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Character Name Brunhyldir Sarafand
Nicknames: Brun, Brunny
Age: Born 13th of Malin's Welcome, 1282
Gender: Male
Race: Orc Ascended
Status: Alive and well


- Aside from the HISTORY section, this page is outdated. -

Height: 4'2''
Weight: 120lbs
Body Type: Slim and muscular
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Skin: Dark green
Markings/Tattoos: A prominent scar across the right side of his face, and an iron jaw. Several scars across his chest and upper back.
Health: In good health
Inventory: On his person, Brunhyldir usually always carries the following items:

  • Both sets of his original Ascended robes
  • Several Shamanistic regents, tokens, and relics
  • A pouch full of water

Further Details:

Life Style
Alliance/Nation/Home: The Orcish Warnation (also holds allegiance to the Ascended, when called upon)
Job/Class: Shaman, Elder
Title(s): Ascended, The Betrayer, Whitewash
Profession(s): Not particularly skilled in a craft
Special Skill(s):

Current Status: Shaman
Arch-type: Shaman
Sub-Type: Elementalist
Current Spell(s):

Fighting Style: Sword
Preferred Weapon: Sword
Favored Weapon: Staff
Archery: Basic skills

Extended Family:





Timeline Event - In-Game Date of Occurrence
IRL Date of Occurrence
Notes: (an explanation of the event.)
Location(s): (more information about the location(s) of this event, and/or proof of its existence.)
Evidence: (any relevant sources that, in some way, prove this event happened.)
Primary: a post about the event that was created shortly after it happened.
Secondary: a post about the event that was created long after it happened, or isn’t directly about the event.

If a timeline event has no Evidence, then the only proof that it happened is from my own memory.

c. means “circa”, which means “approximately”



Brunhyldir’s pre-history is shrouded in mystery, and will be developed at a later date.


Brunhyldir is born by Verga and Sna’Rosha Mokta - 13th of Malin’s Welcome, 1282
Notes: -
Location(s): -
Related Posts: -



The Upolo village is destroyed by a group of human raiders - 2nd of Snow’s Maiden, 1287
Notes: -
Location(s): -
Related Posts: -


more to be learned…




1300 - 1351
June 21st 2011 - c. January 12th, 2012



Brunhyldir awakes at the Cloud Temple - Malin’s Welcome, 1309
July 7th, 2011
Notes: This is when I logged in to the world for the first time.
Location(s): The Cloud Temple of Aegis - Aegis
Primary: My Application to Lord of the Craft, accepted on July 7th, 2011
Secondary: N/A


Brunhyldir travels to Terriko Village, meeting Shopkeeper Frenchie - c. Malin’s Welcome, 1309
c. July 7th, 2011
Notes: Soon after spawning in to the world of Aegis, Brunhyldir travelled to Terriko Village, which was the nearest settlement. There, he met a Dwarven shopkeeper by the name of Ulf Taga, but everyone knew him as Frenchie.
Brunhyldir would leave the village at night, hunting monsters and animals so he could bring back supplies to trade with Frenchie
Eventually Brunhyldir moved on from the village once he had enough supplies.
Location(s): Terriko Village - Aegis
Primary: None
Frenchie’s Villain Application by Frenchie (Frenchie), December 23rd, 2011
“Frenchie, an honest worker. A lumberjack, hunter, farmer and even cook. He collects resources from mines, farms, forests and animal paddocks. Sells his bounty at his small shop in terriko.”
Post on Frenchie’s Villain Application by Frenchie (Frenchie), December 23rd, 2011
(in response to me) “OOOOOHHHH YEEEEAAAAA.i remember you, terriko would have died without my shop [. . .]”

Brunhyldir joins a bandit group led by Gorn Tearstorm - c. The First Seed, 1309
c. July 8th, 2011
Notes: Brunhyldir ventured to the barren Orcish deserts, coming across a small encampment of bandits. They called their area “Fort Riverside”, and after hunting for the group, Brunhyldir was allowed to join their ranks.
Location(s): Fort Riverside - Aegis
Primary: None
Secondary: None

Fort Riverside is destroyed by Riznam and his allies - The Grand Harvest, 1310
July 9th, 2011
Notes: Riznam, a long time member of the Riverside group, executed a traitorous attack against Gorn and his followers. Two groups were formed – the Riverside Rebels, led by Riznam, and the Riverside Loyalists, led by Gorn.
Brunhyldir, only recently admitted into the group, followed Gorn in defeat. Fort Riverside was destroyed, and the Orcs would soon claim their land and build the city of Sanhar.
Location(s): Fort Riverside - Aegis
Riznam’s Journal by Zirkan (Riznam), July 9th, 2011
“Gorn must die [. . .] We knew we were out numbered so we planned for a sneak attack at night fall.”
“I slew him [Gorn] wit one swift stike to his neck beheading him.”
Sanhar: Born of Blood by TheImpulseHQ (Dominus Bein’Lur), July 10th, 2011
“The Blackguard left after killing all the Riversiders that they could find, but underground the battle went on between the Rebels and the Loylists. Riznam led the Rebels to Victory over the Loyalists and their Leader Gorn and drove them out.”

Application for the Disciples of Valor by Zirkan (Riznam), July 13th 2011
“I have lead assaults on The old Riverside Fort. I took it over from the inside.”
griefers of either Ferox or Krugmar by tank101 (Gorn Tearstorm), July 14th, 2011
“We have moved from our town of Riverside which was destroyed [. . .]”



