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Plagued Princedom


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A Plagued Princedom



“Your curiosity will be the death of you.”


Ruin has befallen the Princedom of Amathine, the once sparkling jewel of Elvendom, losing its luster to the ravages of foul and occult magicks. The lands have seen themselves blighted, sickness spreading to their food and water, bugs coming to swarm near the barren fields of the ‘ame. What was once a land of purity, now bearing a terrible stain of sickness upon it. While many of the sick may choose to reside indoors, others who are more bold and brash, would find themselves befalling the wicked sickness in the afflicted areas. The only clues as to who contributed to this cruel act of pestilence, being the mark of a many headed hydra as the druids shall hear the many weeps of mother's nature, beckoning revenge.




The afflicted region has been infected with the Bubonic Plague. Causing the formation of blistering and festering welts under the arms and near the upper thigh over the course of Three OOC Days. Once fully afflicted, a person also experiences feverish chills and an ill-induced feeling of nausea and lethargy for a total of Two OOC weeks. 



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Contact: SilvertheDM


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