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Status Updates posted by Haseroth

  1. Aeldinic imperial invasion eventline

    1. Islamadon


      aeldin has no desire to invade a continent of wizards elves and weirdos when they have yet to conquer to their own continent wholly

    2. Haseroth


      5 hours ago, Islamadon said:

      aeldin has no desire to invade a continent of wizards elves and weirdos when they have yet to conquer to their own continent wholly

      make it so, the aeldin lore is distant and old.. Update the timeline, make it so.. Save us from magical antags.

  2. All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    1. wolfdwg


      ppl to scared to fight each other, another warless summer.

  3. imagine needing magic to fight evil, LOL

    1. Java17



    2. ContestedSnow
  4. Goofy mod team!

  5. nah bruh, free satin

  6. Seeing some of the names on that wheel is very disappointing.

    1. FadedMoonlight


      Allegedly at least two of the people on that wheel were put on there without their consent or knowledge 

    2. Diogen


      tadabug and tavalicious @FadedMoonlight

  7. can someone explain to me why people consider Frost witches to be broken/bad lore? I've genuinely no clue because ive never interacted with one in the 9 years ive been on here.

    1. Agy


      The best way would be to just read the lore itself, but I suppose a quicker more effective method would be to look at the latest batch of amendments that have been made for the CA within the past 2~ months. I would advise reading the "Purpose" of each one to get an idea of SOME of the issues that plague the CA in its current write.

      A quick summary of the issues addressed in each amendment would be:



      - A Dark CA with a Dark Magic that is dependent on minecraft biomes, being crippled if outside of any region that is already cold (Being the only amendments that has been accepted so far.)


      - Only non-CRP focused tools for creating any manner of RP are curses that only work when you are not disguised and provide lack luster effects or 'cured food' creations that has too little choices to do anything unique

      - Following the restrictions to never exit any already frozen regions, as well as requiring to do an entire ritual requiring other witches to heal mere slashes and scrapes, that if not healed could lead to the witch bleeding out. With said rituals reaching ridiculous amounts of efforts as well as needing an entirely other Witch to assist for what would be naturally healed by mortal characters and taking efforts that boggle the mind to replace a single limb at a time.

      - Being soft-PK should they be killed by decapitation/burning, thus requiring an entire ritual of a Frost Mother, another witch and an entire descendant female corpse. To revive what has otherwise been every single Witch death within this year, there has yet to be a single death from a method that didn't result to a Soft-PK. Thus making any risk taking such as battles extremely risky since it means that should you perish, your fellow players will need to go on an entire hunt to revive you.

      - Frost Mothers, the endgame of the CA, taking up 5 Magic Slots and being required in ALL Fjarriagua rituals that are responsible for the very maintenance of the CA, as well as the cursing of new witches... Is an active debuff in every sense of the word. 
      They get exposed more easily, they have the strength of a voidal mage while their magic does not get any stronger at all, they get a single new CRP ability that is purely dependent on the Mother having other witches around her and that once is finished being casted, results in her being knocked out.  And the entirey of the CA depends on people being forced to become Frost Mothers or else your coven, if not the CA goes extinct.



      Edited by Agy
      forgot to spoiler the big ol' thingy...
  8. i see this place still deals with pedos on the weekly. sad.

  9. I'm about to say the D word

  10. cant believe the admins are such racismic....

  11. ye? Remember when mog offered to buy lotc and tythus refused, now server has one dev and staff incapable of handling crisises.. maybe this wouldnt have happened if the devs were paid by someone who has money like a certain oil baron?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      1 minute ago, nevy40 said:


      You need to stop leaking IPs, teleporting people, and abusing your power frequently

      no bro

    3. monkeypoacher


      u guys remember warlords?

    4. Haseroth


      Yeah you guys are right current administration is doing a good job and the server is definitely not going to ****. Gotta love waiting minutes for the chunk infront of me to load.

  12. c512de8c428899d30372ee3a3b968d93.gif

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Haseroth


      no this is new technology test calabreeni, its 2 thanhium atoms creating a molecular bond with a draconium atom. very very deadly.

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      when can we expect this to hit the market for regular consumers like me 

    4. Haseroth


      as soon as we get nexus 2.0

  13. rip the orcs for the 1000th time irrinor gonna die next?

  14. @MordskovFanboy did u delete ur post or did the mods gas it?

    1. IsaaKc


      Had it taken down.

  15. @Zacho hello friends, you forgot to add a ! next to aegorthond in the activity post.

  16. wheres the updated activity data, come on it cant be that hard to copy paste data from a google doc over to a forum post

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaelan


      It’s actually somewhat complex... And it comes out tonight to give everyone a full week of data. Week isn’t over!

    3. Haseroth


      3 hours ago, Hiebe said:

      You really dont know how it works.

      you are wrong, i have foresight.

    4. Legoboy7984


      95% of the charters about to be wiped it seems.

  17. 90% of the people who are signing nation applications dont even live there lmfao this system is clearly broken

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FreeHongKong


      Who knew that the same old **** would happen again if we brought freebuild back? Golly, I sure didn’t! If only we as a player base were capable of remembering previous maps with anything but rose tinted sunglasses.

    3. Skyrunner


      It’s a hell of a time when someone you don’t know asks you to sign their nation application. Also I could have sworn that there was a requirement that forced activity to be those who actually signed it.

    4. Potts244


      Funny thing is Haseroth is that signatures on a nation application mean literally nothing. All that matters is their activity data to become a nation. So they could have 1000 signatures but if they have low activity they won’t become a nation.

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