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The Grand Tournament of Númenost, 141 SA


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The Grand Tournament of Númenost, 141 SA

Issued the 12th of Malin’s Welcome, Year 140 of the Second Age



    In celebration of the twenty-fifth nameday of Her Royal Highness, Caraneth Aryantë, there shall be held a great tournament, spread over the course of two days of festivity. The first of the two days will consist of a joust, a grand melee and a feast which will begin after the prior events have concluded, and the second day will feature a tournament of both teams and duels. Below is the full itinerary in greater detail.


DAY ONE (Sat. August 12)

Joust (4:00 PM EST)

  The first event of the festivities shall be the Sport of Kings; the joust. In this contest, knights of the Realms of Men will, per tradition, be armed with lances and ride against one another until one knight is horsed or otherwise incapacitated. The prize for the joust is the honor and prestige of victory. You are responsible for bringing your own horse and lances. The Joust is open to Knights (and Samurai) only.


Grand Melee

  Immediately following the joust, there shall be held a Grand Melee; a free-for-all bout in which all competitors are pitted against one another. This contest will have an entry fee of 20 Mina, with the winner receiving three-quarters of the pot, and the remaining quarter to be given to the Royal Treasury.

(OOC: The Kingdom of Númendil et al. are not responsible for any items lost due to accidental pops in the melee. Please PvP responsibly.)



  To conclude the festivities, a feast shall be held in the Citadel of Minas Aranath. Food and drink will be provided for all attendees, free of charge.


DAY TWO (Sun. August 13)

Teams Tournament (4:00 PM EST)

  The first event of the second day will be the Teams Tournament, in which teams of five will be pitted against each other in a single-elimination contest. The winning team will be awarded medals to commemorate their victory, as well as 200 Mina to split amongst themselves as they see fit.


Duel Tournament

  Following the Teams contest, a tournament of single-combat duels will conclude the festivities. The victor of this bout will receive a prize of 300 Minas.


(OOC: Sign-up sheets for both tournaments are linked in the OOC section below. Sign-ups will close 30 minutes before the tournament begins (3:30 PM EST). All tournament fights will be fist PvP)

As a friendly reminder, it is Her Highness’ nameday and therefore gifts would be most appreciated, but are wholly unnecessary.


Personal invitations are directed to:

Her Highness’ good friends, including but not limited to Winifred, Baerte, and Morgan

His Highness, Grand Prince Brandt Barclay and House Barclay of Minitz

His Grace, Duke Markus Sarkozic of Adria and His family

His Excellency, Funnybone the Court Jester

The Merchant Ea-Nassir


General invitations are directed to:

All Subjects of the Kingdom of Númendil

His Royal Majesty, King James I of Aaun and His Citizenry

His Royal Majesty, King Aleksandr II of Hanseti-Ruska and His Citizenry

Her Grace, Archduchess Renilde I of Petra and Her Citizenry

His Grace, Captain-General Johannes of the League of Veletz and His Citizenry

The Honorable Shugo Oijin of Clan Kato and the People of Sakuragakure

His Highness, King Cyris of Dúnfarthing and the Halflings



Date: Saturday, August 12th and Sunday, August 13th, starting at 4:00 PM EST

Location: [1] Númendil Lists (coords), [2] Minas Aranath in Númenost (1032, 140, 1181)



[Teams Tournament Registration Form]



[Tournament Registration Form]



HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Caraneth Aryantë of the House Arthalion, Princess of Númenost and Minas Amath


Edited by AstriaS
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