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The Laws of Ka'tau and Rah'tuma


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Leh-iy to all. The laws contained herein this document serve the purpose of governing the domain of Rah’tuma and its Remtju (citizens) wherever they may be around the world or in the Pharaoh’s domain.


This grand lawbook is split into two sections: 1. The spiritual law of Ka’tau, which contains the tenets of the cosmic order that governs all nations, and two, the official laws of Rah’tuma which are enforced by the Pharaoh and his agents and binds everyone who visits or lives in the territory of Rah’tuma.


Both sets of laws are to be obeyed within Rah’mun territory, although the laws of Ka’tau are especially important for all Rah’mun citizens and adherents to the religion of the Rah’mun peoples (Ka’tau); the second set provides penalties and further elaborations for day-to-day and secular life. 


All stated laws are enforced by the Pharaoh and his Vizier or judges appointed by either who serve in the priesthood of Lady Ka’tau. 


The Forty-Two Laws of Ka'tau- Katau-Tm-BaW


I have not committed sin against Ka’tau. 

I have not committed robbery with violence

I have not stolen.

I have not slain men or women without justification under the law of Ka’tau.

I have not stolen food.

I have not swindled offerings.

I have not stolen from a God or Goddess.

I have not told lies.

I have not carried away food.

I have not cursed.

I have not closed my ears to truth.

I have not committed adultery.

I have not made anyone cry.

I have not felt sorrow without reason.

Ihave not assaulted anyone.

I am not deceitful.

I have not stolen anyone’s land.

I have not been an eavesdropper.

I have not falsely accused anyone.

I have not been angry without reason.

I have not seduced anyone’s wife or husband.

I have not polluted myself.

I have not terrorized anyone.

I have not disobeyed the Law.

I have not been exclusively angry.

I have not cursed a God or a Goddess

I have not behaved with violence for purpose against Ka’tau.

I have not caused disruption of peace.

I have not acted hastily or without thought.

I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.

I have not exaggerated my words when speaking.

I have not worked evil, or consorted with evil creatures or any Isfetian.

I have not used evil thoughts, words, deeds, or magics. 

I have not polluted the water.

I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.

I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds.

I have not placed myself on a pedestal.

I have not stolen what belongs to a God or Goddess

I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased.

I have not taken food from a child.

I have not acted with insolence.

I have not destroyed property belonging to a God or a Goddess


The General Laws of Rah'tuma - Katau-Hp-Ankh


I. All acts of theft are strictly prohibited within the domains of Rah’tuma. Petty theft is punishable with a fine of 300 mina or more, banishment from the city, or both, at the discretion of the Pharaoh, Vizier, or Nehemtempi Netjer of Ka’tau.


II. All theft of holy objects belonging to Gods, Goddesses, sacred sites and temples of Rah’tuma shall be punished by removing the thief’s hands, return of sacred objects, prompt banishment.


III. Adultery is a severe offense against Ka’tau and is strictly prohibited in Rah’tuma. A husband who commits adultery against his wife will suffer one-thousand lashes to the back, or be put to death depending on the severity of his crime. Women convicted of adultery shall be punished by a legal penalty from the Vizier, Pharaoh, or a Netjer (priest-judge) of Ka’tau; or she shall be put to death. 


4. Murder is a violation of Ka’tau and a defiance of the sanctity of Ankh (life). The following penalties shall be considered the “murder” laws portion of this book. 


5. A mother or father who murder their son will have their body tied with the victim’s corpse for three days while under supervision of Rah’mun Machimoi (warriors). They will then wash themselves clean at the Temple of Hesthor for sixty Elven days, and devote all of his money to those close to the victim. Their wrists will also be broken by a lash from a nekaheka (flail). The Vizier may choose a greater punishment if necessary.


6. A son who murders his parents shall be burned alive in the fires of the Temple of the Ra’tuhmet, or any shrine of Ra with a blazing flame.


7. A Rah’mun who murders another Rah’mun (citizen) or any innocent descendant intentionally shall have their wrists broken, and then sink to the bottom of a body of water blessed by Hesthor. 


8. A Rah’mun who unintentionally kills another Rah’mun or any innocent descendant is guilty of manslaughter, and will be subject to a punishment determined by the Pharaoh, the Vizier, or the Nehetempi Netjer of Ka’tau. At minimum, the murderer must not enter his home until he has drank from Hesthor’s waters of purity, made offerings of repentance to the family of the victim, sought their forgiveness and gave other forms of just compensation. 


9. All acts of murder or manslaughter that take place within Rah’tuma’s borders (or in the case of Remtju, outside of them as well) will be treated according to the aforementioned laws. 


