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And finally... [PK Post]

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TW for hinted suicide / suicide





The Death of Anika Denodado


3rd of the Sun's Smile, year 168 of the Second Age.

The wind whispered through the trees of Hyspia, as the sun descended beneath the ocean's horizon once more. A serene night unfolded, punctuated only by the rhythmic wash of waves on the shore. A pallid woman delicately removed the starry cloak draping her shoulders, folding it into a neat pile. With gentle hands, she took the dried cornflower from her hair, placing it on the cloak.


  Laughter echoed from the Minitz tavern on that fateful night in Almaris. A beautiful young woman with skin as fair as snow and another with one grey and one green eye greeted a black-haired woman adorned with twigs and sticks in her hair. 


 With a soft click, the door closed behind the pale woman as she embarked on her final journey through Hyspia, accompanied only by the crickets and bugs that claimed the night. 


By the river's edge, a young, beautiful woman stood, her chin in the grip of a fanged female mali'ker. The 'ker's hand shifted upward, a crimson cut already present. A single drop of red dripped down the young woman's throat. 


 Shadows shifted as the pale woman passed through the first of many gates in Hyspia, her gaze drifting over the nearby training grounds as her feet paused. 


 A sharp breath pierced the air as the forever-young woman's gaze fixed on the cut in the hand of the black-haired woman with twigs and sticks in her hair, blood seeping from it. Fangs forcibly emerged from the woman's jaw, surging forward. 


 Nevertheless, she tore her gaze from the training grounds, determined to reach the second gate. 


Within the hushed space of the library in Haense, the forever-young woman and a cloaked man stood, his hand extended towards hers. She accepted, though a sickly green fire seeped into her wrist, branding her with a perfect star-shaped scar.


A sigh escaped her as moonlight filtered through the leaves of a nearby tree. The quiet pop and crackle of a fire filled the air as the pale woman's gaze turned towards the main gate. 


 A crowned man and the forever-young woman sat on a picnic blanket, casual conversation filling the air as the sun disappeared over the mountain line in the background. 


A subtle hesitation coursed through the pale woman's frame as her attention shifted toward the tavern. Gradually, her steps carried her forward, choosing a meandering route rather than the straightforward path.


  A brown-haired man and the forever-young woman sat at a table in a quaint house, the fire popping in the background. The man's arm was idly extended behind his chair, an aurum mace in his grasp, gaze locked on the forever-young woman. Despite that, a coy smile remained on her face.


  Aviary birds chirped as the pale woman rounded the corner, disturbed by her presence at this late hour. Still, she reached into her pocket, producing a few spare seeds to toss. 


 Crow's calls filled the silence, gloom settling as a faint fog enveloped the air. Graves and tombstones dotted the ground, yet the forever-young woman's gaze fixed on one, beside a black-haired woman with twigs and sticks in her hair and a boy with bright red hair. The grave bore a single name etched into the stone by hand: 'Anika.' 


 With a whoosh, the birds swooped down for the seeds, cawing filling the air as arguments erupted among the murder. Eventually, the pale woman's gaze peeled away, continuing her trek forward. 


 Iron chains clanked against the bars as the forever-young woman lunged forward, sharpened fangs extruding from her top jaw. Crimson ran from her arms, deep cuts making themselves known. Still, she struggled. 


 Finally, the sandstone gates stood tall before the pale woman, though she pressed on, feet dragging over the aurum lines.


 Hidden away, a brown-eyed man and the pale woman rested together in a tender embrace, empty glass bottles scattered around as the moon's light streamed from above.




Nothing, no distractions, no people could stop her now. Just her and the climb to the top.


She reached the edge—the world seemed so small and minuscule from up here. 


Time stretched, elongating each heartbeat as she stood on the precipice of eternity. The moon above alone bore witness to her silent contemplation, casting a silver glow on the landscape below. The crickets' nocturnal chorus was the symphony accompanying her final act. 


Her weight tipped forwards—the air suddenly rushing through her hair, gushing in her ears. Everything seemed to spin, memories flashing before her eyes. Echoes of laughter from Minitz, the cold chains binding her wrists, and the sombre embrace in the hidden refuge with the brown-eyed man.  


 When suddenly, it all stopped. 



When suddenly, she was free.





Letters were soon sent out, delivered in a pristine yellow envelope, each bearing a white wax seal of a single flower.


Konstantin Denodado




I understand if you can't forgive me for breaking my promise. It's a deserved consequence. Yet, through it all, you were my beacon, my love, my hope. You lifted me from depths I never thought I'd escape. I can only hope I returned the favour in some small measure.


Please, don't let my absence dim your light. Keep living.






A'lia Vershar Kervallen



With this letter, a single feather was sent with..

Hey A’lia,


I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer. I know you wanted me to never leave, but it became too much.


You, A’lia, were more than a friend – you were my closest companion. Some of my fondest memories were with you, and you helped me through thick and thin. Please understand, this isn't your fault.


