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The Norsemen Of Holmstrom


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Born into the harsh Winters of the North, the Norsemen came to ground their roots into the hard, frozen soil. This fearsome group was founded by Ayre Salex, forefather of the Three. Each of his sons took up his own surname. The eldest was named Skagyr Ulfhaedyn. The middle was called Thenric Norsem. The youngest of the three, was named Eldred Foy. Each of the boys were as wild and fierce as the last, and unmatched in their own separate skills of warfare, politics, and justice, respectively. The Norsemen were all home in a motte and bailey called New Heimdall, a bastion against the Undead and other troublesome wildlings wandering about. They were all steadfast against minor skirmishes with the forsaken souls of the Undead. These fights left the scales tipped with the Undeads favour. Norsemen fell before the Undead, being brought to their knees in despair before falling beneath their minions. Ayre Salex in dire need, made haste with a detatchment of guards to Al’khazar, to plead for the King Enor’s protection. Enor looked down and sneered at his furs and oiled black ringmail. Enor dismissed him with a flick of the wrist. Salex, outraged at the Kings brusque dismissal , vowed that he would have Enor’s head, in front of all the court. Salex was shortly executed after that, his head sent back to his remaining sons. The Salex line was too busy fending off the Undead Legions when word reached them, their village on the verge of collapsing. Skagyr Ulfhaedyn, the firstborn son made the call to abandon New Heimdall. The two younger brothers grudgingly abided, and all three went their separate ways. The bulk of the Norsemen accompanied Skagyr with his longboats as they traveled in pursuit of new lands, while Foy and Norsem headed south, to make (and take part in) the Phoenix Revolution.

Ydain, son of Skagyr, traveled into Asulon with his young son, Aedric. They settled on the southern tip of Hanseti, and begin the Old Way of life once more. Looting, pillaging, and raiding small fishing villages till their granaries were empty. They continued this way of life, not bothering not meddle with the happenings of the Empire and other nation, until word reached their ears of the death of one of their distant relatives, Norsem. Seeing their chance, and abandoning the Old Way, they traveled to the Orenian Empire, to seize Norsem's lands, keeps, and titles.

Arrival of the Ulfhaedyns and Norsemen into Oren and Asulon

The Norsemen



“Bound by Blood, Bound by Honour, Bound by Family, ‘Till Death”

The Norsemen are generally made up of northern stalk, with the rarity of a dwarf, and even a southeron in their midst. Their general morals are to bring harm to any dark elf they may see, if their leader permits it.

Norsemen are fierce in nature, grown in the harsh environments of the north/Hansetian mountain colds. They oft wear oiled ringmail, with bits of plate here and there.

The Norsemen are currently sworn under the Knightly Order of the White Rose. In turn, they serve the Holy Oren Empire and defend their borders. The Ulfhaedyns are not nobility, but they do hold lands. As well as the Norsemen are not bannermen, and have no place among the Emperors vast and mighty banner armies.


Ranks of the Norsemen




The first rank upon joining the Huscarls. Those who join will begin with a probationary period where their strength, skill, and loyalty will be tested.



Upon proving one's worth to the Norsemen, they will be promoted to a Fri-hal. Fri-hal are now full fledged members of the Norsemen. When promoted they must take an oath of loyalty only to be broken by death.



Named elite by the Hersir himself, Drengr are considered the strongest force in the Norsemen. These men, though infantry, are respected as great warriors loyal to whatever the cause may be of the Norsemen.



The Select few officers of the Norsemen. Hand-picked by the Hersir, they help make major decisions for the order. They also may lead small groups of soldiers on raids and battles.

The Hersir


The overall leader of the Norsemen who serves under the House Grandfather and the Earl himself. This position is usually taken by a noble.


The Oath

I, (name) hereby swear my sword to the Nords of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my sword with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, I do by swear.



MC name?:

Have you been banned? If so, why?:

Do you have an accepted villain app?:

Do you have a TS or Skype? Skype name?:

Short Bio (2-5 sentences):







Your oath:

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MC name?: TrooperX40

Have you been banned? If so, why?: Nope

Do you have an accepted villain app?: Not yet, but you know I'm good for it.

Do you have a TS or Skype? (TS preferred):Yes and yes.

Short Bio (2-5 sentences):

Tance grew up in a small town and was bred to be not just a warrior, but an honorable warrior. Tance serves the Nikkelsen family code with pride and seeks to find his way in the world and continue the traditions of his family.



Name: Tance Nikkelsen

Age: 19

Race: Human

Experience: I trained under my father as my father did before me and I've been serving House Ulfhaedyn for some time.

Your oath: I, Tance Nikkelsen hereby swear my axe to the Norsemen of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my axe with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, I do by swear.

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MC Name : Lassess

Have you ever been banned, if so, why? : Nope

Do you have an accepted villain app? : No, but we will see where that goes.

Do you have a TS or Skype? (TS preferred) : Both

Short Bio (2-5 sentences):

Halfdan very early in his life learned the harsh lesson of survival. Losing his brother on a hunt, made him leave his homestead for a purpose in his life. Wandering the roads of Asulon he served under several lords and barons, right until they either abandoned their cause or met an early end. In this new land, Halfdan searches for one final leader to loyally follow.



Name : Halfdan Björnsson

Age : 32

Race : Human , Northerner

Experience : Halfdan is an skilled fighter. The many years under diffrent banners and the long nights alone in the forest has hardened his senses aswell as his reflexes. Prefers a two handed broadsword, or whatever is sharp enough to pierce a zombies (or humans) eye.

Your Oath : I,Halfdan Björnsson hereby swear my sword to the Nords of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my sword with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, i do by swear.

