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Dominus Minto’Lur






Stagnation will never be tolerated within the Horde, and as such, a new Krimpgoth is to be called forth within the next year. Should one wish to fulfill this title, let your name be known to myself within the next 3 months, for a decision will be made between myself and the Rex for whom we deem fit.


As our numbers grow within the New Horde Orcder, so does a need for more of us to exemplify our ideals and culture as Uruks become more apparent. Many new orcs have come to join our ranks by right of their blood, many whitewashed orcs roam freely without followthrough, and many lessers have approached to follow the path of Honorary and leave behind their old lives entirely. 


With this, the Krimpgoth’s responsibilities will be expanded. As more orcs enter within our midst, many of whom have been raised or born in other lands, I am calling upon the role of Krimpgoth to help welcome in these new orcs. The Krimpgoth is to give them trials or lessons to help acclimate new orcs smoothly into our society, though only for those new orcs that they deem necessary or new orcs who wish to do so. This change is to build upon the past duties of Krimpgoth, in which they have historically worked in their duties to help relieve the Rex and Dominus. I have a document to highlight an example of this to give to those who are willing to step up into this role, though the Krimpgoth will have the power to change and adapt these as they see fit.


Whitewashes have also been an issue upon which more action is to be taken. For you to become whitewash is for you to directly backstab your own blood, to prove yourself as lesser amongst the continents, equal in worth to that of mere dirt. Those labeled whitewash, whether or not honorary, show no honor, no truth, and no loyalty. It will be the job of the Krimpgoth to spearhead the finding of these whitewashes. To work with the Krughai and others within the Horde at their discretion to carry out punishment, or, a second chance to integrate back into orcish society


Under the ruling of former Krimpgoth Grimruk’Lur, many changes were made and many old titles stripped to ensure its sacredness. The title of Honorary is to be upheld as a praised title and decision to not be taken lightly. While I encourage the new Krimpgoth to hold true to the trials dictated by Grimruk’Lur, they are welcome to change and adapt them as they see fit, as long as it stays in accordance with the values we have held unto them. 


As such, as Rex’s approval has already been granted, I would like to repeat here that the only Honoraries acknowledged by the Horde are the following:






If your name is not listed here, then your title was wholly stripped many years ago now. If you are currently undergoing the trials to become Honorary, this bears no weighting upon you. Those that wish to regain their title of Honorary are to approach myself or the Krimpgoth, once they are appointed, to redo their trials from scratch. Should anyone knowingly claim Honorary status without being among those listed here, action WILL be taken upon you, with force, if deemed necessary.




Our Krughai is both strong and growing, having potential unforeseen in many decades. With Targoth Apek’Gorkil leading our military, is it clear our peoples have been a force to be reckoned with. 


However, with my recent appointment to Dominus, I call upon our Targoth to focus within ourselves more and to help develop the skills and strengths of our own. Stagnation in this area creates a road down which will weaken our peoples. I am calling for the Targoth to put in place a complete Krughai reform, to appoint those who he deems good leaders and warriors by his side, and help raise all our peoples to see their fullest potentials as warriors.



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*he would say scratching his head "Mi will get to it yub"

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