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A Statement On Allessandra Amador


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A Statement On Allessandra Amador

  8th OF TOBIAS' BOUNTY  OF 1934  IST                                                                                                                      





Dear Valued Customers and Employees,


It is with a heavy heart that we write to you today to address a recent and unexpected turn of events regarding our owner, Lady Amador. After a thorough investigation, it has been revealed that she was, in fact, involved in activities unbecoming of her position, and even more troubling, she has been identified as a darkspawn.


As a result of these disturbing revelations, immediate action has been taken to remove Lady Amador from her role in the company. Her claim on the Secret Garden Bookstore is now null and void, and the ownership of the establishment will be passed onto Lord Witold Jazloviecki for the foreseeable future.  


We understand that this news may come as a shock, and we assure you that the decision to change ownership was made in the company's best interest. Darkspawn have no place within the walls of our beloved establishment, and we are committed to upholding the reputation and integrity of Secret Garden Bookstore.


To further ensure the safety and security of our customers and staff, we are cooperating fully with the Inquisition. They will be free to conduct necessary tests to identify any darkspawn that may have infiltrated our ranks without our knowledge.


Regarding the Petra and Aaun Libraries, we are contacting the relevant bodies to address any concerns and establish a meeting to discuss the way forward. Rest assured, we are dedicated to safeguarding the sanctity of our libraries and their invaluable collections.


In these trying times, we seek your understanding and support. Secret Garden Bookstore has always thrived on the loyalty and trust of its customers and the dedication of its employees. Together, we will overcome this challenge and emerge stronger than ever before.




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The newly appointed Head Librarian of the Secret Garden Bookstore, Witold Jazloviecki, smiles the Sun's Smile as he reads through the document. "Work is ahead of us. Time to start," he comments. 


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Angelika lets out a single huff, hoping the new librarian will be a good one.

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