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Order Of The Black Rose

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Khel sees this and goes into a rage. He orders that all poster of this be removed from malinor. He then replaces each of them with the message below. Every time any word of this pops up in paper form being displayed in malinor lower council officials or angery khel himself tears it down. The ability to express the message inside malinor has been made impossible.

What we face the true mali of this world is a threat to the very existence of our culture. If something is not done, our children will not know their true heritage. In nature we are peaceful, we do not create conflict unless it comes to our doorstep. The Mali'aheral, they profess the value of peace. The Mali'ame they are accepting of all, for everything is a creating of nature. I look upon my people and see peace loving individuals, yet we are the most tenacious. When we feel threatened, we take action. We seek retribution for those who harm our own, it's a natural natural response.

In our quest for retribution we have acted in a way that endangers every innocent life in malinor. The children you see playing in the court yard are threatened, because we choose to keep our violence instead of dealing with the problem rationally. I ask only ask one thing from you, peace. You may keep your hatred but never act upon it. If you act upon the hate, you only repeat the cycle of killing and slaughtering. It's time for us, the mali'ker, to be the better people and show peace. Not for yourself but for the good of malinor.

For those mali'ker who rightfully hate the white roses, I offer you a single solution on dealing with them, you will find it's both logically and effective.
Do not go to Oren
. If you feel as if you are threatened in the empire, do not go there and create the threat to be more real with each act of retribution. Stay away from their borders and I will assure you, the white roses will not bother you.

All those who continue to act out of violence will be dealt with and sent to the location of where your crime was committed.

If we do not bother Oren, they will not bother us. Isolationism from all nations is our intention. Malinor desires for all mali to simply keep to themselves, if you threaten this you are not welcome to be part of Malinor.

-Prince Khel Oussana

Khel goes to Orym, barking an order.

"I want this davis removed from malinor and sent to Oren, he will pay for this crime!"

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Orym runs into Khel and is ordered to remove any posters he sees. Orym sighs as he walks through malinor, ripping off any of the posters that he sees in the mali'ame district or the commons area in malinor.

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New posters are scattered throughout malinor

For the attempted destruction of Peace, the man known as davis is bannished from malinor. If he is seen within these walls he is to be arrested. We mandate peace, and this fool attempts to ruin it all.

All Sentinels or citizens with a rational mind are to remove all documents that falsely represent malinor

-Prince Khel Oussana

Khel keeps a copy of this and brings it to him when he is to meet Godfrey

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A new poster is layed over Khel's

She denies the problem, already they have come looking for us. They threaten our houses and promise us dead. Come my brothers before we are all dead.

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Khel walks by and notices the poster is there again. He rips it down and burns it in a nearby lighting fixture. He then slams it on the floor and lets it burn


Hence forth the previous message written by khel quadruples in abundance

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A new poster is layed over Khel's

She denies the problem, already they have come looking for us. They threaten our houses and promise us dead. Come my brothers before we are all dead.

*Cole looks at the poster, Slightly amused by it as he mumbles*

"This person has no clue who khel is, obviously. Khel is no female."

*Cole walks off, laughing at the poster.*

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Davis is almost out of paper, so he goes to look for the person ripping everything down. He sees Khel and shouts,"You've been ripping my posters down!"

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Khel's head darts to the man. In his eyes you can see a primal rage stirring. His teeth flash to show their almost fang-like composure. His hand quickly goes to his side and draws his cursed blade


He points it at the man and shouts, hoping nearby citizens would lend aid

"You! You defile peace, you will be killed for such! Citizens of malinor arrest him!"

((For those that want to participate, there you go))

He charges at the man, sword high above his head. His eyes are aflame with anger

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Blue eyes ever watchful in the distance, kept his gaze upon the one known as Davis as he placed signs around Malinor. Sighing a soft whisper of a tone the robed man begun a slow and careful walk upon Davis as he begun shouting at Khel. Destruction of peace and calm; this man is a danger to the innocent and should be dealt with. As he had already read both Khel and Davis's entry in full he instead dealt with reaching to his side with a silent gesture, for a moment hanging loose fingers over the hilt of both of his blades. Deciding that family was the strongest representation here he begun to withdraw the mythril blade from it's sheath as he flicks the air once with it's brilliant edge, the sound of air being forced aside loud and clear from behind Davis

"You threaten the peace after the Prince Khel demanded of such; you endanger lives by acting like Valah and disrespect the desires of others. What you wish to inspire is more hate, more bloodshed, and in the end; disbalance..." His voice came as a soft whisper as he kept the blue hood over his body, as he glances carefully over at Khel in the distance, and then adds for him. "I will personally escort this man to Oren with anything else you require Khel..."

((EDIT For Khels REply above))

As he sees Khel rushing at the man from the front he goes to place the point of his blade at Davis's back as he calls out to Khel, "DO not kill him Khel; we shall offer this terrorist to Oren or Malinor, and let him be dealt with by the courts. Do not sink to his level when he has done nothing more then let his tongue speak against his own kind." He hoped Davis wouldn't be foolish enough to try to take on the both of them, and even more so with his soft speech and blue eyes that he wouldn't be forced to kill a man here and now. THough I send him easily to his death; for the peace of others.

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*Cole stumbles upon the fight as he just stands idle, watching it as his hands are currently bound in bandages and his face full of cuts and bruises.*

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Approches as he here's his brother shouts... Examines the situation and approches the man in question.

"You can go willingly or you can go the fun way... the choice is yours."

He pulls his Darkwood Recurve bow off his shoulder and knocks an arrow, holding it at his side.

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Khel run comes to a stop, his pace slowing. He fixates the point of the blade in his hand to point at the man.

"You will be a wonderful tool for peace, Davis. Meta Solray, I will accompany you in his deportation to Oren for his terrorist actions."

The point of his sword remains fixated on the man

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You can deport me, if you can give me a reason to why the White Rose promised our encampment will be gone in a few elven days.

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As he listens to the man rant, glad to see both Khel's sword arm was not aiming for the kill and the man known as Davis would not either as he smiles darkly underneath his hood. Steady fingers wrapping around the base of his hood he begins to move it off of his face, revealing long blue bangs of silk like hair whispering into the chilled mountain air of Malinor. His eyes were of the same color and depth, staring intently at the back of the man's warm neck as he already begun to place the edge of his blade against the Man, hearing his talks of threats and words. "The roots cannot speak for the petals wishes; What you hear is not always what is the truth. The reason they wish it because there are people like you who desire actions of terroist design. The White Roses are part of the Son's of Horen's military, not only do you insult them by assuming a name of their own kind; but you also insult the peace that was very nearly destroyed by actions of your own."

He pauses for a moment as he nods to Khel forgiving that he mispronounced his last name which was /Solaray/ ((:3 hehe)) but instead smirked as he added in a soft and gentle voice, "Indeed we shall Khel, I would be glad to travel with you as we transport this man. Keep it small and simple to show we do intend to follow through with our intentions." He added in a dark undertone as he looked at Davis, "Your choice if you wish to walk there with your head high, or low."

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