Gorn leads the Riverside Loyalists across the river, creating a new fortress. The Loyalists are now known as the Bloodsworn - c. The Amber Cold, 1310
c. July 11th, 2011
Notes: After the staggering defeat by Riznam and his allies, Gorn and the remaining Loyalists (Brunhyldir among them) regrouped and created a new fort far from the orcish deserts. In a hope to increase the loyalty within his group, Gorn has them undergo a vow of blood, and the group is renamed “Bloodsworn”.
Among the Loyalists is Rhodium Prime, who eventually becomes second-in-command.
Elrond, once a Riverside Rebel, returns to the Bloodsworn and is adopted into the group once more.
Location(s): New Riverside - Aegis
Riznam’s Journal by Zirkan (Riznam), July 13th, 2011
“News did reach the Orc sidetown owner of Prime taking over the new riverside (BllodSworn).”
(News reached Riznam of our new base by the 13th of July, meaning we had already moved and our base had already been constructed. Thus this event is timestamped a few days prior, July 11th.)
griefers of either Ferox or Krugmar by tank101 (Gorn Tearstorm), July 14th, 2011
“We have moved from our town of Riverside which was destroyed and we were easily 200 blocks away from Krugmar [. . .]”
Secondary: None


The Bloodsworn are betrayed by Elrond, and New Riverside is destroyed - c. Malin’s Welcome, 1310
c. July 14th, 2011
Notes: Elrond, acting as a double-agent for Riznam, plans to betray the Bloodsworn. Brunhyldir, who is on good terms with Elrond, is warned of the attack. Brunhyldir evades the destruction of New Riverside and the Bloodsworn are disbanded.
Location(s): New Riverside - Aegis
griefers of either Ferox or Krugmar by tank101 (Gorn Tearstorm), July 14th, 2011
“We have moved from our town of Riverside which was destroyed and we were easily 200 blocks away from Krugmar and we got griefed by some guys called ‘Da boyz’ [. . .]”
(We can’t be sure if “Da boyz” are Elrond and Riznam, but this is likely. In a later post, Orcish representatives denied any relation to the attack, suggesting that it may have been a “setup” – i.e. Elrond and Riznam themselves.)
Elrond Villain App by drdeath1992 (Elrond), July 17th, 2011
“I prepare by killing the creeps in the night, raiding others, and over throwing leaders like Gorn."

Private Message with Riznam by Zirkan (Riznam), June 15th, 2013
“Soon finding his new base we did the same as Riverside. Sent in a double agent an took the whole chain of command down from the inside [. . .]”


Brunhyldir learns of the Undead, and becomes interested in the ways of Iblees. He joins other followers, Ryder Bane and Guraim, in search of Undead ruins - The First Seed, 1310
July 15th, 2011
Notes: After the Bloodsworn were disbanded, Brunhyldir heard of the Undead and their patron, Iblees. Fascinated by the arts of evil, Brunhyldir sets out to become a follower of Iblees and discover the Undead’s hidden ruins.
He meets Ryder Bane along the way, and the two eventually convince the dwarf Guraim to join them in their dark quest.
Location(s): The King’s Road - Aegis

[Villain] Zachai’s Application by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), July 15th, 2011
“My pleasure from killing and destructivness surely derives from Iblees and his followers…"

[Villain] SimonBane’s Application by Taiga (Ryder Bane), July 14th, 2011
“Coldhearted and ruthless killer. Worshipper of Iblees, aids those true to the same cause as him.”
(Mine and SimonBane’s villain applications, both as followers of Iblees, are posted within a day of each other.)
Reply to Betrayer Brunhyldir by Taiga (Ryder Bane), August 2nd, 2011
“This is great news indeed! My old friend has turned once more to what he once was, a servant of Iblees. I will contact him soon and extend an invitation to our guild…”


The Trio meets a mysterious figure, who leads them to a ruined Undead fortress. Soon, Brunhyldir loses his allies, and he himself is sacrificed by Undead - c. 12th of The Grand Harvest, 1311
c. July 16th, 2011
Notes: The Trio meets a mysterious figure who has some sort of connection with the Undead. It agrees to escort them to a ruined Undead fortress, far from any known settlement.
Upon arriving at the ruins, the figure disappears, and the trio are left to explore for themselves. After splitting off from the group for only a moment, Guraim cannot be found.
Brunhyldir and Ryder Bane enter a crevice in the fortress, finding a secret latch. It is a trap, and they fall into a deep stone pit. Ryder Bane dies from the fall, yet Brunhyldir still has enough life to be aware of what is going on.
Far above him stand three figures, none of which Brunhyldir recognize at the time. These are the Undead called Freyj and Tyrion, and a sickly human known as Alexander ‘de Caux.
The last word Brunhyldir hears is “Burn” as molten lava seeps down into the pit, destroying him.
Location(s): Ruined Undead Fortress - Aegis
Primary: None
Secondary: None


The Trio regroup and find their way back. The Undead Tyrion, once aware of their presence, warns them to leave. Ignoring him as they continue exploring, the trio are destroyed again - c. 20th of The Grand Harvest, 1311
c. July 16th, 2011
Notes: The Trio regroups after Brunhyldir and Ryder Bane respawn at the Cloud Temple. It turns out that Guraim hadn’t died – he got lost within the ruins, and after hearing the muffled shouts of his dying friends, ran away from the fortress.
They retrace their steps with Guraim’s help, and find their way back to the fortress. Upon arriving, a voice echoes throughout the ruins, telling them to leave. They ignore it, attempting to find a way inside the halls of the fortress.
Slowly, undead begin rising from the shadows. Skeletons and zombies alike begin to attack The Trio, killing Guraim within seconds. Ryder Bane and Brunhyldir make a sprint for a crevice within the fortress, but Ryder Bane is struck by lightning and dies before he makes it.
Brunhyldir, now hiding in a very small space, watches as the small legion of undead march toward him. He stares in awe as a giant abomination (Minecraft Giant mob) rises from the depths, reaching into the fortress and crushing him to dust with its putrid hand.
Location(s): Ruined Undead Fortress - Aegis
Primary: None
Secondary: None


