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Declaration of the Protection of The Realm of Dúnfarthing


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To the Halflings of The Realm of Dúnfarthing

I, Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor of the Royal House Arthalionath, in recognition of the rights and aspirations of all descendant beings, do hereby recognize and affirm the independence and sovereignty of the Halflings dwelling within The Realm of Dúnfarthing, and pledge my unconditional protection of them from foreign aggression or supernatural forces. Furthermore, I encourage all goodly folk of the Eastern Realms to do the same.


The Halflings, known for their industrious spirit, unwavering courage, and their peaceful coexistence with nature, have long been respected and admired. We acknowledge their unique culture, customs, and heritage, which have flourished throughout the ages, enriching the tapestry of our world. In light of this, the Kingdom of Númendil pledges its unwavering support to the Halflings in their pursuit of self-governance, self-determination, and preservation of their traditional way of life. We solemnly recognize their right to establish and maintain a government of their own choosing, to protect and promote their cultural identity, and to foster economic and social progress within their borders.


Henceforth, the Kingdom of Númendil affirms the following:

I Recognition of Independence: The Halflings of The Realm of Dúnfarthing shall be recognized as an independent and sovereign entity, free from external interference, with full authority to determine their own destiny.


II Territorial Integrity: The borders of The Realm of Dúnfarthing shall be inviolable and respected by the Kingdom of Númendil and its subjects.


III Non-Aggression: The Kingdom of Númendil shall maintain peaceful relations, and commits to non-aggression.


IV Defense: The Kingdom of Númendil henceforth pledges its protection to the Realm of Dúnfarthing in all defensive matters, and swears to provide aid against threats common and supernatural. Knights of the Númenaranyë shall defend their lands as if it were Númendil's own, unless barred entry by the Shirefolk.


By the Grace of GOD

Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor of House Arthalionath, Founder and King of Númendil, King and Protector of the Adunians, Lord of the Númenaranyë, Númenost, and the Barrowlands, High-Chieftain of the Númenedain and the Harren’hil, Conqueror of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm.


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The King of the Wee could say naught, instead simply offering a bow of the head in appreciation, thankful that the honour of Horen, despite the passing of centuries, remained just as strong amongst his descendants.

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"Oi'll take a drink tae that! Oi feckin' love meh some peace."  Doder continues his anarcho communist gay agenda in peace.

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