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[Event] Peace Prevents not Pestilence ☠


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Regina is seemingly cheerful that the war has ceased, hopeful that the world is now on the way to recovery. Or is it? Time will tell...

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A soul prepares attire for the creeping plague, preparing to offer what little help they can to the dying, the sick, and the needy.


A long coat is buttoned, and a cape of waxy crow feathers is draped around their figure.

Preparing, they create a lensed mask treated with alchemical sealants and tinctures.

The boots and gloves they wear are fastened tight with twine.

So comes The Doctor.

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The mouseman Spuds groaned knowing he’d be called a vermin and blamed by someone during this time period. He shut himself in his home and laid back on his horde and looking up at the ceiling, the thought gnawing at the back of his mind. He would ever be use to it no matter how many years went by. It still stung every time he was called such ‘vermin, rat, pest, creature’ it was all commonplace in his world. A world he hated to be in

Edited by Turbo_Dog
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