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The Swamps Awake


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[An expertly written missive. It looks as if the Clan Chief got a new scribe...]




A new Swamp’Goth


To all those that may come across this missive 


Let it be known that the strongest shall rule Clan Lak. Upon hearing that my Clan Brother Dharg Lak wished to be Swamp’Goth, as well as myself, we fought an honour klomp. I beat him, and earnt the right to challenge the leader at the time; Murdok’Lak. I beat him, and have earned the title of Swampgoth, Wargoth of Lak. Let all know that my Clan does not deem our responsibilities to be second to anything. We will appease the spirits, no matter what we must do.


A further reminder to all that seem to have forgotten. Many years ago, when Iblees posed a threat to all descendents, it was not Mankind who defended the world. Nor the Elves. Whilst Malin played in his woods, Horen sung his songs and cowered behind his walls; whilst Urguan lay in his city, greedily counting his coins, Krug defended the world from Iblees. Let it be known that the world owes a great debt to Krug and his descendants, and we of Clan Lak will enforce tribute from any Human, Elf or Dwarf that do not already pay tribute to, or are not allied with, Krugmar - to be handed to the Rex.


The swamps awake.



Swampgoth of Clan Lak, Marosh’Lak


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The elder Lak sat back, nursing a bloodied face as he spoke at length with Marosh, nodding his head at the young blood's ideas. He may not agree with them all, but it was no longer his place to decide, only to offer guidance. The Swamp Awakes, and with it, The Aengul Slayer rests at last.

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