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[Mysticism Amendment] Sapping

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The powers of Mysticism are considered to be sacred by those who practice them devoutly, for knowledge gifted by the dead is not knowledge taken lightly. Thus, with intent to preserve the nature of their ill-begot craft, a wight, the very embodiment of occult power, may tear apart what was conjoined, taking the phantom melded with the mystic and pulling it forth through a ritual inherit only to the wight themselves. Such would render the mystic permanently unable to draw upon their power ever again. 


  • Following the completion of the sapping, the mystic's MA would be denied.





The powers of Mysticism are considered to be sacred by those who practice them devoutly, for knowledge gifted by the dead is not knowledge taken lightly. Thus, with intent to preserve the nature of their ill-begot craft, a wight, the very embodiment of occult power, may tear apart what was conjoined, taking one or both phantoms melded with the mystic and pulling it forth through a ritual inherit only to the wight themselves. Such would revert the mystic to being conjoined only once, or render them permanently unable to draw upon their power ever again.


  • Following the completion of the sapping of all conjoined phantoms, the mystic's MA would be denied.
  • If only one phantom has been sapped from a twice-conjoined mystic, this would be marked on their MA.
    • The mystic effectively reverts to being conjoined only once.
    • Mystics with a TA may continue to teach and take on new students, but can only teach spells and rituals available to single conjoinment.



Sapping is the most extreme form of punishment for a mystic, effectively being synonymous with disconnection. This usually entails severing someone from a coven, burning all bridges. By giving wights the ability to choose the severity of sapping, they are effectively able to choose for a lessened form of punishment which can now be seen as a 'slap on the wrist', allowing a form of redemption for the mystic. Because of the way tiers and conjoinment work, it also makes sense for a wight to be able to strip only one phantom should they so desire. 

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Much needed, +1

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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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