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[Playable] Ghosts And You!



96 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see spooky ghosties in Anthos?

    • Aww yeah.
    • Needs more work. (Post suggestions please?)
    • No. (Post reasons please?)

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Tanith, I was not meaning anything serious by saying that. So no need to jump up at me for saying that Edward would be a hilarious poltergeist. It doesn't mean that I think he will become one.

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I still think there should be a huge Lore boundary that prevents just ANYONE from becoming a ghost (and by that I mean anyone IC-ly, obviously it isn't just anyone OOC-ly). Aside from a huge lament towards unfulfilled expectations in life, it should be something like someone who is already dead preventing your soul from escaping the realm. Just want to see a nice bit of "You can't just be a ghost" that fits IC lore, rather than the obvious OOC necessity.

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I still think there should be a huge Lore boundary that prevents just ANYONE from becoming a ghost (and by that I mean anyone IC-ly, obviously it isn't just anyone OOC-ly). Aside from a huge lament towards unfulfilled expectations in life, it should be something like someone who is already dead preventing your soul from escaping the realm. Just want to see a nice bit of "You can't just be a ghost" that fits IC lore, rather than the obvious OOC necessity.

I agree. There should be some way to cut down on the amount of ghosts. Otherwise the ghosts would lose the uniqueness to them.

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I agree. There should be some way to cut down on the amount of ghosts. Otherwise the ghosts would lose the uniqueness to them.


He/She means IC, Tanith. We all know that you're all about OOC limitations on ghosting.

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I'm sorry. I am just very, very sick of repeating myself over and over again. People have said over and over that ghosts will lose their specialness if they're not unique, even when I've said that I plan to severely limit them if I'm given control over the lore (as opposed to it being a magical sub branch or something). 


I've proposed many IC reasons for the OOC limit - such as ghosts only being people who die unnatural deaths or who die without accepting a specific religion (thus being locked out of the afterlife). I never got much of a response for those.

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It is because they seem to be too vague and encompass a potential large group of people. To take the example of the more 'special' forms of magic that you cannot just become by learning, there is always some form of item that you must obtain that is not crafted by anyone but merely exists. This means that there can only ever be a few and it is passed on by one who already is.


Perhaps you've just got some deity that has a personal vendetta against specific people so they refuse them to enter into a glorious afterlife.

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I'll do some more brainstorming on the subject.


Having God/one of the Gods specifically hate your character seems a little TOO narrow. I'm not sure God/the Gods would actually hate 4 or 5 people. It just seems odd to claim the Gods hate your character. Like...almost powergamey, somehow.


Perhaps they suffer a specific curse that prevents them from entering the afterlife until a certain goal is met. I will brainstorm and update the lore once I've nailed down the idea.

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I'm going to be honest in my opinion, you shouldn't need to justify your want to keep the number of ghosts small. Your lore is your lore, don't stress trying to find a way in Rp to limit ghosts. Sure, it'd be nice to have it, but people need to understand that you want to keep your ghost group small, and respect you for it. Not bug you to expand it or let them be one. It's just silly, entitled, and rude. Like I said, I'm willing to offer any help I can from the MAT side of things to get this Lore going.

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Having God/one of the Gods specifically hate your character seems a little TOO narrow. I'm not sure God/the Gods would actually hate 4 or 5 people. It just seems odd to claim the Gods hate your character. Like...almost powergamey, somehow.

Don't involve angeuls and daemons in lore... Just from a acceptance/denial point of view, most lores which try to use them fail... Miserably.

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What about a naughty monk?


I was kind of thinking that some being (not so much an aengul or daemon) that drifts between existences and decides that someone does not deserve to go onto the next life. The reasoning for this would be dependant on their own character. If they are not altogether morally void then they might just want to make someone pay for something they did. Or perhaps they decide that someone's purpose in Anthos has not yet been fulfilled and they are not permitted to leave, even though the monks did not revive them.


You shouldn't need to think about it too long. Perhaps a weird death oriented deity is going to push the lore team too far. Maybe just something to do with monks. When do they decide not to revive someone? Surely they would have the power to keep a soul trapped in Anthos, based on the monk  magic Lore update.

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I've had trouble with this sort of thing in lore before, though. Especially when it came to my witches. Whenever I said the curse only affects women, I had at least a dozen people crying "BUT WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! WHY CAN'T THERE BE MALE WITCHES?!" No matter how I tried to explain it, nobody was satisfied with the explanation.


I expect the same sorts of people crying "But WHYYYYYYY can't my character be a ghoooooooost?!" 

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That's an OOC drama though. We have to tolerate those people across every aspect of playing LOTC.



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I figure that since there are OOC limits, people are always going to whine. Even if there's an IC solution for it, people will whine just because they didn't get what they want.


I'm not going to fuss with the lore much anymore unless an LM says there are still holes I need to patch up. Is there any chance I'll get a final verdict on this soon?

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Lore is being reviewed in reverse chronological order at light speed. This shall be reached in time...

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