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A Pact of Freedom and Wind


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"A race with the wind" 

By Plummius.






     'As Azfrai and her friend Minto woke up they felt the moving wind on their face, as they looked up and a hoard of clouds was moving, riding the very same wind the felt upon them
Azfrai began to look around discovering they sat on the top of a mountains, around them were several other mountains with the wind racing between them.

delighted Azfrai would get up feeling the air around her, straching her arms sideways she took a deep breath and with a long sigh and a smiled carved up her face
she said to Minto
"Wi ahm here".





'A short while after the two have gotten sense of where they are, Azfrai would call out to the spirit occupying this realm "Fiarza!"
and not long after the wind around them shifted its route, beginning to form a clear path that leads them to an area at the bottom of
the mountain the two would follow, Azfrai in a rush would almost glide down as Minto followed.
As the two arrived to the bottom the wind shifted again! showing them a clear path followed by the clouds above them to a certain mountain
where at its peak the clouds would circle in an almost inviting way. Azfrai told Minto
"Well peepz like we have to klimb." 
Quick to answer Minto said  "Aye!".
Azfari would notice the hight of the mountain and would kneel in-front of the halfling saying "Latz klimb on mi back, mi will help latz klimb." with a firm nod and a quick swoop Minto 
easily climbed on the fe-orc's back before she began to climb upwards. Not long into the travel upwards the wind shifted again! with a sound that resembled a chuckle,
the two would find themselves at the bottom of the mountain once more, confused the two exchanged looks before Azfrai let out a chuckle of her self, 

"Latz gruk that iz funny huh fiarza?" - "well, how about we race to the top then?"
The wind calmed as Azfrai made the suggestion, almost like thinking for a bit before the clouds that were circling the mountain rushed down as they changed their purpose 
now at the bottom with Azfrai and Minto, Azfrai said
"Minto, maybe lat zhould wait this azh out?" he quickly answered 
with a smile and determination
"Nd miss 'oll te fun?"
He would place him self at a ready posture along with Azfrai.
Switching her gaze from the clouds to Minto she yelled  
"Ready?" - "GO!"
The ''three'' raced upwards with speed, yet as expected the spirit won with Azfrai second and Minto trailing behind the two reached the top.
As Minto cought up reaching the top the clouds were beginning to take form of a silver grey bird quickly morphing into a humanoid figure of a female,
her feathers still attacked to parts of her body she began smiling, dancing around the two Fiarza inspected Azfrai now dancing in-front of Azfrai.
With a wide smile and an urge to dance with the spirit Azfrai asked 
"Lat nub recognize mi?" the spirit stood for a second upon closer look her face brightened up 
Fiarza spoke in the old language  "Yub mi do, blezzed azh, azh who carried my blezzing zince birth." - "Wub iz lat purpoze here?"
Azfrai thought for a minute, yet sure enough with her feelings she said with a calm yet joyful voice "Mi wizh to be latz vezzel, untether mi-zelf from the earth agh zhow otherz latz ztrength."
The spirit stopped dancing, she took Azfrai's hand gently with her voice echoing through the realm she spoke "The do zo, teach them all, give them latz wing. my blezzed azh, zhow it,"
And with those words Azfrai's tattoos began glowing faint blue grey color, air circling around her the spirit began to leave with the same dance chuckling, 
with that slowly the tattoos dimmed and the air calmed  till none Azfrai  left the realm with a pact and purpose.




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A grey Orc hears in the streets of San'Briu that a new disciple of skies has been blessed, and remembers his own experience striding upon invisible winds through the Spirit Realm of Air. A warm, gentle smile stretches around Kor'garr's thick tusks.

"Diz azh walkz wyth Truuth... Perhapz..." The Skriptgoth lifts up his Compendium, striding out of the library of Barbog in search for a new entry to add, before blinking in thought. Doesn't this Fiarza have a shrine at the Horde's aviary?



OOC: [!] Kor'garr is now interested in contacting Azfrai'Lur to discuss their pact and the spirit 


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