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A Warning to Braevos - A Report on the Skanarri


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A Report on the resurgent Skanarri



Author's depiction of a Skanarri warband sited close to the capital of Norland

15th of Malin's Welcome, 133 S.A.


Inhabitants of the Northern domains of Solheim/Braevos,


Many may have forgotten the dangers that may lurk this new continent, and it appears that old threats have found new hunting grounds. Highlanders who inhabited the old northern domains of Nyrheim may be familiar of those I am about to speak of - The Skanarri. Nomadic tribal raiders who inhabit anywhere where snow or ice touches the ground. These folk are vicious warrior-survivalist Humans who wander their territory in warbands, both to hunt animals and those crossing into their lands. The Skanarri, as seen in the Raenrland War and the Nyrheim Northern War, are extremely territorial. It is unknown as to how much territory these Tribal bands now inhabit, but it is safe to assume that they will make or have already made their temporary tent cities in the entire winterlands of the North. In this document I will provide my knowledge on their culture, their behavior, and what to do if encountered by them. I will also elaborate on what to do in the event of a Skanarri raid on your settlement. Make no mistake: This is a warning. The Skanarri are active. They are known to be relentless.




Skanarri Culture & Behavior


Skanarri culture is strange, even to a Norlander like myself. They worship a seemingly altered version of the All-Father, yet incorporate multiple "lesser" gods into their faith. It is unknown how extensive their religion is, but it does appear to add to the Skanarri's fervor in battle. The Skanarri are uncountably a warrior people made up of multiple different Clans and Tribes - sometimes united, more often disunited. The Skanarri have been known to fight each other in the past just as much as they have fought other descendant-folk, however they have been brought together in the past under a man they dub their "High King". While this position is not always filled, nor am I aware if it is currently filled or vacant, this "High King" has the ability to amass a grand war host and strike out at whatever target he so chooses. For the last hundred years, that target has been Norland. Nonetheless, do not be deceived. The "High King" does not always have the full loyalty of all their Clans and should they manage to anger enough of their own clans they will fracture into infighting once more. Although it has not been attempted before, it is highly theorized that an outsider can exacerbate the means in which Skanarri unity falls apart. This brings me to the next chapter of my document.




How to combat the Skanarri


The Skanarri, like all other Humans, are fully capable of adapting to their circumstances. Nonetheless, their style of warfare can be fairly predictable. For example, the Skanarri greatly favor formations such as a Shield Wall or prefer to outright overwhelm their enemy with superior numbers. Should they lack said superior numbers, they are known to engage in guerrilla warfare and terror tactics. Such terror tactics include: Mutilation of captured persons, Placing the heads of executed persons on spikes in front of their opposing settlement, slaughtering civilians and trade caravans to weaken the economy, assassination attempts, et cetera. Here are a few points in how to counter the Skanarri war effort.


- Do not engage them on hilly or mountainous terrain, this is where they excel in combat. Attempt to lure them onto flat ground where Cavalry is deployable

- Utilize stone fortifications. The Skanarri are capable of utilizing ladders and other wall-scaling methods, but if your walls are wooden the Skanarri will attempt to burn their way inside.

- Do not sally out to attack the Skanarri on their home territory unless you have far more soldiers at your disposal. At their height, the Skanarri were capable of mustering 100,000 men in their warbands.

- Do not accept meetings in open spaces. The Skanarri do not adhere to the same code of honor that most Descendants do. They can and will ambush you at any meeting you may have in the open.

- Do not send clergymen to negotiate. As previously stated, the Skanarri are adherents to their own religion. They are not afraid to kill clergymen of any faith and have done so previously

- Do not pursue them into their own territory if they are "routing". The Skanarri are known to utilize "false retreats" to lure opposing armies into kill zones or preferable territory. 




Likely Skanarri Territory


Below is a map that I have attached showing the likely Skanarri territory highlighted in blue. It is advisable to travel through these areas with extreme caution and to remain armed at all times. Be safe, follow my advice, and do not attempt to negotiate with them on a one-on-one basis. Your safety is never guaranteed.





Dominic Kvitravn, Chieftain of Clan Kvitravn


OOC: Please read


Howdy, I am leading a new resurgent Skanarri eventline for every community in the North to get involved with. Do feel free to DM me if you have any questions! My discord is Javert#3430


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Hilda Freysson skimmed through the report, before placing it aside atop the numerous other reports of shit she had to deal with. "All Father save me."

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