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Summons for the Vassals of the Horde


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Summons for the Vassals of the Horde


By the word of the Hordespeaker, the Tribes, the Villages, and the Families who owe swords and meat to the Horde are to present themselves at the Third Klamor of the New Horde.



The Chieftains and Headmen of the Tribes and Villages will give account to the Rex of the following.


1) Failure to pay tax


2) Failure to provide the base number of soldiers as agreed to in the First Klamor. As a result taxes on all vassals who have failed to meet the base number of soldiers shall be doubled.


3) Failure of duties as a vassal or protectorate of the Horde.

Failure to properly lead the families under their leadership

Failure to inform the Rex and engage with the Horde


4) Potential abandonment of the lands granted


5) How do you plan to change your ways and satisfy the demands of the Rex.


Should no representative be sent or the answers given be unsatisfactory then you and your families will be removed from the land by force by order of the Rex.



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"What did you expect?" Renilde saw the missive, and shook her head with a mirthful grin. "This vassal was once Norland's, once Petra's, and once Urguan's; each rendition of Redclyf has promised ire to their former liege lords who casted them out for their treacherous behavior. Each time, they've gotten weaker, and yet more complacent... At least the orcs might do something about it, bloodthirsty as they are."

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