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Mc name : Emenzi

Have you ever been banned, if so, why? : No, never.

Do you have an accepted villain app? : No, i'm working on it

Do you have TS or Skype : Both

Short bio : 2-5 sentences :

When Brynjolfs father and older brother died he was forced to assume a position he didnt want, with time he gave his position to be shared along his sisters and left his village.

He travelled around Asulon trying to make a living but his hatred for southerons and elves came in his way and he struggled to survive.

Untill he stumbled into Holmstrom, he was accepted for who he was by the Ulfhaedyns and became one of their huscarls, assuming the title of fri-hal shortly after the death of Cynric Ulfhaedyn.



Name : Brynjolf son of Olaf of the Sverker family.

Age : 29

Race : Human, Northerner

Experience : Brynjolf fought as a sword for hire at occasions while travelling Asulon and have also served in Holmstrom for some time as a thrall and later as a fri-hal. He fights with strenght rather then finesse and usually fights with a short sword and a round shield.

Your oath : I,Brynjolf son of Olaf hereby swear my sword to the Nords of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my sword with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, i do by swear.

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MC name?:charliescott123

Have you been banned? If so, why?:No.

Do you have an accepted villain app?:No.

Do you have a TS or Skype? (TS preferred):Yes, both.

Short Bio (2-5 sentences): A middle aged dwarf who has tagged along with the Norsemen helping them build, gather resource's and defend themselves, He find that where he has lived amongst them for so long he considered himself one of them.



Name: Drikk Frostbeard

Age: 43

Race: Dwarf

Experience: A skilled fighter as well as an experienced miner, give Drikk a task and he will get on with it, after his many years of travelling he has managed to keep himself fighting fit and also being smart about it, he sometimes sits in his room planning out false battle strategies for later uses.

Your oath: I, Drikk Frostbeard hereby swear my sword to the Nords of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my sword with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, I do by swear.

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"Normally, we don't take dwarves. But you've proved your worth to me. Welcome, brother."

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MC name?: Zigge313

Have you been banned? If so, why?: No

Do you have an accepted villain app?: No

Do you have a TS or Skype? (TS preferred): Both

Short Bio (2-5 sentences): "Hank was raised in the wilderness on a simple farm (More information will come later)"



Name: Hank Whitton

Age: 32

Race: Human

Experience: Hank's father taught him many things, the art of the axe and how to build with his own hands. (More information will come later)

Your oath:

I, Hank Whitton hereby swear my sword to the Nords of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my sword with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, I do by swear.

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MC name?: seannie22

Have you been banned? If so, why?: I have, once in the beginning month of joining this server, it was for meta-gaming and swearing in OOC chat I think, I don't really care anymore since it's just a really old ban report now.

Do you have an accepted villain app?: No, I don't have one and I don't plan to make one unless one is needed.

Do you have a TS or Skype? (TS preferred): You know I have skype. I do have TS but I have no clue how to use it

Short Bio (2-5 sentences): Ejnar was born in the cold north, by the ocean, where his family fished for a living, since farming in the cold, unfertiled land would not sustain them all. While he wasn't on the boats, tossing nets out to catch fishes, his older brother and his father and Ejnar would spar brutally in the snow. After he grew of age and his older brother left in search of wealth and fame and his parents both died of a sickness for old people, he left his home and wandered Asulon for some time, taking jobs such as sword-for-hire or rowing merchants ships, he soon ended up in Holmstrom, just a bit before they moved to the new land



Name: Ejnar Nielsen

Age: 34

Race: Human, Northerner

Experience: I have served as a sell-sword for nations around Asulon. I have no experience with a bow, nor do I wish to learn how to use a bow, but you wont find a better man with a sword than me, having trained all my life by my older family members in the North. I do not have any skills with an axe of any sorts, unlike most of my Northern brothers.

Your oath:

I, Ejnar Nielsen hereby swear my sword to the Nords of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my sword with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, I do by swear.

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MC name?:


Have you been banned? If so, why?:

Once for an exploit, can't lie. (I was a n00b)

Do you have an accepted villain app?:


Do you have a TS or Skype? (TS preferred):


Short Bio (2-5 sentences):

(This is a new character, excuse the lack of background info.) Jozef worked with leather in the human capital of Arethor. However, the abrupt & sudden exodus forced him out of his workplace, so he could not bring any supplies to the new land. He now wanders Oren, looking for work in his profession.










Jozef has little to none experience in combat. However, he would be willing to fight if there was a dire calling. He mainly works as a tailor, creating leather garments and such, or light armor. He also has experience with chain armor. He has skills in brain-tanning leather, let alone harvesting it, so he could run a small tailor's shop with a cow pen.

Your oath:

I, Jozef of Oren, hereby swear my sword to the Nords of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my sword with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, I do by swear.

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MC name?:Briton1

Have you been banned? If so, why?:Yes, When there was a glitch back in ageis some people got Creative And I spawned some things but don't people say you learn from your mistakes?

Do you have an accepted villain app?:No

Do you have a TS or Skype? (TS preferred):Yes I have both

Short Bio (2-5 sentences):I am a 14 year old male who happens to have a lot of spare time on their hands at the moment so I can play lord of the craft a lot more appose to the 1-3 hours a day.



Name:Julius Whitewood



Experience:Julius is no stranger to a bow but prefers a sword, its easier to control and you dont have to worry about reloading

Your oath:I, Julius Whitewood hereby swear my sword to the Nords of the Frost, and to that of the Ulfhaedyn line, to defend our lands, to stain my sword with the enemies blood, and to batter my shield in defense of my brothers. 'Till death comes to me, I shall not forsake my vow, I do by swear.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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