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The desert never stops moving, nuber stops changing. The way of the Urukim follows the pattern of their home, the sands and dunes of the horde. The descendants of Malin, Horen agh even Urguan come to the lands of the horde agh beg for a new life. They go through trials and are ‘reborn’ as a new Uruk. However, they hold a false being. Instead of being molded into the supreme race, the so called honoraries follow their own cultures, with their own name agh nub clan.  This cannub stand. 


In mi peepers the Urukim must stop mingling with the lessers, viewing them as their own. We must stop holding the same respect to them as we hold to ourselves without proper knowledge of their feats agh accomplishments. An honorary is nub a descendant that gains the respect of us, the Urukim.  But azh that is peeped by azh. 


It is why mi claim the title of Krimpgoth.



Chieftain Grimruk’Lur

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"Deeh ORK ahm GREATUR ZPAWN. DEEH MAW, bLeZZUZ uz Ahl.. HORUN, MALIN, URGUAN. AHL VERMIN. Ib Dei wIHl Nub ADAPT dEI wIHl FEED DEEH MAW." The Thunderous voice of the Titan Popogoth roared out over his flock, Bringing out his support of Grimruk. 

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"May this Lur know TRUE glory. I challenge him to any klomp he wants. For he does ne know the struggle we, who must maintain krugger privilege undergo. And for that, he shall fall, bent at the knee, and call me 'bub'mau'! For if he wishes to harrangue the blessed people, it shall be only to the impure!" A beautiful hoplite replies, throwing his bronze spear into the missive in the city square

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