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Everything posted by Phersades

  1. Bid: 17 usd, 25 usd Skin: Chocolate Mousse, Berry Tart Discord: Catalina#8540 @CaffeinatedCrow@captain delta
  2. Nikolai Mikhail smiled as he read through the campaign. "Such a dobry lady, yam sure her sestra en mamej would be so proud of her, ea do niet see why she wouldn't deserve such a position."
  3. Bid: 15 usd, 22 usd Skin: Chocolate Mousse, Berry Tart Discord: Catalina#8540
  4. Bid: 15 usd, 15 usd Skin: Chocolate Mousse, Berry Tart Discord: Catalina#8540 @_mady07 @captain delta
  5. Rhaella Ashwood would pack up the items she had in her apartment, ready to move to yet another home, one of many for her in her lifetime thus far.. She pressed her lips thin for a moment in thought as she picked each leather-bound book up and placed it in a basket... She signed this agreement aye, but what future would come of it? She heard her daughters speaking in the background, children grow fast don't they? With that she smiled softly "Remember girls, it will be far colder than we are used to.. So be sure to pack and dress well.." We will see, but hope was all she could have, especially in times like these.
  6. "SaY ShIt AnaD vY gEt Hit NiKoLaIi" The man mocked his sister, that childish act never going away when it came to his siblings "En vy call eam irrational like vy do niet encourage en support eam, vy advocate for the chaos... Do niet play innocent." He mused, heading elsewhere now.. Probably to gossip to Shortcake the Bull over the Hearsay article. Shortcake liked the drama.
  7. Nikolai Mikhail Kortrevich sighed softly as he read through this edition of Hearsay. He wasn't UPSET by the contents, though he did take note of the discussion on Vladrik's silence regarding the Duel. "Eh.. Nie- Et just means he es afraid, en Lady Margot es niet around to write up a response for him." The man noted to his sister while she sat at the dining hall table.. He watched her as he read the rest of the section on their family.. "They are niet wrong about our house bein en ruins, ea can niet even give mea lady keys to a keep she vill be livin en soon- Bitter, arrogance" The youngest Kortrevich mumbled to himself "Ye vell, try dealin vith Vladrik en vy tell eam how long et takes for vy to be bitter, goin on twenty-three years... Even the best of us have a breakin' point" He shook his head a little and set down the missive on the table as he walked around it, looking at the family heirlooms and paintings that lined the walls. "Ea do niet know vhy vy are so complacent, Eme." His turned to her with a smile "Yam sure ea could just come up vith the best rumors about vy to tip em off to for the next edition."
  8. Discord Tag: Catalina#8540 Ign: Phersades Skin Name: Girlie Goth Bids: 350 (Buyout)
  9. Reupdated my character list, down with the De Falstaff and rise of the Rutledge. 


  10. Nikolai Mikhail Kortrevich would sigh as the news reached him. All he could think of was just one less person to turn to when things got hard, and he hoped all the Bishops we're dealing with this well, but he would check in on the children periodically just to be sure.
  11. Nikolai Mikhail Kortrevich simply laughed as he got the missive, setting it down on the table of his office. The young man rolled his eye as he mumbled to the pet Orangutan that sat in the chair across from him, playing with some office item. "Pumpkin, vy en ea both know why et took them this long en why ets only getting done now.." The boy snorted again in laughter, excited for upcoming events involving the Ludovars. The orangutan did not comment, not like she could. Not like she cared. Her only focus was the coal pencil in her hand.
  12. A CHALLENGE To Komit Vladrik Otto Kortrevich With Duty, Comes Honor The death of my father left all of House Kortrevich struck with grief, and the faith of the family uncertain. It was clear that after the regency of the widowed Countess, my brother Vladrik would take the position of Patriarch. He was given little time to prepare for this position, but even after over a decade of rule he has run House Kortrevich into the ground. Whatever the reason for my brothers absence is his own, and I feel for him whatever his situation may be but the matter at hand is the state of House Kortrevich and the future of our bloodline, our county, and the dignity we hold as a family. Over the last said decade, me and my sisters have been given no direction, no guidance, and he has represented our family seldom, leaving that solely in the hands of my sisters and I, as well as his wife, the komitas Lady Margot Kortrevich; A woman who finds titles to be something to throw around in the faces of others when she does not get her way. Regardless, Vladrik’s absence from his duties as the patriarch of House Kortrevich has been detrimental to our growth. On top of this, His lack of commitment to the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, especially during times of conflict, is only harming the reputation of House Kortrevich. I love my brother dearly, I do not wish for this message to come off the wrong way, but I, as well as many others can agree that the strength of our noble houses is important as we look towards the future of the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and deal with the war raging outside of our walls. The history of House Kortrevich is one that is deeply woven and intertwined with that of our precious kingdom. It is only right that as the children of the late Komit Jan begin to enter their twenties that they not only have someone to look to for strength and confidence, but have an attentive leader, brother, and patriarch all together. My focus is the future of my family and the legacy that we continue to leave behind, and that should start now, not when it is convenient for others. To Vladrik Otto Kortrevich, I challenge you to a duel over the position of Patriarch of House Kortrevich. Should you fail to accept this challenge, then Karosgrad will know of your cowardice. Should you accept this duel and lose, I will become the new Patriarch of House Kortrevich. Should I lose, you may banish me from the family and all its holdings if that is what you so please. A time, location, and any extra details shall be discussed at your earliest convenience. Signed, His Lordship, Nikolai Mikhail Kortrevich
  13. Nikolai Mikhail Kortrevich, once hearing of the news would begin to prepare his horse within the stables of Jerovitz. The boy had a lot to currently focus on, but to him, finding Lady Elizabeth now took the most priority. He cared much for the girl born of one eye, and as he left his home, he told himself that he would not come back until she was found by any searching party, or himself.