Local guards and bounty hunters begin tracking followers of Iblees. The Trio is constantly hunted and destroyed by various groups - c. The Sun’s Smile, 1311
c. July 17th, 2011
Notes: After dying again at the Undead fortress, The Trio is again split up by various groups that seek to destroy followers of Iblees. On several occasions, Ryder Bane, Guraim, and Brunhyldir are separately murdered by Peacekeepers, Wolverines, and town guardsmen.
Kayle Seek, a friend of Brunhyldir’s from Terriko Village, betrays their former friendship and claims a bounty on Brunhyldir’s head.
Location(s): Various locations, The King’s Road - Aegis
Primary: None
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir dissolves from The Trio, seeing his pursuit of Iblees as worthless. They go their separate ways, and Brunhyldir makes his way to the human capital of Al’Khazar - c. The Deep Cold, 1311
c. July 19th, 2011
Notes: After being killed by the Undead twice and then hunted by various peacekeeping groups around Aegis, Brunhyldir gives up on his pursuit of following Iblees. He splits off from his friends, Ryder Bane and Guraim, and seeks solace in the human capital, Al’Khazar.
Location(s): Various locations, Al’Khazar - Aegis
Primary: None
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir trains to become a Priest under the tutelage of High Priest Everard Hightower - c. Malin’s Welcome, 1311
c. July 20th, 2011
Notes: Seeking solace for his evil deeds, Brunhyldir visits the cathedral in Al’Khazar, meeting the High Priest Everard Hightower. Brunhyldir talks to Hightower about the possibility of becoming a priest (in order to right his wrongs), even though he is an Orc. Hightower agrees to help him, sending him off to complete three trials of goodwill that would initiate Brunhyldir as a priest of Oren.
Brunhyldir completes two of the three trials before the next timeline event occurs, which inevitably halts his pursuit of priesthood.
Location(s): Al’Khazar - Aegis
Primary: Killed without Roleplay by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), July 24th, 2011
“At the time I wasn't an Iblees worshipper, I was just saying to that guy (Guraim) that he should convert OUT of Iblees worship. I was and am a priest. And again, I had never heard of or seen that person [my assailant] before, and I don't think that he knew I WAS an Iblees worshipper.”
(I posted this ban request on July 21st, and three days later explained that I was attempting to sway Guraim out of Iblees worship because I was a priest. Assuming that I was already a priest on July 21st, then, I’ve also assumed that I began my training at least one day before, on the 20th.)
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir becomes the first Orc Ascended - c. The Amber Cold, 1312
c. July 25th, 2011
Notes: Brunhyldir is invited to visit the Ascended City of Haven after cracking a funny joke to Ascended Sage Sue. Sage Sue gives him a tour of the city, and the two discuss their personal histories. Brunhyldir talks about his trials in becoming a priest, yet doesn’t mention any of his meddlings as a former follower of Iblees.
After an entire elven day within the city, the Sages discuss the possibility of recognizing Brunhyldir as Ascended, and end up accepting him into their ranks.
Brunhyldir becomes the first Orc Ascended, and the first Ascended to become an Acolyte in the “Warrior” sect.
Location(s): The Ascended City of Haven - Aegis
Primary: The Scroll of Aeriel: A Record of the Ascended by Sage_Candle, July 27th, 2011
(Shows that I was recorded as a member of the Ascended, and an Acolyte in the Warrior sect.)
Announcing the Second Ascended Class! by ABoyNamedSue, July 26th, 2011
“The members of the class: [. . .] Brunhildr [. . .]”
Secondary: None


Aside from battling the Undead when called upon, Brunhyldir serves as the first guard and gatekeeper of Haven - c. The Amber Cold, 1312 to The Deep Cold, 1313
c. July 25th - August 2nd, 2011
Notes: During his time among the Ascended, Brunhyldir would fight alongside his brothers and sisters against the Undead. He also guarded the gates of the Ascended city, Haven, from unwanted visitors and invaders.
Location(s): Various locations, The Ascended City of Haven - Aegis
Primary: Guard Rights and Questions by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), July 31st, 2011
“As the first actual guard of Haven, I have some questions concerning the protection [. . .]”
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir is approached by Master Sage Riizu with a plan to become a double-agent for the Ascended. Brunhyldir agrees - The Amber Cold, 1313
August 1st, 2011
Notes: Due to the recent death of King Perea by Undead hands, Master Sage Riizu resorts to dire measures to prevent the Undead uprising. He approaches Acolyte Brunhyldir with a plan: at the next major Undead attack, Brunhyldir would openly betray the Ascended, and gravely injure Riizu. The Master Sage’s hope was that, upon seeing this act of evil, the Undead would invite Brunhyldir into their ranks. Once he was among the Undead, Brunhyldir would secretly relay information about their battle plans and fortifications to the Ascended Sages.
After much thought, Brunhyldir agrees to this plan, honored to serve Aeriel in whatever way he could.
Location(s): The Ascended City of Haven - Aegis
Primary: None
Secondary: The Truth Behind the Betrayer by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), October 4th, 2011
“Riizu and I had plotted earlier the previous day a great but tricky plan. I would pretend to injure him, so that Overlord Tyrion would have not choice but to invite me into the Undead.”
Interview with Ascended Master Sage Riizu by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), July 10th, 2013
“[. . .] when you tried to come to the city [Haven] and people were trying to kill you, and I [Riizu] had to defend you [. . .]”
(In discussing my betrayal of the Ascended. Riizu notes the time after I had been inactive, coming back to the Ascended City of Haven and wishing to speak with Riizu. Other Ascended, knowing me as the Betrayer, attempted to kill me, but Riizu defended me as we were the ones who had enacted the plan.)


