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[Complete] Report (Pegleg_Bob, Diodio666, TwilightXk, happy3pants, Uarehere, ragnarakajavvy)

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Player(s) Being Reported

TwilightXk, happy3pants, Uarehere


Rule(s) Broken

Meta gaming/Meta rally, failed rp


Player(s) Involved

Pegleg_Bob, Diodio666, TwilightXk, happy3pants, Uarehere, ragnarakajavvy, Theshinyhodzic




I Pegleg_Bob at around the time 7:30 Est was working on build a village when I was improperly halted by Maxwell (happy3pants) noticing that he failed his halt I quickly went into a tower which was nearby. After awhile of waiting in the tower, two more people  TwilightXk and Uarehere showed up and tried convincing me in RP to come out and surrender myself. It was then Diodio666 show up to help me with the build and seeing me in peril and ran off to ring the bell. By this time it was 7:45 as the bell was rang and Diodio666 showed back up and joined the rp once more. Diodio666 pull out a potion and walked to the group before deciding to run off to get more help. TwilightXk then throw a bottle of cockatrice breath at him turning Diodio666 persona slowly turning him into stone as he jumped into a river. After that TwilightXk tried using a potion of Epistle smog to smoke me out but it did not reach me. It was then they admitted to metagaming/metarallying me in looc, and then tried to breakdown the door of the tower without emoting it.  After awhile they left and I was able to get out of the tower. 



Relevant Material


Evidence of uncooperative conduct.




Desired Result of Report

I do not wish the interaction to be voided, I just wish for the correct punishment to be applied to those who meta rallied me


Before posting on this thread, please review the Report Rules.

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