  14. Rhaella Othan-Ashwood would read this news over as she laid in bed, waiting for her health to improve. As her husband entered the room, she shook her head a little as she lowered the missive "It's odd to call the Elvendom our allies after all these years... At least it's odd to me. Regardless, I will not say I'm not thankful for their stepping up.."
  15. Upon being told of Anya's death, the young Kortrevich would seem to have fallen heartbroken. He slowly moved to sit somewhere nearby as he mourned the De Astrea he has known and been close friends with for years now. He trusted her, and cared for her deeply... The servants who told him of the news asked if he needed anything from them in this trying and hurtful time, though he remembered hearing their gossip from behind closed doors, and in his anger and pain, he would have answered simply through a hushed tone "Ea.. Would just like to be left alone." - ..Though unknown to anyone else but the boy himself, earlier that morning, before the news even had the chance to be delivered to him through the grapevine, he had already received a letter from a Lady Adelaide.. The contents within the letter would settle, giving him some ease of mind from the situation that has taken place over the last few saints days.
  16. I feel this on a deeper level.
  17. IGN: Phersades Character Name: Nikolai Mikhail Kortrevich Age: Seventeen Place of Residence / Street Address: The County of Jerovitz Position: Alderman
  18. Nikolai Mikhail Kortrevich, though born of high nobility, did not have the best of luck early on. Though he was not always the closest with his siblings from the youngest age, nor his parents, he still knew they loved him. He knew, even if it took him years to realize, that the harsh decisions made by his father, though hurtful, was in Nikolais best interest, and kept him safe early on in his curses. He still remembers it like it was yesterday, being told of his father's death by his sister Emelya as they sat in the Ruins. The hands of the tiny eight year old tightening in anger, grief settling in. Of course, he thought, it had to be his father Godan took. Even now, at Seventeen, Nikolai would often think of his father. Sadness overtaking him as he remembered that Jan never got to meet Nikolai's betrothed, Guinevera... Or got to be there for his future grandchildren, or see the accomplishments of the other Kortrevich children. However, Nikolai did hope that when his own time came, the life ahead of him will have been enough to make his father proud. Ooc note:
  19. Rhaella Ashwood would have been enjoying her night on the balcony that was attached to her and Ziraths room.. the children asleep inside the home. She felt oddly at peace for the first time in weeks despite war now raging outside the walls. With a soft sigh, the woman thought over her future, and the battles she would fight along side her husband, her family, her friends... Though, in the middle of her quiet time, she heard her husband scream something about war. Dramatic. "ZIRATH, THE CHILDREN ARE SLEEPIN'. GO AND SCREAM ELSEWHERE!"
  20. Rhaella Ashwood would have left the dwed meeting with a migraine, only to return home and be met with a missive addressed to the clans of her and her husband's people. Slowly, her eyes travelled across the paper and with each word she grew more enraged at the words the imperial had written. She liked him, truly, and tolerated the imperial elves who sought their attention. However, this crossed a line. Rhaella was older than her husband, and had been doing this a lot longer than he. She had seen such egotistical behaviour from the past imperial Mali who withered away... She had seen it from enemies who extended a masked hand that spoke of help but was truly an attempt to rid the realm of her and her people.. "In Oren, I have been given the opportunity as a Mali to rise to the pinnacles of leadership, and Mali Ker, Ame, and Aheral sit on the Diet, and in the upper echelons of our government. We actually have a say in our taxes, our wars, and our laws." She muttered, reading over his words again. "Nie.. In Oren, you have been led to believe all of this for security. It worked, you have your land and believe they care for you.. and now you are their pets within wooden walls, like cattle. Once your job is done, they will get rid of you.." The Mali'ker woman was sure she did not want war, she hoped she would have time to speak to her Kin who sat within the walls built by the imperial elves... But no longer was this an option it seemed, and whether or not her beloved husband the Archon would.. Rhaellas mind had changed, and she wanted nothing more than to pick up a sword and those firebombs a particular baroness spoke of. (Ill write a more proper missive later)
  21. Rhaella Ashwood would sigh softly upon hearing of his death. Kallian, an ex-love of hers, had hurt her so, but despite this fact his death did not bring her any joy. However, the loss of her friend was one of many she had experienced and was certainly the least painful.
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