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Letter to the Royal Duma:







In the tapestry of our nation's history, each thread is woven with the names and deeds of Kings who have guided us through the ages. Yet, as we trace this illustrious lineage, we must acknowledge a glaring omission: the absence of our revered Queen Consorts from the Haurul Caezk. It is a gap that not only mars the completeness of our historical record but also risks consigning these remarkable women to the shadows of obscurity.


We ask the Royal Duma to debate the following:


The Addition of Queen Consorts to The Haurul Caezk: To rectify this historical oversight, we suggest the Crown enshrine the names and legacies of our queen consorts within the pages of the Haurul Caezk. These noble women, though not crowned sovereigns in their own right, have stood steadfastly by the side of their royal spouses, offering counsel, support, and unwavering devotion to the realm.


By immortalising their names alongside those of our kings, we pay homage to their enduring influence and commemorate their invaluable contributions to the fabric of our society. Let us not allow the passage of time to diminish their rightful place in history, but instead, let us ensure that they are remembered and revered for generations to come.


Let us strive for a future where the names of our monarchs are spoken with reverence and respect, and the legacies of our Queen Consorts are celebrated alongside that of their royal counterparts. In honouring the past, we ensure a legacy worthy of emulation for generations yet unborn.




HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Nataliya of Ghaestenwald, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald, and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, Toruv, Valdev, and Werdenburg, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera.


HER HIGHNESS, Stefaniya Barbanov-Bihar
















To rectify historical oversight,  the Crown shall enshrine the names and legacies of our queen consorts within the pages of the Haurul Caezk. These noble women, though not crowned sovereigns in their own right, have stood steadfastly by the side of their royal spouses, offering counsel, support, and unwavering devotion to the realm.




Section I.IV of the Haurul Caezk will be amended. It shall read:


I.IV. The Koengraeken shall commemorate the reigning monarchs and consorts of the Kingdom, and they shall be:

i. Petyr I the Founder,” born Petyr var Sigmar Barbanov, reigning 131-135 E.S.

ii. Andrik II the Winter King,” born Andrik Otto var Petyr Barbanov, reigning 135-139 E.S.

iii. Marius I the Good,” born Marus var Andrik Barbanov, reigning 139-164 E.S.

iv. Petyr II the Poxed,” born Petyr Mark var Marus Barbanov, reigning 164-164 E.S.

v. Stefanthe Green,” born Stefan Karl var Marus Barbanov, reigning 164-177 E.S.

vi. Otto I the Hero of Asaili,” born Otto Henrik var Andrik Barbanov, reigning 177-177 E.S.

vii. Otto II the Prudent,” born Otto Georg var Otto Barbanov, reigning 177-197 E.S.

viii. Otto III the Builder,” born Otto Stefan var Otto Barbanov, reigning 197-208 E.S.

ix. Karl II the Stubborn,” born Karl Marus var Otto Barbanov, reigning 208-219 E.S.

x. Franz II “the Unfortunate,” born Franz Jakob var Heinrik Bihar, reigning 219-219 E.S.

xi. Sigmar I the Short,” born Sigmar Lothar var Robert Bihar, reigning 219-235 E.S.

xii. Robert I the Kind,” born Robert Lothar var Sigmar Lothar, reigning 235-260 E.S.

xiii. Marius II the Brash,” born Marus Demetrius var Robert Bihar, reigning 260-272 E.S.

xiv. Andrik IIIthe Unyielding,” born Andrik Lothar var Marus Bihar, reigning 272-299 E.S.

xv. Andrik IV the Preserver,” born Andrik Petyr var Andrik Bihar, reigning 299-306 E.S.

xvi. Sigismund II the Soldier,” born Otto Sigismund var Andrik Bihar, reigning 306-329 E.S.

xvii. Josef I the Temperate,” born Josef Sigismund var Otto Bihar, reigning 329-359 E.S.

xviii. Henrik II “the Stern,” born Henrik Karl var Josfer Bihar, reigning 359-391 E.S.

xix. Sigismund III the Golden,” born Sigismund Karl var Henrik Bihar, reigning 391-426 E.S.

xx. Karl III the Lion,” born Karl Sigmar var Sigismund Bihar, reigning from 426-458 E.S.

xxi. Georg I “the Summer King,” born Georg Sigismund var Karl Bihar, reigning from 458 E.S-482 E.S.

