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[✗] [Alchemy] - Sound of Silence (Common | T3)


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Sound of Silence (Common | T3)



Those things one can see, one can touch and feel; they have texture. Rough. Smooth. Warm. Cold. Light. Dark. Not so with Sound. It is an ambiance created by surrounding things: crowds, oceans, gusts of wind, the lull of a melody, yet it cannot be seen. This is not to say it is not alive. As much a part of the natural material world as any other. To seek to capture Sound may seem a daunting task, for it is born on the wind, hushed by a whisper, thrown forth in an explosion. Erratic, strange, whimsical. A torrent bearing many things unheard, unable to be contained in its mighty waves. Or can it?


Craftsmen and artisans alike often seek to capture that which is intangible. Painters swathe brushes across canvas, musicians let notes fly with their instruments, tinkerers build from leftover bits of metal to create something new. They often seek to learn, to enhance, to capture, so that their works might become a better representation of the intangible. To capture Sound and to imbue it into a work of art, after much experimentation and failure, is an artisan’s next step towards the creation of their Greatest Piece. 



Base: Oil


Mundane: Sound x3

Mundane: Connection x2

Air: Clarity x1

Air: Balance x2



• Reagents must be ground into powders using the Mundane method and Symbols must be separately extracted

• Sound and Connection are mixed into oil, which must then be brought to a boil

• The oil’s steam must be captured and allowed to condensate into a glass vial, at which point the powder containing Clarity is added

• NOTE: the vial can be stoppered until the next step; however, the next step must begin within the next 15 OOC minutes or the potion will fail

• The concoction must then be left open to the air containing the ambiance one desires to record; ex. The sea, a crowd’s murmur, birdsong, etc. for exactly one narrative hour.

• Too soon, and the Sound will fade as it hasn’t had time to properly set. Too late, and the Sound will become a tumult of air that shatters the vial and escapes.

• After this, the air within the bottle will begin to froth a grayish hue and vague depictions of the captured sound can be heard escaping

• Add Balance and cork the bottle. The frothing will settle into a clear vapor, as if the bottle is empty


To imbue on an object: 

• Both the object and the potion must be placed in a glass, airtight container, after which the potion must be opened to allow the Sound to escape. An effective method found is by tying a string to the cork and pulling it free.

• Although there is no visual evidence, one might be able to hear the faintest murmurings of their captured sound through the glass. As long as the object and escaped Sound remain enclosed for the duration of 5 emotes, the object will become imbued with the sound.



If opened: the captured ambient Sound will first release from the bottle in a muted, jumbled hiss of air, then escape over a series of 3 emotes, fading with each emote.


Imbued: the object will constantly carry a muted version of the initial captured Sound. Ex. a softer ambiance of waves crashing on the shore, or a quieter version of thunderclaps.



• This potion can be represented by a player-signed object after adequate roleplay

• The alchemist must be silent during the potion’s creation (no speech, minimal noise of movement)

• Can NOT drown out other noises

• The effect is purely aesthetic and can NOT be used for harm

• Can NOT record specific words or phrases

• Can NOT be used to record teachings on any feats, magics, or lore

• Can only be applied to objects that can be held with two hands or smaller (ex. no imbuing CAs or becoming a walking jukebox…)


OOC Purpose


When it comes to artisan and craftsman rp, there are a plethora of magics and potions that deal with the visual. I wanted to take this a step further and make another appeal to the sense of hearing. In particular, to sound’s intangibility, and ultimately, to its capture.


I understand there are magics and potions out there that do deal with sound. To name a few: bardmancy has sound instrumancy, mana seals, and sound mastery. Sensory illusion has sound blast, and even alchemy has Fume of Songs and Paste of Echoes. However, these have more to do with the creation or amplification of sound, rather than an already existing sound’s capture. 


With this submission, I’m hoping to elevate the bardic and artisan niches a step further by appealing to the hearing sense through first capture, then implementation of ambient noise.





[✓] [Rewrite - Alchemy] [War-Forging] - Alchemy - The Lord Of The Craft


Fume of Songs

[✓] Alchemy - Aesthetic Pack 1 - Alchemy - The Lord Of The Craft


Additional Thanks:

@KaptainScarlet for being someone I could bounce ideas off of, peer review, and suggestions

@PestyWarlock for peer review and editing suggestions

@Turbo_Dog for peer review and editing suggestions


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This goes pretty hard. Take up +1

Edited by Turbo_Dog
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+1 sounds epic as all heart's stuff normally is

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Sounds awesome, I love it +1

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The new heart got released!
Good stuff, defo gonna use it if it gets accepted +1

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