The Betrayal at Snowy Fields – Brunhyldir betrays the Ascended, and is accepted into the Undead - 21st of The Deep Cold, 1313
August 2nd, 2011
Notes: The time had come. The Undead were attacking the human settlement of Snowy Fields, and by the fiery strikes of lightning in the night sky, everyone in the north was alerted. This was the night that the plan would be enacted.
After the heroes of Aegis and the Ascended arrived at Snowy Fields, the major conflict began. The Undead had set up a tower made of bone and magma, where the Undead Overlord Tyrion was raining death upon the heroes.
As they stood back to back and fought off hordes of undead monsters, Master Sage Riizu whispered to Brunhyldir. “Now is the time.”
Brunhyldir shouted, “This is the last time you’ll see me, Sage. For Iblees!!” He struck down the Master Sage with a dagger, blood spurting onto both of them. There the Sage fell, nearly lifeless.
Immediately, the Overlord Tyrion smiled down on Brunhyldir. The Betrayer was brought up into the bone tower, where he was brought into the grasp of the Undead.
In reality, the curse of the Undead never touched Brunhyldir’s bones; Aeriel placed a disguised veil upon the Ascended, causing him to appear as an Undead would.
Location(s): Snowy Fields - Aegis
Primary: Betrayer Brunhyldir by ABoyNamedSue, August 2nd, 2011
“Brunhyldir nearly murdered Riizu in the name of Iblees! [. . .] From this day forth, Brunhyldir is no longer a member of the Ascended and shall be known as Brunhyldir the Betrayer!”
The Betrayal at Snowy Fields by Alec (Alethion), August 3rd, 2011
(Video depicting the event.)

Secondary: The Truth Behind the Betrayer by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), October 4th, 2011
“I am Brunhyldir. I am the one who betrayed the Ascended [. . .] I was magically disguised as an Undead [. . .]"


Brunhyldir awakes in the Undead plane of Drauchreich - The Snow’s Maiden, 1313
August 3rd, 2011
Notes: After betraying the Ascended and being magically disguised as an Undead, Brunhyldir awoke within Drauchreim, the Undead capital. Among those that welcome him is Alexander ‘de Caux, one of the three Undead that had sacrificed him two years prior. Alexander had felt pity for Brunhyldir as a fledgling Iblees worshipper, but now that the orc had nearly killed the Ascended Master Sage, that pity morphed into respect.
Brunhyldir begins to scope out the Undead stronghold, but already he begins to feel an uneasy aura affecting him.
Location(s): Drauchreim - Drauchreich (Aegis)
Primary: N/A
Secondary: Post on I’m Leaving LotC by Castellano (Alexander ‘de Caux), July 30th, 2012
“Castellano here, Alexander 'De Caux I will miss you man, you were a GREAT asset to the Undead [. . .]”


Although he is physically guarded by Aeriel’s magic, Brunhyldir begins to succumb mentally to the miasmic Undead aura. He kills many innocent heroes of Aegis, despite his vow to the Ascended - c. Malin’s Welcome, 1313 to unknown date
c. August 4th, 2011 - unknown date
Notes: Brunhyldir’s attempts at reaching the Ascended Sages fail. In an effort to blend in among the Undead, Brunhyldir must take part in several conflicts at various Aegis settlements. Killing innocent people is out of the question… At first. Yet, through his own inner conflicts and the influence of the Undead aura, Brunhyldir begins to murder the innocent.

Aeriel still guards his soul, yet Iblees wrestles for control if it in his realm of Drauchreich.
Location(s): Various locations - Aegis
Primary: None
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir is driven mad by his own actions, caught at a crossroads between the influence of two powerful deities. He disappears for nearly a decade, attempting to restore his sanity - unknown date to c. The Sun’s Smile, 1321
unknown date - c. September 25th, 2011
Notes: The influence of the Undead around him, Drauchreich, and perhaps even Iblees and Aeriel themselves begins to drive Brunhyldir mad. He disappears for nearly a decade in an effort to cleanse his mind.
Location(s): N/A
Primary: None
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir returns, his sanity somewhat restored. He finds himself distanced from both groups, and quickly makes his way for Haven - c. The Sun’s Smile, 1321
c. September 25th, 2011
Notes: The Undead influence spread quickly across Aegis while Brunhyldir was gone. When he did return, his mind more eased, he found that his connections to both the Ascended and the Undead were weak. He knew that he needed to remove the magical Undead guise placed upon him, and inform the Ascended that he had returned.
Brunhyldir made for the Ascended City of Haven with that intention.
Location(s): N/A

Primary: (You can visibly see my hiatus by looking at my posts on the forums: nothing between August 2nd and September 24th, then a post again on the 25th. After returning, I visited Haven before the Ascended Sages left and deleted it, which was on the 27th of September. Thus I shall assume that the 25th, when I returned and made a post on the forums, was also the same day that I returned in-game.)
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir is nearly killed upon his arrival at Haven, but Master Sage Riizu lifts his magical guise and shows that the orc is one of them. Brunhyldir rejoins the Ascended - c. The Amber Cold, 1321
c. September 26th, 2011
Notes: Upon arriving at Haven, several members of the Ascended see Brunhyldir (still in the appearance of an Undead) and attempt to kill him. Master Sage Riizu notices Brunhyldir, however, and commands the other Ascended to stop. He lifts the magical guise from the orc, and they see him as he once was: the Ascended Acolyte.
They welcome him back into the Ascended, but inform him that times have changed much since he had departed.
Location(s): The Ascended City of Haven - Aegis
Primary: None
Interview with Ascended Master Sage Riizu by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), July 10th, 2013
“[. . .] when you tried to come to the city [Haven] and people were trying to kill you, and I [Riizu] had to defend you [. . .]”
(Riizu verifies that I came to Haven before they left).


