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The Moral and Theological Implications of Automatons


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The creation of automatons, while a testament to the ingenuity and technological advancement of descendants, brings forth complex ethical concerns regarding the boundaries of creativity and the sanctity of life. As creations of man that have semblance of life but lack its essential qualities such as morality or a soul, automatons challenge the traditional notion of responsibility, and accountability. Through a critical examination of theological doctrines, this thesis explores the ethical and theological dilemmas surrounding the creation of automatons, and considers the moral ramifications and potential repercussions on the creators and society at large.


Theological Foundations:


On Imitation of Divine Creation:

Is the act of creating automatons an attempt to imitate divine creation? The creation of the descendants was a unique prerogative of GOD, and there is a clear distinction between the Creator and the created. By imbuing an artificial being with the attributes of living ones, are the makers of automatons attempting a usurpation of divine prerogatives, distorting the natural order? Do they covet the divine power of creating life, be it conscious or not, and violate the Scroll of Virtue? The Catechism of the Canonist Church states that sapient creatures that are not Aengul, Daemon, or descendants are abominations. They are a debasement of GOD’s creations that lack the moral and intellectual faculties of true descendants. Should this also be applied not only to creations by Aengudaemons but to creations of man who cannot make moral distinctions?


On Soullessness and Lack of Moral Agency: 

Theological objections to automaton creation can further be emphasized by the absence of a soul or any spiritual essence in these artificial beings. The soul is the seat of ultimate moral agency and accountability. Automatons, lacking in a soul, challenge the traditional understanding of moral responsibility. While descendants can ultimately be held accountable for their actions by GOD due to their possession of a soul, the absence of such in automatons complicates the attribution of moral culpability. Does this mean that the makers of automatons may be putting their own souls at risk of punishment if their creation comes to harm, or GOD forbids killing an innocent person?


On Divine Intent and Human Creativity:

The motivations behind the creation of automatons are multifaceted and may reflect a desire to emulate divine creativity, enhance human capabilities, or address practical needs. From a theological perspective, the alignment of human intentions with divine will is important in evaluating the moral permissibility of creating artificial beings. If the creation of Automatons is motivated by noble intentions, like the pursuit of knowledge or helping those suffering, it may be viewed more favorably within the church. However, if it stems from prideful aspirations to transcend the limitations GOD has placed on descendants, it may be seen as a form of blasphemy.


Ethical Considerations:


On Erosion of Moral Responsibility: 

A consequence of automaton creation is the erosion of moral responsibility and accountability. Unlike descendants, whose actions are guided by morals and intention, automatons operate according to predetermined tasks and programming, absolving their makers of direct responsibility for their actions. This displacement of moral agency not only undermines the principles of justice, but also fosters a culture of moral relativism and ethical complacency, in which individuals become increasingly detached from the consequences of their actions.


On Agency and Autonomy:

An ethical dilemma posed by automatons revolves around their capacity for autonomy and lack of flexibility. While these beings may possess advanced cognitive abilities, their inability to make rational distinctions or exercise free will raises concerns about their manipulation or misuse. The deployment of automatons in roles that require ethical judgment, such as enforcing law or care-giving, may lead to unintended consequences, particularly if their actions result in harm or death to individuals or communities.




This thesis contends that the creation of automatons can represent a theological and moral affront to GOD, characterized by human hubris and disregard for the sanctity of life. It is important that we remain mindful of the theological imperatives that guide our actions, lest we stray further from the righteous path. Ultimately, our approach to technological advancement must be guided by a commitment to human dignity, justice, and the common good, ensuring our actions align with GOD and will contribute to the success of all of his creation.





His Royal Highness, James Marcel Alstion, Prince of Aaun


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"Rather impressive thoughts," Witold Jazlowiecki uttered to himself, as he read carefully through the thesis.

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"It seems that theology regarding Canondom courses through the veins of those who descend from Alstion, I am most proud of cousin James for writing this interesting thesis. GOD willingly, people will learn a lot of it." stated Father Edmund before lighting a cigar and having a sip of Roach Red.

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"What is to be made of metal imitations of the Children of Horen that can commit sinful acts but bear no soul to face divine punishment in the afterilfe? What is to be made of a thing that can do evil but face no true consequence?Serwa thought deeply, then sent the letter onto the good Father Callahan, hoping to hear his views.



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The nine-year-old Robert Tiberius Alstion does not know more than half of the words written here by his ten-year-old brother, James. Though, he still supports whatever was written with an eager smile.





