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Mikhail var Ratibor, an Alderman for the Haeseni - Campaign


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Skennerton FrakturODAN be with you all, common folk of Haense, of whom I serve gladly.  I, Mikhail var Ratibor, have decided to throw my name into the hat for the position of Alderman, to hopefully serve as your representative within our great kingdom, and to make your voices heard within the Royal Duma.  I, like you, have been born with little to my name.  I grew up on the streets, squalid and poor, and struggled to survive for years, until GODAN saw fit to bless me with an opportunity to rise up with my own two feet.  My blood is of the land, but my heart is of the Highlands; with it, I have acquired a position with the Order of the Crow as a squire and currently serve within the Office of the Hunt in the Queen’s Court.


This is not a testament to my strength, but that of our people, for in all of us flows the blood of the Highlands.  Our people are strong, from the lowliest peasant to the grandest of kings.  We each of us have the potential for great things, with which we can move mountains for crown, kingdom, and country.


Times have been tough, with the threats of war looming over the horizon, bitter cold biting at us with every waking second, and Darkspawn lurking within the darkness, ready to strike at any given moment.  I hope, with your support, that I may be able to introduce a few new projects into our great society, as well as to offer aid to those struggling to handle the surmounting issues at our doorstep.


  1. The establishment of the Crow Scouts.  Though initially an incentive from the Office of the Hunt as a means to teach the youth of the wilderness and to prepare them with a few survival tactics, it can potentially instill a better sense of pride of who we are as a people, as well as to help those who may find themselves in an unfortunate predicament get by until proper care, nourishment, and even shelter, can be found. While it is no permanent fix, it can at the very least be a temporary one, until proper housing can be acquired for those who many not have it. Furthermore, this will prepare future soldiers out in the field and alleviate the stress on supply lines, allowing soldiers to better take care of their own needs during campaigns, and thus increasing their overall effectiveness in the field. An army marches on it's stomach, after all!

  2. A higher sense of community.  It is no secret that our people are prideful, valuing our freedom and honor above all else.  What is there to not be proud of?  While these feelings have not dwindled as much as many may fear it has, it is important to note that keeping morale high and to understand one another is a key component to a civilization’s survival; where I have begun to revive the Office of the Hunt, I hope to bring back a sense of cultural connection between our fellow man.  This, in turn, may also help to bring in more food for our people, both civilians and the men and women who serve within the Brotherhood of Saint Karl.





Attendant of the Hunt, Squire to the Order of the Crow

Scriptina Regular

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