The Ascended Sages are called back to the Seven Skies by Aeriel. Brunhyldir, the remaining Ascended, and the Descendants are left to defend Aegis by themselves - The Deep Cold, 1321
September 27th, 2011
Notes: Only shortly after Brunhyldir returned to the Ascended, the Sages mysteriously leave Aegis, supposedly called back to the Seven Skies by Aeriel. The Undead onslaught continues, and the denizens of Aegis are left helpless.
Location(s): N/A
Primary: The Great Departure by Riizu (Master Sage Riizu), September 27th, 2011
“It pains me to write this, but I along with the rest of the Sages shall be leaving the Realm of Aegis.”
Secondary: None


As the years go on, Aegis begins to fall apart; the Descendants are unable to stop the onslaught of the Undead. Brunhyldir meets a half-orc, Syrila, and the two become friends - unknown date between The Deep Cold, 1321 & The Grand Harvest, 1351
unknown date between September 27th, 2011 & January 14th, 2012
Notes: While exploring what remains of Aegis, Brunhyldir comes across a half-orc named Syrila, daughter of Vardak. Brunhyldir had met Vardak once before, and the two become friends. As Aegis unravels around them, Brunhyldir finds her to be one of very few companions left.
Location(s): Laurelin - Aegis
Primary: None
Secondary: None


Aegis falls. Brunhyldir moves on to Asulon with the other surviving Aegeans - The Grand Harvest, 1351
January 14th, 2012
Notes: None
Location(s): Aegis, The Verge, Asulon
Primary: The Destruction of Aegis by Vaquxine, January 21st, 2012
Secondary: None

c. The Grand Harvest, 1351 - c. The Grand Harvest, 1414
c. January 14th, 2012 - December 15th, 2012



Brunhyldir is shunned by the Orcish people. Upon being reunited with Syrila, she slowly acclimates him to Orcish culture - c. The First Seed, 1352
c. January 20th, 2012
Notes: With no connections left, Brunhyldir’s first instinct is to return to his true brothers and sisters, the Orcs. Yet, once he set foot on the Orcish lands, he was immediately deemed a whitewash, and told never to return.
You see, while Brunhyldir was busy with the Ascended and the Undead, the Orcish people had also developed. They had reformed their language, culture, and practices – language, culture, and practices that Brunhyldir was completely unaware of.
He had thought all hope was lost, until he ran into Syrila again. She had proven herself to the Orcish people, and agreed to help Brunhyldir (as her friend) do the same.
Slowly, she began to teach him the Blah, and the cultural practices of the Orcish people.
Location(s): The War Uzg - Asulon
Primary: Brunhyldir’s Mini-App by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), January 25th, 2012
“But one day, he decided that he must confront his old brothers and demand acceptance [. . .] After meeting an old friend there, Syrila (the daughter of Vardak, one of Brunhyldir's old acquantances), he was immediately taken in [. . .]”
Secondary: None


After learning the Blah and the various cultural practices of the Orcs, Brunhyldir submits himself to a spiritual rebirth, renaming himself “Drakinroth” and embracing Orcish culture - The Amber Cold, 1353
January 23rd, 2012
Notes: Brunhyldir slowly learned the ways of the Orcish people from his friend, Syrila. He felt empowered, being among a family again.
On a trip outside the orcish capital, Brunhyldir had a spiritual epiphany, and decided to submit himself to somewhat of a rebirth. He chose a new name (rather, it chose him), “Drakinroth”, using it as a way for him to fully embrace the Orcish culture.
Location(s): The War Uzg - Asulon
Primary: The Rebirth of Brunhyldir by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), January 23rd, 2012
“As Brunhyldir walked back to the orc capital, he thought of a new name. [. . .] Drakinroth. [. . .] After bringing the news of his new name and slightly changed intentions to his brothers, Drakinroth was widely accepted.”
Secondary: None


Drakinroth raids and hunts with his new war brothers. The destruction of a significant landmark causes him to seek the ways of Shamanism - The Snow’s Maiden, 1354
January 25th, 2012
Notes: Shortly after his spiritual rebirth, Drakinroth begins hunting and fighting alongside his Orcish brothers and sisters.
Upon returning to the place where his new name had dawned upon him, he finds it scarred and destroyed. Angered by that offense to the spirits, Drakinroth seeks to learn the art of Shamanism from one of the Orcish elders.
Location(s): The War Uzg - Asulon
Primary: Brunhyldir’s Mini-App by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), January 25th, 2012
“Before long, he was already raiding his first camp (that was of course on orcish territory).
He felt so empowered, fighting with his brothers for the first time.”
The Rebirth of Brunhyldir by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), January 23, 2012
“Why someone would defile such an obviously sacred mark, Drakinroth could not comprehend. But now, with some sort of primal link torn in his heart, he felt a debt to the spirits around them, and a sudden interest in the arts.”
Secondary: None


Drakinroth comes across the Motsham Lex’Lur, a dwarven shaman. The dwarf agrees to teach Drakinroth the ways of Elementalism - c. The Snow’s Maiden, 1362
c. February 15th, 2012
Notes: In a humble hut on the outskirts of the War Uzg, Drakinroth comes across Motsham Lex’Lur, a dwarven shaman. After a short time learning about Drakinroth and his origins, Lex’Lur agrees to begin teaching the orc the ways of the Elementalist.
Location(s): The War Uzg - Asulon

Primary: Ban Report On Jourdyrox123 by BGBuster (Brunyhldir), February 18th, 2012
“Me and Lexperiments were having a Role-play session about shamanism [. . .]

Secondary: Magic Users List: Application by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), June 18th, 2012
“Brunhyldir was taught the fundamentals of the water element by Elder Shaman Lex'Lur (about a 1 week training period) [. . .]”
(This was a private message.)