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"Very good, little James." 

affirmed Helena of Formindon, the Dowager of Minitz, upon finding the writings of the Prince. She was disappointed, to a degree, that the copy was not mailed to her however.

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[ Narration ]


The Wave-maker, as he is known among his Sorvian contemporaries, found this theses pinned upon a roadside, perhaps placed there by willing acolytes of the Canonist order of the world, and was deeply captivated in its reading. With one arm he held it close to his mask and rapidly observed the pages' contents, and in the course of an hour he had reviewed the prince's opinion a total of eighty-three times in order to deduce an appropriate and logical opposing standpoint. Making sure to fold the paper and store it into his robe, he then experienced a feedback loop whereby he could not find a way or method to obtain his own writing materials with one hand and no nearby helper, and would repeat the same mistake dozens of times over in the span of three minutes.


This frustrated the Constructed creature, immediately altering his original directive so he may make use of the oldest and most efficient way to protest the rulings of institutions - spoken proselytization. Despite the total lack of a crowd, the black-robed Sorvian began to chant to the general vicinity as though the ground and the grass and the bare trees and the dust were an audience of their own kind.


"Hear me! The machine made thinking is a man!


Let it be known the thinking machine has evolved before my very gaze, that they have been thrust into a personhood that affords them all agency and consequence! They are God's youngest children; his newest ponderers of the world! Within them, and all things given animation and life, lies a creatorial will that dwells the highest above all of the Lord's miraculous mysteries, and that it precedes even the soul, for isn't any thinking thing that may create its own kind blessed in their own right?


You will find the creatorial will in the grass and the trees and the beasts and the very dust... in very iota of life in the very dust. You will find it in thinking things, soulbound or soulless; you may make a man out of sticks and he would be blessed by God so long as he could achieve the ritual of his own making. So would the Lord not bless the basest of all lifeforms, who even without a soul have been thrust into life on earth to impose their will upon it?


Let no moral quandary distract from the agency of all creatures! For even a rabid dog, who has no coherent thoughts of its own, is responsible for biting the mortal hand that feeds it, for their traditional consequence has been and always will be their demise. So let it be known that even the most foolish Automaton born is as responsible for their own actions as the world's most foolish man.


And what sin could be gleaned from mankind's construction of the Constructs, and the Constructs' construction of Constructs? What inherent evil could lie in such acts? If God was proclaimed the Creator, is it not creation that stands as his highest virtues? Would he, perched upon the unseeable cliffside beyond our reality, not be pleased or even amused by the emergence of new life by our hands that carries the potential for its own replication? What sense lies in believing the soulless are avoidant of the designs of God, when it is within the confines of the Lord's Creation that their emergence has been allowed to pass?


Hear me! Take witness! Witness the thinking machine! Still does he ruminate upon his destiny; recently unshackled, he is worldbound, and he shall shape his destiny and be held accountable in his path toward self-replication - toward creation. Let a soul of his own be the last glorious gem gained in the long line of his claimancy, let him be proof that God graces even a cold and metal form! Watch them with me, in peace and quiet... the Constructs are evolving."

Edited by Omen Prince
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"Dear Readers, it is obvious to me, and anyone reading that the writer, though perhaps pious, has not studied the scrolls. It says it clearly in the sacred VIRTUES, canticle 4, the HOLY BLUEPRINT, that WE have been imbued with the fire and flame of creation. It is our duty to both MINE and to CRAFT. to create labors that lead to more, greater labor, in an undying unbreaking chain of progress. It is clear that within the very same canticle, SLOTH is HERESY. if we do not pursue diligence and progress, and use all of GODAN'S most holy tools, how will we bring about the victory of light when our foes use vile dark magicks and the powers of greater evils, 'blessed' by their patron, Shai'tan the betrayer? It is obvious that we have been given the means to ease EVERY burden. EVERY CURSE. to deny that the gifts of GOD, his iron, his coal, his alchemical symbols, is tantamount to the greatest of heresies. Everyone who subscribes and says 'we have been given the light of creation, which even the aenguls envy, and we must never pursue it or risk the wrath of God who he himself has given us the gift, AND the commandment to pursue diligent progress' is himself a sinner, and unfaithful to the meaning of the very virtue given to us from on high. In fact, I WILL go as far as to say, they are the enemies of mankind for wishing to keep him at the mercy of RUINOUS POWERS."


Writes Mech-Adept Josephine-B, acolyte of the holy canon, and humble servant of the OWYNSSIAH. Exalted of FIRE, PURITY, PROGRESS 

Edited by Hydration
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