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What makes LotC, LotC?


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Nothing but the name. Lotc 10 years ago and Lotc now are incomparable. Hell Lotc 3 years ago and Lotc now are incomparable. Realistically there's very little consistency in most things because of ever changing staff and policies. It's pretty much as though it's only ever been a game in a beta phase really. 

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Probably an Anthology type storyline where it follows the stories of different characters per episode, but somehow all connected in some sort of way, maybe something like how said characters are reacting / preparing for any of the multiple end of map events? Atleast thats what i'd like to see in the TV show hypothetical.


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5 hours ago, Jentos said:


- snip -


This is some great insight on that subject, thanks for this reply

7 hours ago, Proddy said:

if lotc was a netflix show you'd have a moment during the season climax where our main characters are conspiring to kill the king of a large and important nation, however as they're about to do the deed everyone would freeze, the king in question would start saying #looc before his sentences and say he's making a thing called a "modreq". our cast of heroes and the king would go back and forth whilst saying #looc before every sentence about why they have done a thing called "valid rp" to get to this moment. then a figure known as a "moderator" would teleport into the room, tell our protagonists that they were "metagaming" and they must leave and the credits would roll.


this made me laugh, thanks 😆 

i'll be sure to include it in my adaptation lol

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passive aggression, regular aggression, cult of personality, sexual misconduct and zero actual emphasis on what the server is about

icly it's just LOTR but worse in every way


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I actually think LotC is really a sum of its parts - from the Four Brothers to modern-day interactions between races.


Taken individually, any given component could probably fit into any other fantasy setting pretty well. 

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if lotc was adapted as a show on netflix it would suffer the same fate as netflix's first show, house of cards, for much the same reason.

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