer and Head of House Lantheos-(Based1Salmon)

Aenyx Lantheos- Heir of House Lantheos-(ratlordmagic_)

Vigon Lantheos-(me_llamo1)

Rhaegor Lantheos-(Wonderland_Boy)

Vissera Lentheos -(Itz_Cookie123)

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