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Letter to Lord Ruthern

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To Lord Ruthern,


My name is Serwa. I have attempted to find and reach you in person, but such has unfortunately proved unsuccessful - so now I write to you. I am an acolyte to Cardinal Callahan, and I have a request; that the hill opposite your fort bearing the glowing Lorraine upon it be used as a site for the construction of a Chapel - the Stone Chapel. My reasons for this are twofold. 

One, when we made pilgrimage to the site, we found the Lorraine bloodied and dirtied, chunks of meat and other viscera tied to it by rope. We knelt in sorrowful prayer - and when we raised our heads, we found it not only clean, but glowing; verily, proof of His approval. The place is Holy, the site of a divine miracle.

Two, I - and others - have been having visions and dreams of the Stone Chapel, sent by Him, we can only presume. The dreams are not dark nor blasphemous in nature; verily, they show of the Stone Chapel, the detail and the makeup of it. The building is entirely made out of stone, and bears no windows - the space for them, certainly, but no glass keeps the elements out. Everything, down to the pews, is constructed from rock. Only the door is made of spruce, and above the entrance are inscribed the words:


We, the sons of ancient glory,

We, the heirs of ancient trow,

We shall bring GOD to the morrow

And deliver Him to the now..


I ask your permission for this pious building to be constructed because you own the land upon which we would build it. I do not want to start without your permission - I do not want to cause undue offense. I cannot see how it would cause you much trouble (we will build it ourselves; if you do not wish to help, you need not). I would like to state, too, that this project has the approval of Cardinal Callahan - all I desire is your approval, and then we can begin this Holy work. 


GOD be,

- Serwa





This is an open letter. Anyone can read this.


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Lord Brother,


I have met this harried soul, and she has undergone the Rite of Vindication in my presence.


She has spoken to me of this venture in the past, and I had urged her to seek your blessing to build upon your land. This woman has a troubled past, wrought in the depths of the heresies of Hallowcliffe, but my understanding is that she played the role of victim to some ritual, and her memory is now addled. I will remain vigilant nonetheless - but if it is salvation and worship that spur her now, I likewise offer my support so that this chapel might be erected. The sole stipulation I would advise is that this place of worship suitable for the pilgrims of Jorenus, and conforms to the teachings of the Four Exalted.


Light preserve and prevail,


Cardinal Westerwald.

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“Any Owynists come up onto the mountain they’re getting shot.” Remarked one Lord Ruthern. “Our own monastery plans are already under way, are they not?” He turned his eyes to Rhys. @ReveredOwl

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35 minutes ago, GMRO said:

“Any Owynists come up onto the mountain they’re getting shot.” Remarked one Lord Ruthern. “Our own monastery plans are already under way, are they not?” He turned his eyes to Rhys. @ReveredOwl

"Indeed, plans are already in motion to construct a monastery close to Morteskvan." replied Father Rhys.

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