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Symbols of the Vulnrith


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 I would like to thank @tgrt for creating these amazing borders, symbols, and the meanings behind them! They truly went above and beyond, so I just had to adopt them into the seed’s culture. I hope you enjoy!


Symbols of the Vulnrith

Home of the Foxes

Keepers of Memory




In order to become an official member of the Vulnrith, and receive the mark of the golden fox, there are six trials that must be completed. These trials were created with the intent of helping the vuln’ii face whatever obstacles and traumas they may have experienced, learn how to move past them, and guide them towards a new life of peace and fresh opportunities. Over time, as these trials were administered and completed, the Matriarch of the Vulnrith found herself doodling shapes in the dirt - Symbols whose swirls and points represent the sacred trials and the ideals they sought to impart. While not much, for the Matriarch is no true artist, these simple shapes began to mean something to those of the Foxhole; symbols that represented what the Vulnrith worked through, and what they continue to work towards.

[Seed Post]


Now, these symbols can be found littered across the Vulnrith Hall, and on those who bear the mark of the fox. Carved into staffs and weapons, painted on jewelry, stitched into clothing - The Vulnrith take these precious shapes with them as a reminder to keep moving forwards, no matter what storms may come.




Test of Trust

Can be Interpreted As:

A Handshake

Linking a Chain

The Expansion of the Self




Acceptance of the Past

Can be Interpreted As:

Branching of Thought

Finding the Mind’s Eye

Looking Ahead





Befriending the Vulpine

Can be Interpreted As:

The Fox

Pointing Inwards

Two Becoming One





Forged Anew

Can be Interpreted As:

An Empty Bowl

A Link Completed

Persistence and Work




To Hunt and Provide

Can be Interpreted As:

The Taking, The Giving

Their Weapon’s Use

The Necessity of Life




Honoring the Dead

Can be Interpreted As:

Creation from our Past

Respectful Celebration

The Knowledge you Shall Impart




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