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Beware | Vukosav & Bug the orc

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[!] A missive was attached to a variety of noticeboards and roadposts around the midlands, mainly in Celia'nor, Haense, Petra and Aaun.


"To whom it may concern, take note of the following;

While the paladins claim to have recently cured 'Bug' the orc from Vampirism, he has seen fit to throw his lot in with the evil that stalks these lands.
Recently, he has come to the aid of Vukosav 'the black' in combat, attempting to use magics to oppose those who were fighting this notorious vampire and demonsorcerer.

While he was unsuccesful in his attempts, and fled the scene upon Vukosav's defeat, it is clear that he still aligns with the servants of the Archlich. 


The descriptions of these miscreants go as follows:
Vukosav is a lesser vampire with the ability to, atleast, perform demonic sorcery. He is in possesion of several items imbued with magics, including enchanted clothing. He has long, greasy black hair and a black mustache and goatee. He wears an eyepatch as he is missing his right eye. He stated he resides in Haense, though I'm unsure if this is true or mere darkspawn lies. He did attempt to teleport away to the keep of Gashadokuro prior to the encounter, but failed to do so.


Bug is an orc, who was recently, and may again be a vampire. He has green skin.  He has a green scar over his right eye. His hair is shaven, except for a mohawk, and he has a stubbly beard. Often seen wearing some kind of cuirass which barely covers his whole torso. During the encounter, he was casting magic and speaking in old blah. I suspect he was trying to cast some form of shamanism, which consistently backfired on him. Guess the spirits do not approve of aiding darkspawn.

Caution is advised around either of these individuals.


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