10. Isfetian magicks are strictly prohibited within Rah’tuma. Neither visitor nor Remtju (citizen) shall partake in, use, aid in the use of, or study Isfetian magicks for any purpose. Isfetian magicks shall be defined as all of the following (this is not an exhaustive list): voidal magicks or enchantments of any kind; any power connected with the aengudaemons (paladinism, druidisim, the draconic filth of Azdrazi, Templarism, Druidism, and other such magicks); powers connected with Kazul and his master Iblees (Inferic magicks), Keop, and other dark powers (Frost Witches, undead magicks, Mysticism, necromancy, ANY magicks or powers connected to blood, vampirism, or consumption of flesh), and any other magick that is not connected with the spiritualist Gods of Rah’tuma. Only Heka, which is connected with the spiritualist Gods of Rah’tuma, shall be used or studied by Rah’mun citizens and anyone in Rah’tuma. The penalty for practicing any Isfetian magick ranges from banishment, a fine, being judged by Hesthor’s purging waters, having one’s wrists broken and eyes permanently shut by Amaunet’s wrath, to death by any appropriate means deemed by the Vizier, Pharaoh, or a Netjer of Hesthor or Ka’tau. 


11. Worship of the Isfetian blood entity Gazisgash is strictly prohibited and punishment by banishment, drinking Hesthor’s purging waters, 100 lashes, or any combination of these sanctions as decied by Vizier, a Netjer of Hesthor, Pharaoh, or a Netjer of Ka’tau. No worshiper or agent of Gazigash shall enter Rah’tuma. 


12. Worship of the aengudaemons is prohibited within Rah’tuma. Remtju (citizens) of Rah’tuma may never worship anyone except the Gods of Ka’tau, but visitors who worship the aengudaemons may visit, so long as they do not spread their dogmas in Rah’tuma or to its citizens.The spread of any aengudaemonica doctrine within Rah’tuma will result in immediate and permanent banishment.  Paladins, Templars, and Druids are the only aengudaemonica worshipers covered by this provision. Every other aengudaemonica worshiper is strictly prohibited from entering, residing in, or visiting Rah’tuma in any occasion. 


13. Worship of the Isfetian God Azdromoth is strictly prohibited in Rah’tuma, and the draconic Isfetians known as Heralds and the  “Azdrazi” are permanently banished from this realm. Azdrazi, Heralds, and other worshipers or agents of Azdromoth are kill-on-sight, unless the Herald wishes to be washed clean of their mark by Hesthor’s waters. 


14. All Isfetian entities or individuals connected with Isfetian powers, known as darkspawn, are prohibited from entering Rah’tuma and are kill-on-sight. Isfetian entities are as follows (this is not exhaustive, and is subject to the authority of the Vizier or the Pharaoh): Frost Witches, Azdrazi, Heralds, and all Agents, affiliates, allies, and consorters with Azdromoth and his flock, Paladins (without authorization), Templars (without authorization), Druids (without authorization), Blood magicians and their allies, Gazigash worshipers, cannibals or cannibalistic religions, Necromancers, Infernal magicians, Inferi, Vampires (who refuse to get cleansed by Hesthor’s waters) and those who support vampirism, Voidal Mages (who refuse to get cleansed by Hesthor’s waters), all entities of the void, and Voidal Constructs, all Undead entities, all ghostly entities, all Isfetian allies of the undead, Mystics and their minions, and other entities defined by the Pharaoh or Vizier’s decrees. All Isfetian entities and powers are kill-on-sight, unless the Isfetian entity or agent seeks cleansing from Hesthor’s water, and is capable of receiving them. 


15. Anyone who endorses consumption of descendant blood and flesh, or blood magic, is prohibited from entering Rah’tuma and shall be purified by being burnt alive in the fires of the Ra’tuhmet’s temple, or submerged beneath Hesthor’s waters.


16. Killing a sacred animal is strictly prohibited and will result in a fine, shattering of one’s ankles, banishment, and/or certain execution, at the behest of the Vizier and/or the Pharaoh. 


17. Marriage shall be consecrated by the Vizier or the Pharaoh in accordance with Rah’mun ethics and principles concerning romantic unions. A vow of purity must be taken within one of Hesthor’s sacred sites for any Rah’mun marriage to be considered legitimate. 


18. Cursing the name of a God or Goddess of Ka’tau is prohibited and will result in the removal of the offender’s tongue, a permanent seal placed to close their mouth forever, their eyes being rendered shut permanently by Heka, or both. 


19. Cursing the name of the Pharaoh or his Vizier is prohibited and will result in the removal of the offender’s tongue, permanent blindness, or a permanent seal being placed to close their mouth forever.


20. Attacking the Pharaoh or his Vizier is prohibited and will result in the removal of the offender’s hands, a punishment rendered through Heka, or execution.


21. Defiling sacred sites, shrines, statues, temples, property, and images of the Gods is prohibited and will result in banishment, execution, three days in a body of water full of crocodiles and scorpions, being purged by Hesthor’s cleansing waters, blindness, or other punishments determined by the Pharaoh or his vizier.


22. Spreading foreign faiths or philosophies outside of the temple of Te’uth, or without the express permission of the Pharaoh and/or the Vizier, will result in permanent banishment.  Rah’mun Remtju (citizens) may speak on whatever matters they wish amongst themselves. 


