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The Banshee Queen

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The Banshee Queen

By; Unknown


Trees bent in terror of her name,

Living creatures ran in fear and shame.

Screams can be heard, as the harsh wind blows

You know sheโ€™s near, by the murder of crows


It's said that those who wander into her domain,

Are never seen again, not while she reigns.

And those who cross her, her rage will snow

A fate worse than death awaits them, they know


The people of the north did quake and cower,

Lest the witch would cast her wicked power.

As the people searched for a way to be free,

The witch's powers began to weaken and flee.


She fled as she learned of her dying lightย 

Our courage and strength returned this night

For the hunters could now lower their hoods,

But they still remained afraid of the woods.


Still heed this warning, still heed this tale

That cannibal witch always returned without fail

Women grew anxious, inside they could feel

ย She would soon return for her next meal.


Her wicked laugh still echoed in our minds

The flesh of men, is what she dined

Her wickedness stained all of our dreams

The witch in the north, the Banshee Queen




In the far northern reaches of Aevos, a violent winter storm clawed its way over the snow-capped mountain. The winds howled like lost souls, whipping snow and ice into a frenzied dance. A thunderous crack rent the air, and the sky split open in a brilliant, electric blue as a bolt of lightning struck the mountain's peak.


The entire mountain groaned, a deep, unsettling sound that reverberated through the earth. Beneath its solid, ancient rock lay a labyrinth of caves and caverns, dark and secretive. In one of these hidden recesses stood a grotesque tree-like structure, crafted entirely from ghostly ice. At its base jutted a capsule of ice, a frozen tumor in the mountain's belly. As the mountain trembled, two deep blue lights began to glow from within the icy cocoon, casting eerie shadows in the subterranean gloom.


Soon, a feminine grey hand wrenched itself free from the icy prison, the long, manicured nails clawing against the frost in a desperate bid for freedom. An intense exhale marked her emergence, her breath steaming in the frigid air. Her sleek, snow-white hair cascaded down either side of her face as the icy witch took a confident step forward, her eyes gleaming with a terrible knowledge.


The cold air was sucked towards her in a swift, unnatural breath, as if the mountain itself was gasping in anticipation. Then she released a horrendous scream, a sound that tore through the chamber like a banshee's wail, causing the ice to contort and twist into grotesque shapes, writhing as if in agony. The mountain shuddered again, acknowledging the return of something ancient and malevolent.


Eileen turned to gaze into a flat surface of ice, her lips curling into a grin at the sight of her own reflection. The witch's ascension was complete. She could feel the raw, crackling power coursing through her body, making her skin tingle and her eyes glow with a newfound intensity. Her body seemed to radiate with an otherworldly health, a vibrant glow that spoke of dark magic and ancient pacts fulfilled.


She made her way through the empty corridors, her nails scraping against the walls with a slow, deliberate screech before she broke into a sudden, manic skip. The witch began to sing with wicked glee, her voice echoing eerily through the deserted halls. She twirled, her laughter sharp and unsettling. "Finally, oh Lumia, you'd be so proud..." she crooned, her words dripping with a twisted joy, each step and note a testament to her dark triumph.


The witch emerged from the entrance of their hideout, arms outstretched to embrace the raging storm that tore through the night. The wind whipped her stark white hair into a frenzy, and she let out a hideous cackle that echoed into the darkness, mingling with the howls of the tempest. Her laughter was a blight upon the night, a chilling sound that promised chaos and ruin.

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Sick as shit damn


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Just now, kingnothing said:
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By; Unknown

mf we know u wrote this


pls /d40 irl?ย ๐Ÿค 

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"If she was so strong, she'd fight me." Gashadokuro comments, catching a cold wind of the developments that hailed from the North.

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