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The Ram's Appeal


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Your name has been one that has become well renowned as of late, as the cogs of war slowly creep towards your hold. There are many that reside within your lands that I would consider acquaintances; some of them I would even consider friends. These friends speak highly of you, saying you are a Lady that is worth the praise.


And so, I write this missive to you. From one Baron to another, from one side to another, I request that you see reason and lay down your blades. There is no need for those who have not taken part in all that has caused this war, to suffer the consequences. You and those who reside under you, I believe, are innocent people.


It is not too late to lower your blades, and to seek council with the Covenant. Blackwater Keep has fallen, flattened by the Covenant's army, and your keep is in the crosshairs of siege weaponry. Innocent blood need not be shed. If you refuse, which is understandable, I would still be willing to assist you in evacuating civilians, and those who choose not to fight.


Just because we reside on opposite sides of this war, does not mean that either one of us should be heartless to the other.








Baron of Sevilla, Justicer De Hyspia, Office De Imigracion

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The Viceroy of Hyspia, upon having been consulted by Demitrey before he published the missive, nodded his head in affirmation. 

“We do not intend to shed innocent blood…may DIOS guide Lady Viktoria to see reason. Hyspia shall allow her a temporary home if she and her children need it.” 

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Bo Amador would shake his head at this missive as he stands on guard with his levy at Castle Brasca "You ask the poor widow to lay down her blade... She wishes to defend her home why do ye not put down your blades. Ye wish to make a poor widow homeless and her children possibly orphans. The covenant makes no real offers but only uses fancy words to deter one from defending what family Brasca has built." He would toss the missive into the wind. As he stands guard with his levy to defend Lady Brasca home. A mumble from Bo can be heard "The covenant forgets they are the aggressors who wanted this war as they struck first. We shall nae falter. Stand fast my levy the accursed covenant approaches."

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Pym Volkov slouches in his saddle - reading the missive and looking up at the Af Brasca keep, hopefully he can get his brothers to evacute at least.

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