23. Treason against the Pharaoh, Vizier, or any authority figure in Rah’mun society is a grave offense against Ka’tau, an abomination of all the Gods. This unspeakable crime is punishable ONLY by execution.


24. Forcefully entering into one’s home without being welcomed is strictly prohibited in Rah’tuma. This crime is punishable by financial restitution for the victim, shattering of one’s kneecaps or wrists, banishment, or any other punishment deemed suitable by the Pharaoh or Vizier. 


25. Committing robbery with violence against someone or their property is forbidden in Rah’tuma. This crime is punished by drinking Hesthor’s purging waters, having one’s wrists and toes broken, execution, banishment, or being struck with blindness and deafness. 


26. Assaulting one without just cause is forbidden in Rah’tuma. All instances of assault without justification shall be punished by 20 lashes, being drowned in the waters of Hesthor, swimming in crocodile-infested waters for two hours, banishment, or having every bone in one’s hands shattered by a mace. 


27. Taking food from a child in Rah’tuma is strictly prohibited. This crime will be punished by shattering both of the offender’s arms with a mace or spear, or by striking one with blindness through Amaunet’s Heka, banishment, being tied up and thrown into a pit infested with cobras, and/or having one’s own mouth sealed shut for 1 month. 


28. Polluting water sources is prohibited within Rah’tuma. This crime will be punished by drowning the offender in Hesthor’s waters, banishment, or shooting the offender with an arrow blessed by Hesthor’s power. 


29. Swindling offerings, money, or services is strictly prohibited. All swindlers will be punished by returning all stolen property to the victim, at a minimum. Additional punishments shall include banishment, the offender’s wrists being shattered into pieces, the offender’s tongue being tied by Heka or removed by mundane means, or drowning in the waters of purity. 


30. Disobeying the Pharaoh or the Vizier’s lawful orders is prohibited, and can result in banishment, exile, or 20 lashings.


31. Committing violence against a child is especially prohibited in Rah’tuma. The punishment includes being burnt alive in the fires of the Ra’tuhmet’s temple, or being fed to a pit of crocodiles, or execution by beheading.


32. Disturbing the peace is strictly prohibited in Rah’tuma. This crime will be punished by banishment, exile, 20 lashings, or a fine.


33. Corrupting the Remtju (citizens) with Isfetian and immoral ideas prohibited. Some of these ideas include any belief system, doctrine, or concept that runs contrary to the principles of Ka’tau and the Rah’mun faith.


34. Terrorism or attempting to terrorize denizens within Rah’tuma is strictly prohibited. This crime will be punished with banishment, the loss of a hand, or execution.


35. All denizens of Rah’tuma must show loyalty to the Pharaoh, and all visitors are expected to respect him, the Gods of Rah’tuma, and the faith, traditions, and customs of Rah’tuma. Failure to do any of these things will result in exile, banishment, or twenty-lashings.


36. Worship of Iblees, Kazul, or any of their consorts is strictly prohibited from residing or entering Rah’tuma. Worshipers or agents of Iblees, the Isfetian Hells, or Kazul are kill-on-sight and banished from entering these domains. 


37. Worship of Keop is strictly prohibited within Rah’tuma. Worshipers, priests, or agents of Keop are kill-on-sight and banished from entering these domains.


38. Impure substances, like Cactus Green, are not to be consumed by the Netjer (priests) or Machimoi (warriors) of Rah’tuma. The Remtju (citizens) of Rah’tuma and visitors are strongly encouraged not to consume any impure substance. Punishment for consuming impure substance involves drinking from Hesthor’s waters to wash one’s mind from their taint. 


39. Slavery is a violation of Ahura-ma’s tenents of faith and is strictly prohibited within Rah’tuma. Anyone who maintains dominion over a slave shall be subject to 30 lashings, a demand to immediately release their captives, and/or execution.

39. Public intoxication and drunkenness is strictly prohibited within Rah’tuma. The penalty for this crime is drinking the waters of Hesthor in the Temple of Purity, banishment, or both.


40. All converts to the Rah’mun faith must assimilate into Rah’tuma’s culture. Failure to assimilate will result in a warning. Should the warned continue to refuse assimilation, they will face banishment from the city.

41. Stealing items from a grave or defiling it is a horrific offense against Nesahor and strictly prohibited. This crime shall be punished by restitution of stolen items and certain execution. 

42. Disrupting the ritual of a Netjer (priest) without just cause is a grave offense against the Gods. For this crime, the penalty shall be exile or 20 lashings. 


43. These laws may be amended or altered by the Vizier with the Pharaoh’s approval at any time. 





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Edited by Boknice275
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7 hours ago, Boknice275 said:


Daal the dubious imp groaned. All the haters were writing about his kind. How was he going to slide banana peels under their shoes now?

Edited by Turbo_Dog
Ty for fixing the Naz thing
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"No kaktuz Green? Whot if it's a..uhh..medical prezcription?" sweats profusely while hiding the green 

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