Drakinroth begins to form a bond with a Water Elemental Spirit, Takacha - c. The First Seed, 1363
c. February 17th, 2012
Notes: During one of his first sessions with the Elder Shaman Lex’Lur, he has Drakinroth summon his first Elemental spirit. It is a spirit of water, in the form of a serpent. Its name is Takacha, and the two begin to bond: Shaman to Spirit.
Location(s): The War Uzg - Asulon
Primary: None
Secondary: Magic Users List: Application by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), June 18th, 2012
“Although still in training, Brunhyldir is linked to his water spirit, Takacha [. . .]”
(This was a private message).


Drakinroth begins to feel uncomfortable with the brutish ways of the Orcish culture, and leaves their lands to study the Water element for a time - c. The Grand Harvest, 1366
c. February 25th, 2012
Notes: Although the barbaric ways of the Orcs had satisfied a primal need within Drakinroth, his times among the Ascended and Undead continue to flash back in his mind. He also contemplates the elitist culture of the Orcs themselves, and questioning their apprehension to the other races.
He leaves the Orcs, continuing Shamanic studies on his own.
Location(s): Various locations - Asulon

Primary: (My hiatus between c. February 25th, 2012 and March 21st, 2012 is visible in my post frequency).

Secondary: Magic Users List: Application by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), June 18th, 2012
“He [Brunhyldir] decided to abandon the orcish culture for a time, instead focusing on improving his relationship with the water spirits, whom could care less at his culture abandonment.”


Upon returning to the Orcish people, Drakinroth pleads with them to come out of isolation, and to learn from the other races of the world. The Orcs respond by threatening his life and banishing him from the War Uzg - The Snow’s Maiden, 1374
March 21st, 2012
Notes: Drakinroth is deemed a whitewash after telling other Orcs that they should learn from the other races of the world. He should have known better!
Location(s): The War Uzg - Asulon
Primary: The Age of Progression by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), March 21st, 2012
“What I speak is that we learn of the traditions, the prophecies, the language of those we do not understand.”
Post on The Age of Progression by Blawharag, March 21st, 2012
“Do not call us your "bretheren", we cull our weak at birth because we do not want them to grow up spouting the nonsense that you suggest.”
Secondary: None


The Orcs being his only family left, Drakinroth proposes a desperate plan, asking them to mutilate and augment his body into an Orcish war machine. They deny him once again - Malin’s Welcome, 1374
March 22nd, 2012
Notes: Drakinroth, willing to sacrifice his own body and spirit for the Orcish cause, is still denied by his people.
Location(s): The War Uzg - Asulon
Primary: Creating Frankenstein’s Monster by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), March 22nd, 2012
“You will always feel [like] home to me; so I am sacrificing my body and spirit as a war machine, a charging abomination on the warfield.”
Post on Creating Frankenstein’s Monster by Blawharag, March 22nd, 2012
“YOU must learn to be strong. We will not do it for you.”
Secondary: None


Drakinroth is banished from the War Uzg. He disappears for many years, living in isolation and practicing Shamanism on his own - Malin’s Welcome, 1374
March 22nd, 2012
Notes: The name Drakinroth is forever banished from The War Uzg, on threat of death. Drakinroth leaves the Orcish people once more, wandering throughout Asulon and continuing to commune with his Elemental, Takacha.
Location(s): Various locations, The War Uzg - Asulon
Primary: Post on The Age of Progression by Blawharag, March 21st, 2012
“Now get out of this capital and away from our sacred lands. If I ever see you again, I will personally rip out your heart and feed your useless husk to our pigs.”
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir sheds the moniker of “Drakinroth” and quietly joins the Wilven Monks as he continues his isolation - c. The Sun’s Smile, 1412
c. November 25th, 2012
Notes: Drakinroth quickly drops his name after being banished by the Orcs.
Looking for a new place to call home, Brunhyldir is allowed to serve as a Wilven Monk – although he never learns their magic (barred by his Shamanistic ties), he receives a place to stay and gets to help other denizens of Asulon.
Brunhyldir thoroughly enjoys his time among the monks, feeling closer to his days as an Ascended.
Location(s): Cloud Temple Sanctuary - Asulon
Primary: Post on The Destroyer Cometh by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), November 25th, 2012
“Brunhyldir rushes to the Cloud Temple, having visited the Shamanic Temple of Vandokanuk while this commotion was taking place. He already put on his Monk Robes [. . .]”
Secondary: None


Asulon falls. Brunhyldir moves on to the Island of Elysium with the other survivors - The Grand Harvest, 1414
December 15th, 2012
Notes: None
Location(s): Asulon
Primary: Asulon Final Event by Urasept, December 14th, 2012
(Depicts the ending of Asulon and movement to Elysium event.)
Secondary: None

The Grand Harvest, 1414 - The Grand Harvest, 1420
December 15th, 2012 - February 23rd, 2013



Brunhyldir discovers Beardscalibur, a massive stone greatsword. Taking it as his weapon, Brunhyldir vows to fight for the Dwarves - c. The Deep Cold, 1415
c. December 25th, 2012
Notes: Shortly after arriving on the island of Elysium, Brunhyldir makes his way to the dwarven lands. There, he finds a massive stone greatsword embedded deep in the soil. Engraved on its hilt is its name: Beardscalibur.
Seeing that he was actually strong enough to do so, Brunhyldir ripped the sword from the ground, taking it as his weapon. He knew that it was a weapon of dwarvish origin, so he saw it fitting that he approach the dwarves and agree to fight for them using the weapon.
Location(s): Dwarven Stronghold - Elysium
Primary: None
Secondary: None (Charles_Grimlie, Grand Marshal of the Dwarven Legion during Elysium, specifically remembers Brunhyldir joining the dwarves and wielding Beardscalibur.)


