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To Reaffirm our Faith


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The following invitation has been nailed on the notice board at the entrance of San’Brîu.


Sisters and brothers, children of Krug, servants of the spirits,


With Grubnakh’Lak’s Rexhood, I have seen many of us rejoice, certain that the Iron Horde has once more fully embraced our traditions. I too welcome them back; the pursuit of honor and strength through glorious Klomps and Wagh warms my heart and Krug’s blood which runs through it.


A depiction of orcs klomping in the San’Brîu tavern klomp-pit


Yet I warn you that re-establishing the old laws of might —on its own— does very little to honor our ancestors. This simple accumulation of strength and feats of domination is nothing but misplaced pride if it remains ignorant of the guidance of the spirits.

As Glurgz wrote, “klomping iz nub alwayz da way fir honur”. Rather, he explains, “Honur iz in da zpiritz”.

Why am I bringing this up— you may ask.
I found that in the name of the coming wars,
a shrine to Drelthok has been desecrated and removed in their very own home, the silent district. This may have been fueled by a burst of bloodlust, or by ignorance of the balance which the shamans maintain between our patron spirits. Either way, it strips San’Brîu of yet another one of the already rare signs of the spiritualist faith we so eagerly claim to be ours.


The desecrated Drelthok shrine — and a message left behind:
“Da tik tu sleep am ovur! It am Wagh tik!”


I will not follow the culprit in their mindless mistake; I do not wish to call wagh on my kind. Rather, I call for a resurrection. Where have our prayers, respectful offerings and zealous habits gone? How long has it been since you last sensed the sweet smell of corpses rotting on a Votar shrine, how long since you last saw incense rise from the altars of Firaza to dance in the wind?


In the coming cactus days, I call for us to unite and reaffirm our trust in the guidance of the spirits, and show once more our unyielding devotion to them. Will you join me?

Gharak’Yar, Skriptgoth of the Horde

[OOC] Mini RP-Player Events


I will be hosting shrine-building RP on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 14-16 November at around 4pm EST (that is 10pm CEST for us Europeans)


Edited by Gomoore
Zkahin’ grammer
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As Drus travels to the honorbound lands seeking for supplies and wares, he peers upon the notice board of San'Briu. After he finishes reading, he nods in understanding.


"It ahm hozh that zome ztill respect the Ilzgul."


Drus leaves San'Briu one more, continuing his wandering throughout Aevos.

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"It ahm hozh to peep mi writingz have lazted" Glurgz'Yar grumbles whilst continuing his century long pilgrimage

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