Instead of carrying the weight of my departure or trying to figure out why, remember the good you brought into my life.






Onon Vershar Kervallen


Hey Onon,


I don't know how to put this, but I needed to say something before I go.


You've been my anchor in this madness, the one voice that made sense when everything else was a blur. I can't say I always followed your advice, but you need to know that your kindness always made a difference in my life.


Thanks for being there, Onon. It meant the world.



Take care,



P.S. take care of A’lia and Dave for me. 



The Denodados




I just wanted to express my gratitude to each and every one of you. Through thick and thin, you've been there, offering unwavering support. You were my rock, my family, and I am forever grateful for your presence in my life.






P.S. do with my stuff as you wish.


Sera Denodado




Even though I'm not by your side anymore, know that you're cherished, always. Embrace each moment and never doubt the support surrounding you. You'll forever be my ray of sunshine.






Opal and Jasper


Opal and Jasper,


Wherever you both may be now, I hope life treats you kindly. It pains me that we never had the chance to meet properly each other. If you ever wish to learn more about me, consider reaching out to Onon Vershar Kervallen and A’lia Vershar Kervallen. They can offer you insights into who I was.



You’ll never be alone in this world, don’t forget it.










This letter was sent ripped, the only ink present on it taking the form of a star, though the rip split it in two uneven halves .





This letter was never sent. Instead, it was dropped in the graveyard of Dunrath, left for nature to reclaim.


I’m sorry.



The Sutharlainns


Dear Sutharlainns, 


Time's swallowed up the history I had with Fergus, Ulrica, and Saorise gone. But my deeds linger, haunting the memories of your family.


Describing the tangled mess of actions and reactions between us would fill pages, but still,


I'm sorry.








News spreads, if you feel its reasonable for your character to know / find out, feel free to rp it.

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Phoibe gasped when she'd heard the news, holding her month old daughter as she read. She remembered meeting Anika once with Konstantin. "Oh ****... that's awful." She frowned. "I hope the Denodados take all the time they need to grieve."

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Oliver let out a strangled noise when they were told of Anika's fate, regret flashing over their features " I... I should have gone to visit her again, or at least sent letters.. I did not realize, I should have been there to talk to her..." without any other words the elf retreated into their room and shut the door tightly. Though no sound could be heard it was clear another soul was mourning the loss of a dear friend, Anika Denodado.

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A'lia happy to have got a letter, The woman didn't get letters that often anymore. But she was happy to have one, and went to rush to open it excitedly. At first when she opened it, she got confused seeing the feather, but quickly set the realization in. Her closest friend.. Her Best Friend. The light of her days, had passed. And in a horrible way at that. The half-elf woman let out a wale in agony as she realized what she had been send. She couldn't believe, her nightmares had come true, she wished she had just spend one more day with her, just one more moment.. Anything, she couldn't leave her behind like this..  Tears streamed down her face, she wouldn't have.. Right? This must be lies? A lot of questions and hopes rushes through her mind, only to be met by the truth of the letter and words of others. She really had passed. 

Her mind would wonder of the thoughts over the weeks to come.
"Was she really gone..? just like that? what about me... "
"You cant leave yet..  I need you!"


Anikas niece meanwhile, with her family went into mourning. The young woman staying silent, about her regrets,
and simply tried her best to not think about the passing of her beloved Tia.


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Lorcan sutharlainn picked up the letter that had been left at his family grave and read it. he vaguely remember the name Anika..but he felt a pinch of sadness over her death anyway. after all..she had taken care of his father when he was a child, and the father´s siblings. Lorcan put the letter in his pocket, going back to the keep in dunrobin to tell the rest of his remaining family that Anika had passed..

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After retrieving his letter, Konstantin had just returned home, opening it with a humble hum. He had just finished the hat he had spent eternity learning to weave for his beloved. He was excited to be able to share, as Konstantin had finished talking to Onon about it. He read the note repeatedly, trying to convince himself that his eyes were deceiving him. One word lingered out to him, his thumb trailing over it.




It was a word that carried so much weight in their time together; it was so constricting he could not breathe. She had written it twice in her letter; to him, it was a resemblance that the word bared two sides. It was a bridge connecting them to a world where they had to trick to be together.


Tears blurred his vision as memories of their life flooded his mind – the laughter they shared, the dreams they dared to chase, and the quiet moments of contentment spent in each other's company. How could she be gone? It felt inconceivable as if the universe had played a cruel trick on him.


With a heavy heart, Konstantin made his way to the bedroom they once shared, every step feeling like an eternity. He sat on the edge of the bed, surrounded by the echoes of their shared past, grappling with the reality of her absence. The room felt emptier now, devoid of her warmth and presence. The hat sat next to him as a forever reminder of the regret he will never be able to shake off, burdening him with the punishment of existing.

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