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Changes to the Consejo


Issued by the Viceroyal Crown
on the 15th of Carlos' Strength, 85 D.R.




The Consejo of Hyspia in session, taking petitions from the populace.


El Rio de Zafiro, the river of sapphires continues to flow beside the city of La Dorada. It shall never cease unless the Almighty wills it. His Highness’s council shall follow the same principle. Amidst recent changes within the Consejo, the Viceroyal Crown sees it fit to issue an edict regarding renovation to the Consejo’s structure and new appointments to certain positions:




Canciller del Pais

The role of Canciller del Pais, a position held by Erland Maor until his disappearance, has been dissolved by the order of the Viceroy. Henceforth the office of the Canciller del Pais and all diplomatic departments shall fall within the Gran Canciller’s domain. 



In the recent retirement of Ser Jose, the Viceroyal Crown has found it fitting that Pedro Fuentes take on the mantle of Colonel de Hyspia. A promising tactician in his own right, Senor Pedro may lead Hyspia’s armies to victory just as his elder brother had done before him. May DIOS grant him strength.


Canciller de la Patria

 The role of Canciller de la Patria shall be bestowed upon Ivonne Llopis, following the departure of Sir Laurens Halcourt. We wish Senor Laurens the very best in his future endeavors.



Crown Prince-Consort Dimitri Otto shall assume a position on His Highness’ council as the Corte de Girasol’s Chamberlain. He shall bring life and love to our Corte de Girasol under the oversight of the Vicereine to run the courts in her stead. 


The Crown believes these adjustments will contribute to the continued success and efficiency of the Viceroy’s Consejo. We extend our gratitude to all members for their unwavering dedication to our shared vision.







HIS HIGHNESS, Cesar II de Pelear, 

Viceroy of Hyspia, Duke of Pacazu, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Patriarch of House de Pelear


HIS VICEROYAL EXCELLENCY,  Sergio Harold Othaman, 

Gran Canciller de Hyspia, Lord Minister of His Highness’ Government


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