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Everything posted by Sarven

  1. Yvian traced the lorraine across his cuirass and spoke a prayer for the fallen monarch, for it was through his courageous actions that the late Herzog Leon I was not felled at the hands of backstabbing Orcs during the times of Cloudbreaker. "May GOTT grace du, und grant safe passage to the seven skies." he'd speak candidly afterwards, a sense of sorrow and gratitude befalling him.
  2. CT will be off map, next map though
  3. I am very much for being able to build on or around roads. Having roadside caravans, taverns, stalls or other such helps with the mercantile aspects of roleplay, adds some cool flavour. Being able to blockade a road, though I am mixed on this, a positive I see is that, encourages the player to then seek other ways to get to their destination that otherwise they would have never gone. If the mountain pass is blocked, then the player could head through another nation and enter a different way. Through that there is more exploration and then people visit more places that otherwise they would have never known about.
  4. "To roundhouse kick an Adrian, to punt an Adrian, slam a door in an Adrians face, as one noble Sir Ludolf once said..." Yvian mused, though gritting his teeth all the same as the funeral was interrupted.
  5. "Finally, Greg has realized their devilish ways. Darkspawn worshipers..." The traveler gave a single nod of affirmation as they went on with selling their wares.
  6. "Hhrmpf, Ich thought Amaethea did nicht exist anymore..." the traveler would comment as he'd go to make his way past the posted missive. "Imagine supporting darkspawn devils, Feh! Couldn't be me! May GOTT strike them all... oh and the Adilers too.." he'd muse.
  7. "Ich wonder what side the mercenaries will choose, will they speak falsehoods und proclaim their 'undying loyalties' once more?" The Herrenmeister mused.
  8. The Herrenmeister stood right of the Katzak, observing with a lofted brow at the preachings of the old rag of a man. As the declaration of "OUT!" was given, with a simple waft of the hand, ritters went to approach the apostle who spoke of folly.
  9. Just wanted to say, very based pfp

    1. Andustar


      Many thanks! For the Lady!

