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    Chris Redfield
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    Anselm Barclay
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  1. "Away with you vile beggars!" Exclaimed a proud Reinmaren that goes by the name Anselm Barclay, his visage soon formed a smile upon reading the missive.
  2. Anselm Barclay proudly paints his face blue, readying himself to crush the Gelimarssons in the field of battle.
  3. "Gott mit uns!" Exclaimed Anselm Barclay, as he made sure to be prepared for this grand assembly.
  4. "The darkspawn shall be driven out, for these lands are now under the protection of the Princes in Reinmar. Wer rastet, der rostet!" Exclaimed a young Barclay whilst looking at the missive, before returning to his training with Ser Siegmund.
  5. On a serious note, my first ever character that's the most memorable is Augustus Skynor when I first got myself into LoTC. Joined during the last 5 IRP years of the Empire of Man, just before the War of Two Emperors began. Shortly after, I had joined the Imperial Legion of Renatus and partook in the war against the Holy Orenian Empire. I must say it was mostly a time of gooning, and I didn't mind it at the time. I also did lots of paper's please larp, with gate duty being my favourite thing to do back then, I even had ZacClay come over the gates whilst he was live streaming. I'd say one of the other best characters in the past has been Theophilos Komnenos-Arianites, born a bastard he dedicated his life to the church by becoming a holy knight of the Order of All-Saints and soon after the Supreme Order of Ex. Owyn. I had lots of interesting RP with him, including the banishment of a poltergeist in the Basilica in Karosgrad alongside Harald and others, you should probably remember that one as well, as you were a BSK soldier at the time. Though, there was also quite the amount of drama, since I was a member of the curia during Draeris' pontificate, which was rather controversial. Nonetheless, I went on to enjoy the RP trying to not pay much attention to the OOC shenanigans going on. Shortly after the Diet of Karosgrad happened, I retired and went on to gain a barony under Sutica which didn't really go according to plans, but I suppose it was worth giving a shot. As of now, I really enjoy playing Anselm Barclay, and I have some great plans to achieve several milestones with him.
  6. The title says it all, throw them questions.
  7. Anselm listened intently to Alfred's advice. The young boy still recovering from a fresh wound he had received in a recent fight against a group of brigands. "I ought to be at all times." He noted to himself, as he strived to become more accustomed to the term.
  8. IGN: dmitri2k RP Name: Anselm Barclay Persona ID: 86667
  9. "Wer Rastet, der Rostet!" Exclaimed a Georg Leopold Barclay, brother to the Duke Emeritus Manfred of Reinmar, banging a fist on his chest. Meanwhile, Anselm Barclay was still coping with the recent death of his father Leutwin, though his visage grew a soft smile upon hearing this good news.
  10. Anselm, Leutwin's youngest son wandered about Minitz, unaware yet of his father's demise. After some time, he went to look for him all over the streets, though quickly grew a worried expression. His eyes became teary once finding out the truth of his father's fate from the various gossips, the youngling not able to contain the sudden rush of emotions. "Papa..?" Is all he could mutter.
  11. "It's been a long and tiring reign, dear brother. You deserve the retirement." Manfred's younger brother, Georg Leopold Barclay exclaimed with a soft smile.
  12. "Long live our noble Duke!" Exclaimed Georg Leopold Barclay seeing his older brother's ascension.
  13. Likewise, probably. Just have to get some things sorted before I come up with ideas on what to do.
  14. So, does this mean you're considering coming back once again?
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