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Touch Your Roots-Cultural Exhibition

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Berühre Deine Wurzeln

Touch Your Roots

Issued by the Herald of Minitz

in the year of our Lord SA 138















Touch Your Roots is a cultural hands-on exhibition of the culture that makes up the community. This will only be a few hours of just some calm, collective roleplay in regards to getting to know more of the culture revolving around Minitz, as well as adding in some new things. Here is the agenda of what is expected.


 (The time is all approximate times, so there's no exact time for everything)



5 pm EST- Harvesting, cultivating, and baking. We'll be going to the wheat field out front and we'll collectively work together to cultivate these crops. Then after harvesting, we'll go back inside the walls and set our collected crops into a barrel for later when we cook our meal.


6 pm EST- Hunting, tracking, and roasting. After crops, we will go out to hunt some animals such as boars, birds, lambs, and fish in the forest and the streams of the lake which we reside by. While we're at it, we'll herd some farm animals back home. Then we will bring our hunting catch inside and have a roast.  


7 pm EST- Vineyard, wine, and brewing. After supper, we will go out by the fields and start a vineyard. We will plant grape vines and set down some wine-making equipment for the start process of wine-making.






OOC: This Monday (07/24), 05:00 pm EST 








His Serene Highness, Brandt Wilheim Barclay Großfürst von Minitz, KBS, GMSTSR GMVBE, KIH, Duke of Kanunsberg, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Warden of the Franklands, High Chieftain of the Reinmaren, LORD VANDALORE




Her Excellency, Eloisee Veiel von Minitz 

Herald of Minitz, Gouvernante of  the Hentriettan Beratung, Chefarztan of The Physicians of Saint Johann



Edited by Aimy_lol
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