Brunhyldir fights alongside the dwarves in a few conflicts against the White Rose. After the war is over, Brunhyldir returns the greatsword Beardscalibur to the dwarves - c. The Grand Harvest, 1415
c. January 5th, 2013
Notes: After keeping to his vow and fighting alongside the dwarves, Brunhyldir returned the weapon-artefact, Beardscalibur, to the Dwarven King.
Location(s): Various locations, Dwarven Stronghold - Elysium

Primary: None
Secondary: (Charles_Grimlie, Grand Marshal of the Dwarven Legion during Elysium, specifically remembers Brunhyldir joining the dwarves and wielding Beardscalibur.)

c. The First Seed, 1417 - The Grand Harvest, 1420
c. January 25th, 2013 - February 23rd, 2013

~ no notable events ~

The Grand Harvest, 1420 - The Sun’s Smile, 1457
February 23rd, 2013 - April 13th, 2014



Brunhyldir decides to return to the Orcish people – enough time has passed for his mistakes in Asulon to be forgotten. As he learns the Blah and the culture once more, he finds that his former teacher, Lex’Lur, is gone - c. The Deep Cold, 1431
c. June 10th, 2013
Notes: Brunhyldir pensively returns to the Orcish people, and finds that the same Orcs who had banished him long ago are nowhere to be found.
Taking the opportunity, he picks up the Blah again. After a few days among his people, he also finds that his former teacher, Elder Shaman Lex’Lur, has been gone for many years.
Location(s): Orcish Badlands - Anthos
Primary: None
Secondary: Green Smoke by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), June 17th, 2013
“Mi kom to tell lat dat me teacha, Lex’Lur, es gun.”
[“I’ve come to tell you that my teacher, Lex’Lur, is gone.”]


Green SmokeBrunhyldir summons his old water elemental, Takacha, after a long break from Shamanism. Informing the elemental that Lex’Lur has vanished, the spirit guides Brunhyldir to seek the element of fire - The Amber Cold, 1432
June 17th, 2013
Notes: None - read full post for information
Location(s): Orcish Badlands - Anthos

Primary: Green Smoke by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), June 17th, 2013
Secondary: None


Leaping Fire Brunhyldir summons Draumolac, an elemental spirit of fire. Unimpressed by the Shaman, Draumolac assaults him and disappears into embers - The Deep Cold, 1432
June 18th, 2013
Notes: Brunhyldir follows Takacha’s guidance and attempts to summon a spirit of fire. The spirit that comes forth, in the form of a blazing lion, is Draumolac. Unimpressed by the Shaman and his summons, Draumolac leaves Brunhyldir absolutely charred and disappears, daring him to try again.
Location(s): Orcish Badlands - Anthos
Primary: Leaping Fire by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), June 18th, 2013
Secondary: None


The Lion’s BlazeAfter another consultation with Takacha, Brunhyldir summons Draumolac again, besting him with an elemental fist of ice. The Blazing Lion agrees to teach Brunhyldir the ways of fire - The Sun’s Smile, 1434
June 30th, 2013
Notes: None - read full post for more information
(This is my favorite of the three original tales of green smoke).
Location(s): Orcish Badlands - Anthos

Primary: The Lion’s Blaze (from The Tales of Green Smoke) by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), June 30th, 2013
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir continues his studies of Shamanism within the Orcish people, disappearing every now and then to meditate on the spirits - c. The Sun’s Smile, 1434 to c. The Sun’s Smile, 1467
c. June 30th, 2013 to c. August 10th, 2014
Notes: Brunhyldir continues to bond with his elemental spirits, Takacha and Draumolac, as he serves as an Elder Shaman for the orcs. Sometimes, when his mind is wracked, he will disappear to a hill far in the desert, meditating quietly on thoughts of the spirits.
Location(s): Various locations, Orcish Badlands - Anthos
Primary: None
Secondary: None



The Sun’s Smile, 1454 - The Sun’s Smile, 1463
March 23rd, 2014 - July 13th, 2014
~ same as previous event ~

The Sun’s Smile, 1463 - The Sun’s Smile, 1467
July 13th, 2014 - August 13th, 2014

~ same as previous event ~
The Sun’s Smile, 1467 - The Grand Harvest, 1513
August 13th, 2014 - June 27th, 2015



Brunhyldir’s continued study of Shamanism allows him to gain a small foothold within Orcish society - c. The Sun’s Smile, 1467
c. August 10th, 2014
Notes: None
Location(s): San’Vitar - Athera
Primary: None
Secondary: None


Rituals of the EarthWith the aid of Elder Shaman Brunhyldir, the Orcs summon Gul’Thak, the Earth spirit. A misunderstanding leads to need for a second ceremony - The Deep Cold, 1468
August 19th, 2014
Notes: None - read full post for more information
Location(s): San’Vitar - Athera

Primary: Rituals of the Earth by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), August 19th, 2014
Secondary: None


Gul’Thak RisesThe Orcs summon Gul’Thak again, this time with the Dark Shaman Zogrocka among them. After Zogrocka is chased away, Gul’Thak promises to guard and bless the tribelands - Malin’s Welcome, 1469
August 21st, 2014
Notes: The Earth elemental Gul’Thak agrees to become a guardian spirit for the entire orcish community; although the spirit is summoned by Brunhyldir and technically linked to him, Gul’Thak is a spirit of all orcs.
Location(s): San’Vitar - Athera
Primary: Gul’Thak Rises by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), August 21st, 2014
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir becomes the Orcish High Shaman - Malin’s Welcome, 1469
August 21st, 2014
Notes: Brunhyldir, after displaying his devotion to the spirits by communing with Gul’Thak, is made High Shaman by then Rex Malog’Yar.
Location(s): San’Vitar - Athera
Primary: Gul’Thak Rises by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), August 21st, 2014
“Brunhyldah. We need uh High Zhamun’da commune wid da szpiruts. [. . .] Lat will be High Zhamun.” - then Rex Malog’Yar
[“Brunhyldir. We need a High Shaman to commune with the spirits. [. . .] You will be High Shaman.”]
Secondary: None


