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Orders from the Light Above



As ratified on 3rd of The Grand Harvest in 178 S.A.

Between the Paladins of Xan and the Silver State of Haelun’or


Article One, the Paladins of Xan are hereby granted the Rite of Inquisition within the lands of the Silver State of Haelun’or. This entails the rights to question suspicious individuals,  darkspawn test individuals, and to apprehend darkspawn dissidents. If an individual is found to be a darkspawn, anyone in the Inquisition can apprehend them and bring them before the Sohaer of a Councilor for a warrant of execution. This clause applies only to non-citizens. 


Article Two, if the Paladins of Xan have reason to believe that a Blessed Citizen is cooperating with the Dark elements of Aevos, they reserve the right to appear before the Sohaer to request a warrant to investigate further. Until then, Paladins of Xan cannot darkspawn test or apprehend Blessed Citizens. They are, however, permitted to question Blessed Citizens with their approval.


Article Three, citizens maintain the right to a trial if found to be darkspawn by the Inquisition of the Purity of Soul. This right is inalienable, with the only way to waive it being that if they are an imminent threat to the Blessed Citizenry of the State as determined by the Sohaer.


Article Four, the Inquisition will only be headed by the Paladin Cerrick of Kamees, giving him authority to exercise the weight of this treaty underneath the authority of the Sohaer. All actions taken by the Inquisition will be done with the weight of the Sohaer’s authority.


Article Five, all Paladins have the inherent right to join and maintain the Inquisition against the Long Dark, though all have to have their warrant requested by Cerrick of Kamees and their warrant approved through a formal meeting before the Sohaer of Haelun’or. Until their warrants are fully approved, Paladins shall not be granted the permission to operate within the realm of Haelun’or.


Article Six, despite acting under the authority of the Sohaer, no actions taken by the Inquisition reflect on the Sohaer’s will. All Inquisitors, despite working as an independent organization, bend to the will of the Blessed Law and work within its bounds. Any lawbreaking done on Haelun’or soil will be met with the Sohaer’s judgment.


Article Seven, if any order members of the Paladin of Xan are found to be operating outside of the stipulations set forth in this treaty, their ability to operate within Haelun’or shall be revoked.


Article Eight, this treaty will be set into motion and last for the duration of sixteen years unless a new Sohaer is declared. If the latter occurs, it will be under the discretion of Cerrick of Kamees to negotiate a new treaty.



Cerrick of Kamees,

Paladin of Xan, Bestower of Food



Her Grace, Ashwýn Sythaèrin, Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun’or, Supreme Commander of elSillumir, Member of the Sythaerin Talonnii


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“Hmmm…. This smells fishy… and no it’s not that they live by the ocean” Sofiele expressed some concerns over this specific treaty

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Valindra read over the missive, seemingly intently. However, after checking it over in full, the faintest of chuckles left her lips.


"Heh, butte."

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As issued by the Silver State of Haelun’or in the year 182 S.A.



IN ACCORDANCE WITH Article VIII of this treaty, the terms of its contents concluded with the ascension of a new head of state. Therefore, it is nullified by the hand of Sohaer Sythaerin.



IT IS THE DESIRE of Sohaer an Naedwylm to continue the terms of this treaty and seek to see it upheld for the remainder of its duration. Therefore, it is ratified by the hand of Sohaer an Naedwylm.



SHOULD THERE BE ANY ISSUES taken with the above by the leader of the signatory ( @Pancho ), they are asked to contact the recently ascended Sohaer of Haelun’or.




Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun’or, Chief Commander of elSillumir & Iônadar an Naedwylm

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