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17th of the First Seed, 151 S.A






Freedom, it calls upon every uruk, every goblin, every olog and honorary. This innate feeling given unto us by Krug himself. This longing comes not from hatred as the former declared, but it is simply what my soul yearns for. I had gathered the wise scholars of Mog and Lak alike, in contemplation, I thought as a pragmatic to uphold the status quo and fight off this challenger to maintain order. Yet my soul could not bear it. In a last effort, I had consulted with the everwise toad, and its legion of frogs encroaching upon the entrance of my blarg. I posed the question, and it met me with truth and knowledge beyond this realm.


"What would Krug do?"




Thus, do I make this declaration, as  Swamppgoth of Lak and Targoth of the Horde, do I call heed to a tradition of time immemorial, an honorable klomp for the position of Rex.




Signed, Targoth, Swampgoth, Holder of the Necronomicon

Grubnakh the elf


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"Imprezzive how an Olog blahz... But nub elf will become mi Rex" Commented Grimruk. THE REAL PATRIOT.

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"Thiz Olog ahm out of itz grukker... agh zoon to be without azh" the shaman grumbles, returning his focus to his haruspexy as crimson mists float about him.

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The great minotaur looked upon the missive in its hands, letting out a loud chuckle before neatly folding it and putting it aside. "Another challenger approachez! I will await our zult-meeting wif bated breath. Agh prepare. . ." The minotaur turned before a massive infernal forge and grinned, deep beneath the solid earth and desert sands.

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The Popogoth ponders on how these challengers are challanging without the needed wargoth approval.

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11 minutes ago, ThatDutchFellow said:


The Popogoth ponders on how these challengers are challanging without the needed wargoth approval.


Another Wargoth gave his approval.

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7 hours ago, ThatDutchFellow said:

The Popogoth ponders on how these challengers are challanging without the needed wargoth approval.

A random Gorkil rambles about clan bureaucracy

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