Blood Spills, Earth ShattersDark Shaman Zogrocka leads the Azogs against the other Clans in civil war. Brunhyldir and the other orcs are unsuccessful in defending San’Vitar - The Deep Cold, 1470
September 2nd, 2014
Notes: Brunhyldir is killed in the attack against the Goi, and Gul’Thak attempts to defend the city to no avail.
Location(s): San’Vitar - Athera
Primary: Blood Spills, Earth Shatters by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), September 2nd, 2014
Secondary: None


Frum’vajodharBrunhyldir is contorted into a goblin-like form by the Immortal Spirit Veist - Malin’s Welcome, 1471
September 4th, 2014
Notes: In an attempt to ask the spirits for guidance, the High Shaman and his small group of orcs are sent to various locations, eventually ending up in a cave with a dead dark shaman and the Immortal Spirit Veist.
Veist plays a trick on Brunhyldir, transforming him into a deformed version of a goblin.
The deformity wears off slowly over time. As Brunhyldir continues to commune with the spirits, he continues to return to his true orcish form, to this day.
Location(s): Outskirts of San’Vitar - Athera
Primary: Frum’vajodhar by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), September 4th, 2011
Secondary: None


RivalsZogrocka and Brunhyldir clash in a final battle of Shaman versus Shaman. The Dark Shaman is inevitably defeated, leaving only the treacherous Azogs - The Grand Harvest, 1471
September 6th, 2014
Notes: None - read full post for more information
Location(s): Outskirts of San’Vitar - Athera
Primary: Rivals by Tom_Whiteman (Zogrocka), September 6th, 2014
Secondary: None


Ancient VisionsBrunhyldir has a vision in his restless sleep, supposedly hearing the voice of Krug condemn the split state of the Orcs - The Deep Cold, 1471
September 9th, 2014
Notes: None - read full post for more information
Location(s): N/A

Primary: Ancient Visions by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), September 9th, 2014
Secondary: None


Civil War - IDuring the first major conflict between the Urukhai and the Azoghai, Brunhyldir is turned into a chicken by the Immortal Spirit Veist - The Grand Harvest, 1472
September 13th, 2014
Notes: The Azoghai and the Urukhai go into open civil war, their first battle right outside the gates of the Orcish city.
The Immortal Spirit Veist had agreed to help the Urukhai, but instead it transforms High Shaman Brunhyldir into a chicken for the entire fight.
Location(s): Outskirts of San’Vitar - Athera
Primary: The First Battle of Krughanistan by Dmajikes, September 13th, 2014
Orc’s Current Event Timeline by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), September 13th, 2014
“[. . .] Upon bringing the items to him, however, the spirit tricks them, turning Brunhyldir into a chicken for a short time.”
Secondary: None


Peace Comes at LastAfter the Orcish civil war ends, and the Azogs agree to re-enter the Uzg, Brunhyldir feels a call from the spirits and disappears - c. The Deep Cold, 1474
c. September 30th, 2014
Notes: After a long bout, the Azog and Dom clans agree to reform into the Urukhai. High Shaman Brunhyldir feels another call to meditation, leaving the Orcs.
Rusk’Dom rises to the position of High Shaman in his absence.
Location(s): N/A
Primary: The Disgrace of the Uzg Forgotten by Burkester (Rusk’Dom), September 30th, 2014
Orc’s Current Event Timeline by BGBuster (Brunhyldir)
“Lastly, Brunhyldir disappears for a short while, allowing Rusk'Dom to rise into the position of High Shaman.”
Secondary: None


A Great ResurgenceAfter much time and change within the Orcs, a dark force (later determined to be Ikuras) twists and turns within confinement, urging Brunhyldir to return to his people - Malin’s Welcome, 1493
February 5th, 2015
Notes: Brunhyldir, for nearly twenty years, had been meditating quietly on a silent hilltop.
With the resurgence of Ikuras, Brunhyldir was disturbed and urged to return to the Orcish people.
What may have occurred during his long meditation is yet to be known.
Location(s): N/A
Primary: Post on A Great Resurgence by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), February 5th, 2015
“His eyes flicker rapidly underneath his eyelids, resisting an immeasurable pain from within. The flickering stops, and instantly, the Shaman's eyes open.”
Secondary: None


Brunhyldir continues his studies of Shamanism within the Orcish people, disappearing every now and then to meditate on the spirits - c. Malin’s Welcome 1493 to c. The Grand Harvest, 1539
c. February 5th, 2015 to c. December 25th, 2015
Notes: Brunhyldir continues to bond with his elemental spirits, Takacha and Draumolac, as he serves as an Elder Shaman for the orcs. Sometimes, when his mind is wracked, he will disappear to a hill far in the desert, meditating quietly on thoughts of the spirits.
Location(s): Various locations - Athera, Vailor
Primary: None
Secondary: None



The Grand Harvest, 1513 - Present
June 27th, 2015 - Present



Fate of the DemigryphBrunhyldir comes out of meditation to appease an interesting situation involving a demigryph - The Amber Cold, 1539
December 28th, 2015
Notes: None - read full post for more information
Location(s): Sutica - Vailor
Primary: Sutican Demigryph Fight by Billy5691, December 27th, 2015
The Fate of the Demigryph by BGBuster (Brunhyldir), December 28th, 2015
Secondary: None












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