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(Taken) Searching for three people to play as a friend groupish and roomates

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I am creating another character and basically I have had idea of like four people knowing each other for basically a long time now and mostly stick together, (some could rivals with each other, best friends, straight down lovers or enemies, etc. like different relations to eachother from the four) and just being roomates and I kind of have an idea like weekly. The idea is just basic for right now but it shall be expanded on as it is discussed more. 

Friend 1: Taken
Friend 2: Taken
Friend 3: Taken

Friend 4: Taken

There is not any specific race, personality, etc from what is required, age is simply could just be around the same age, but other than everything is up to you.

To contact me if ya wanna join, please dm me, my username is Riverbandage. 
City also to where the house shall be shall be decided on

Edited by Voodoo_BirD
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Friend 1: Alistair

I shall be your friend. I am a Dragon. I am a thousand years old. I live in Tor Praeth.


We shall go questing together. Inshallah!

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Friend 2: Ghelezas


I can't wait to be your friend. You are a very good friend match for me. I am two hundred years old. I live in Tor Praeth.


I can't wait to go questing with you. Inshallah!

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Friend 3: Tagitsimaru Iaseun


I am a Voidal Mage and Teacher soon to be a Scion. I'm 150 years old. I live in the Shogunate.


Our quests will be great. Inshallah!

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12 minutes ago, Sean_VEVO said:

Friend 3: Tagitsimaru Iaseun


I am a Voidal Mage and Teacher soon to be a Scion. I'm 150 years old. I live in the Shogunate.


Our quests will be great. Inshallah!

I would take this honestly, having a 150 year old with you would be pretty cool. 


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32 minutes ago, creamynoteblock said:

Friend 2: Ghelezas


I can't wait to be your friend. You are a very good friend match for me. I am two hundred years old. I live in Tor Praeth.


I can't wait to go questing with you. Inshallah!

I would take this honestly, having someone from Tor Praeth with you would be pretty cool



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Friend 4: Pavel

I am a belligerent drunkard, and tactically minded mercenary. I'm 30 something and live in the Heartlander Confederacy. 

I cannot wait to die on a glorious quest, inshallah!

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13 minutes ago, MaltaMoss said:

Friend 4: Pavel

I am a belligerent drunkard, and tactically minded mercenary. I'm 30 something and live in the Heartlander Confederacy. 

I cannot wait to die on a glorious quest, inshallah!

I would take this honestly, having belligerent drunk as a roomy would be pretty cool ngl 



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alright then, please do message me on discord 

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Friend 5: Malik the Freak


I was birthed when GOD decided that freaks must exist. For that reason, I am an immortal freak lord who is timeless. I live in my own realm called “da Zu” where Jenny and Qard hail from. 

I cannot wait to freak on people with you, brother. Inshallah!

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