xxii. Aleksandr II “the Conqueror,” born Aleksandr Otto var Georg Bihar, reigning from 482 E.S-521 E.S.


i. Reza Kovachev van Turov the First,” consort to Andrik II, reigning 135-139 E.S.

ii. Adelajda Ruthern van Metterden the Deceitful,” consort to Marus I, reigning 148-164 E.S.

iii. Elizaveta Staunton van Courland the Loathed,” consort to Stefan I, reigning 166-172 E.S.

iv. Katherina Kovachev van Karnatiya the Unsung,” consort to Otto I, reigning 177-180 E.S.

v. Eleanor d’Amaury van Lotharingiya the Astute,” consort to Otto II, reigning 180-197 E.S.

vi. Iyngrid Sarkozic van Ulgaard the Good,” consort to Otto III, reigning 197-208 E.S.

vii. Tatyana Ruthern van Metterden the Blue,” consort to Franz II, reigning 219 E.S.

viii. Sofiya Chivay van Kastir the Fair,” consort to Sigmar I, reigning 223-235 E.S.

ix. Elizaveta Ruthern van Vidaus the Simple,” consort to Robert I, reigning 235-260 E.S.

x. Klaudiya Vanir van Vasiland the Shrewd,” consort to Marus II, reigning 261-272 E.S.

xi. Milena Carrion van Adria the Red,” consort to Marus II, reigning 279-295 E.S.

xii. Maya Alimar van Muldav the Brazen,” consort to Andrik IV, reigning 299-306 E.S.

xiii. Viktoriya Ruthern van Metterden the Warrior Queen,” consort to Sigmund II, reigning 219-329 E.S.

xiv. Isabel Baruch van Valwyck the Candid,” consort to Josef I, reigning 339-359 E.S.

xv. Mariya Amador van Aurveldt the Young,” first consort to Heinrik II, reigning 362-368 E.S.

xvi. Annika Vyronov van Astfield the Traditionalist,” second consort to Heinrik II, reigning 376-390 E.S.

xvii. Emma Kortrevich van Jerovitz the Golden,” consort to Sigismund III, reigning 390-425 E.S.

xviii. Amadea Basrid van Susa the Formidable,” consort to Karl III,, reigning 425-457 E.S.

xix. Esfir Kortrevich van Jerovitz the Heir,” first consort to Georg I, reigning 457-472 E.S.

xx. Sofia Pelear van Hyspia the Unknown,” second consort to Georg I, reigning 475-481 E.S.

xxi. Amaya Colborn van Venzia the Pure,” consort to Aleksandr II, reigning 481-521 E.S.



Introduced in Duma by Stefaniya Barbanov-Bihar in 530 E.S. 


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The old personal Marian Knight of Queen Sofia of Hyspia, Ser Sterling, would question why the queen he served most dutifully before and through the mori wars, would have such an odd moniker. "Surely the Sapphire would be more fitting?" He made no comment upon the other queen's monikers, as he was unfamiliar.

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1 hour ago, shay said:

xx. Sofia Pelear van Hyspia the Unknown,” second consort to Georg I, reigning 475-481 E.S.

"The Unknown? The Unknown?! If you had researched her tenure properly, you would know she stood firm during the Mori wars and, furthermore, she reorganized the courts of Haense. It was quite literally one of the major things she's known for. This is an insult to the Hyspian people! She was not Unknown, she was a true Sapphire!" Nicolas Murietta said as he read the letter. Being a student of history, this particular title irked him irreversibly.

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1 hour ago, shay said:

xx. Sofia Pelear van Hyspia the Unknown,” second consort to Georg I, reigning 475-481 E.S.

Esfir, upon noting her step-great grandmother’s moniker, scowled. “Did she nae help all of Haense through ve mori invasions n’ help revive ve courts for Hauchmamej to take over…?” Stubborn as always, the Baroness quickly sought to speak to her father, who was conveniently the lord speaker.

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Verónica looked on from the seven skies at the insult made to her sister and the Hyspian people "The Sapphire, would have been fine. Sofia The Beautiful would have been great. Sofia was SOUGHT after by countless people for her looks, she was and is gorgeous both inside and out. She looked 20 years old for her whole life due to how well she took care of herself. Surely the 'Forever Youthful' would also work."

"As for Amaya, she was the people's Queen! Not the Pure, unless they mean of heart! Do these Hanseti know nothing of the last few generations?"
The dead Hyspia Princess Scoffed to herself

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