  10. Yvian bowed his head in prayer before the altar, speaking a prayer for the holy man. So that he may pass on peacefully into the seven skies
  11. I make sure to put on my coat and move my laptop into the snow when in Haense
  12. Really cool finally seeing more Marine-like spooky things in lotc!
  13. "Mein GOTT! As Minitzer this cannot stand! As an Inquisitor this shan't stand!" Yvian proclaimed, going to ready his blades and speak his prayers.
  14. Sir Yvian Galken traced the lorraine over his breastplate, for he owed much to the now since passed Herzog. His duties and loyal fervor long since re-affirmed and solidified for Sir Brandt, once a squire of his order, now the liege lord and Grossmeister.
  15. Yvian offered a solemn salute to the prince "GOTT Mit Uns, may your soul find rest within the seven skies, your spirit for the maritime shan't be forgotten in vain."
  16. REFORMEN DES ORDENS DES HEILIGEN TYLOS REFORMS OF THE ORDER OF SAINT TYLOS Issued by the Order of Saint Tylos in the year of our Lord 1919 SÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON MINITZ, In recent months I have seen stagnation befall the Order of Saint Tylos, laws and rules are muddied, trials, unclear or rushed through. I have taken time to reflect upon the state of the Knight Order and so the time has come. A time for change is long overdue and as the words of Minitz decree “Wer Rastet, Der Rostet” we must not rust and fall to our vices, languishing in sloth. Thus is it proposed that the SEVENTH Trial of the TRIALS OF THE ORDER be amended; "The Kanun is the guide and creed of the law of Minitz, as Ritters of the faire people of Minitz it is our duty to uphold it and pass judgment. The current limitations have held back and made the squire dawdle, therefore it is proposed that mock trials be instated as a more effective and efficient way of teaching the squire of his most sanctified creed." Thus voted the Ritters of the Council: JA Amendment to the Trial of Justice Yvian Ritter Galken Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Robert Ritter Stroheim Ludolf Ritter Barclay Andreas Ritter Ironsword Peter Ritter Stroheim NEIN No amendments to the Trial of Justice (None) ABSTAIN (None) "Approved, the Squire will no longer dally for months or perhaps even years on end, waiting for criminals to rear their ugly rears." Thus is it proposed that the SECOND Trial of the TRIALS OF THE ORDER be amended; "The faith of Canon is of unparalleled importance as we live our lives through the graces of GOTT. It is proposed that the squire is to undergo a second part to the Trial of Faith, whereas they are to take and pass an examination under the oversight of a priest." Thus voted the Ritters of the Council: JA Amendment to the Trial of Faith Yvian Ritter Galken NEIN No amendments to the Trial of Faith Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Robert Ritter Stroheim Ludolf Ritter Barclay Andreas Ritter Ironsword Peter Ritter Stroheim ABSTAIN (None) "Rejected, the Ritters should already be instilled during his tribulations as a pilgrim." Thus is it proposed that a new, ELEVENTH Trial of the TRIALS OF THE ORDER be added; "To know strategy is of great importance, to be able to command and direct men on the field of battle is of paramount importance. It is proposed that a Trial of Tactics be added to learn." Thus voted the Ritters of the Council: JA Addition of the Trial of Tactics Yvian Ritter Galken NEIN No Adding of the Trial of Tactics Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Robert Ritter Stroheim Ludolf Ritter Barclay Andreas Ritter Ironsword Peter Ritter Stroheim ABSTAIN (None) "Rejected, the Ritters duty is to be a well honed tool not to be one of strategy but to be the one of action." Thus is it proposed that a limit of 10 Ritters be instilled with the ORDER OF SAINT TYLOS; "To be a Ritter is an utmost prestige and honour, such should be heralded throughout the realm and likewise bloat should be prevented so as to maintain the Orders prestige." Thus voted the Ritters of the Council: JA Addition of Limitations (None) NEIN No Addition of Limitations Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Robert Ritter Stroheim Ludolf Ritter Barclay Andreas Ritter Ironsword Peter Ritter Stroheim Yvian Ritter Galken ABSTAIN (None) "Rejected, to do such is to stifle growth, instead a proposal of stricter regulations has been implemented. For a son or daughter of Minitz to be a Squire such must be agreed upon in vote, and likewise for the knighting of a Squire to Ritter." Thus is it proposed that the ORDER OF SAINT TYLOS be wholly divorced from THEODERICS WARBAND; "The muddying and distrust of ranks between Ritter and Warrior of the Warband has recently proclaimed itself most loudly and such this ought to be rectified. It is proposed that the Order and Warband are completely divorced from one another, neither has sway over the other, with Herrenhaus positions being the exception." Thus voted the Ritters of the Council: JA Divorce of Order and Warband Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Robert Ritter Stroheim Ludolf Ritter Barclay Andreas Ritter Ironsword Peter Ritter Stroheim Yvian Ritter Galken NEIN No Divorce of Order and Warband (None) ABSTAIN (None) "Approved. Separation to prevent the clouding ranks." Thus is it proposed that Ritters of the ORDER OF SAINT TYLOS be given the requirement; "Remember our creed, ‘Wer Rastet, Der Rostet’, to rest is to rust and such, is to not be tolerated. It is proposed that should a Squire or Ritter become inactive for more than three weeks without notice then they are to return their Cross of Tylos and leave the Order." Thus voted the Ritters of the Council: JA Addition of Activity Requirements Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Robert Ritter Stroheim Ludolf Ritter Barclay Andreas Ritter Ironsword Peter Ritter Stroheim Yvian Ritter Galken NEIN No Addition of Activity Requirements (None) ABSTAIN (None) "Approved. We need not the inactive, we need not those who dull their blades." Thus is it proposed that Ritters of the ORDER OF SAINT TYLOS be given the restriction; "To maintain good confidence and prevent bias in the justice system, Ritters cannot judge a fellow Ritter and that a Kastellan may not hold a position in the Herrenhaus aside from Herrenmeister. It is proposed that Ritters " Thus voted the Ritters of the Council: JA Amendment to the Judging of Ritter upon Ritter and Kastelan Duties (None) NEIN No Amendment to the Judging of Ritter upon Ritter and Kastelan Duties Maxwell Ritter ad Landren Robert Ritter Stroheim Ludolf Ritter Barclay Yvian Ritter Galken ABSTAIN Peter Ritter Stroheim Andreas Ritter Ironsword "Rejected. A battle brother should be able to judge his brothers in arms as he is able to his own family and Ritters of competence should be rewarded for such and not held back by meaningless restrictions." WER RASTET, DER ROSTET, His Excellency, Yvian Ritter Galken HMSTSR Herrenmeister of the Order of Saint Tylos the Stallion of Reinmar, Kastellan of the Ostturm His Grace, Brandt Wilheim Barclay Herzog von Minitz GMSTSR Duke of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald and Brandthof, Lord of Durres, Protector of the Aaunic Heartlands, Chief of the Minitzian Reinmaren
  17. "May the whoreson be judged for his crimes, blood for Barclay.." The Minitzer gritted his teeth.
  18. "Truly an 'upstanding' Adrian." Yvian read the missive in disgust. "To kill the Adrian is the most holy and devout of duties, let this nicht be forgotten."
  19. Yvian saluted his fellow Knight-Commander
  20. "NOOOOOOOOO!!" Yvian would cry out, a depression befalling him almost immediately
  21. Yvian saluted his fellow comrades of Canondom "GOTT Mit Uns!"
  22. "Ploughin' backstabbing knife ears.." Yvian would grit his teeth, then signing the lorraine as he spoke a soft prayer for Wick "Gott mit uns, it was an honour to fight as your side."
  23. A solemn demeanor befell Yvian that day as he toiled about his workings and duties, a sense of unease had plagued him "It has been a while... since Henry has come to see us."
  24. Yvian took the missive from Karl @Deets squinting at the missive as he'd then let out a slight chortle "Huh, groveling already?"
  25. Truly awe inspiring to see such 'stellar' and 'exemplary' individuals

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